Location-Locked Google Video Sifts...

It's not a persistent problem (only noticed it once before): but what's the official line on region-locked Google Videos?

The Ascent of man Sift is another example - where the Google user has denied specific geographical areas from watching. Unfortunately, those Sifters in the barred areas of the world can't stream it from the server...so it's dead to them.

As anonymous web-proxies don't handle Flash video, there's no other easy way (I can think of) to bypass this option. Any opinions out there on this? And i especially welcome anyone with another work-around to Googles geographical IP range ban.
Krupo says...

Yeah, it irritates me; ideally we should hunt down and discover a Firefox plug-in which 'fixes' this problem...

Until then, I suppose it's wise to warn people when you notice this is an issue, to avoid accidental *-dead flaggings.

benjee says...

Also, I assume videos that are changed to 'Private' / 'Invitation Only' are as good as dead? Although, if a YouTube FLV is changed to non-embedable only...I'd let it off - as it can still be viewed (just directly on YouTube, not VideoSift).

silvercord says...

Thanks, Farhad. That's what I was thinking. If a video suddenly becomes unembeddable we could download the vid and repost it on the "official" Siftserve account on the host.

Just typing out loud.

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