Irony at it's finest.

Creepy "Support the Minutemen" sticker: $0 (at the gun show). Mindless "Support the Troops" magnetic ribbon: $1.50 (plus trillions for the war you probably supported). Misspelling the central concept in your sad right-wing rant on language: Priceless!
Razor says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
What's so sad about a push to standardize a national language? If you're going to be a citizen, speak the damn language of the nation you live in.

Just another way to insight prejudice. Why are so many people ready to jump down someone's throat if they have an accent? Or have difficulty speaking English, which is arguably one of the hardest languages as a second to learn and incredibly fucked up?

It's sad because of how that push is used... an excuse to treat people as second class because they struggle with a language, regardless of there fluency and intelligence in another.

Besides, if everyone knew English shit like this would never happen =)

westyrules says...

MarineGunrock, the English called, they want their language back, they say they can allow you to speak French as a stopgap measure while you build Americanese from bits of Spanish, Gaelic, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, Swedish, German and Russian. Or you can learn the language of the indigenous people of your continent, your choice.

btw it's "nation in which you live"... not "nation you live in"... there, corrected that for you, but i'm not sure you can live in a nation, i think you can only be a part of a nation, so it should be "nation of which you are a part" or "state which granted your citizenship" kthxbai

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