I am getting fake videosift SPAM

I've been getting spam from a gmail account that's pretending to be videosift.

It refers to a video I posted a while ago. It was sent to the email account listed with my videosift profile. you know, that email account that videosift says "Only admins will see this email."

How in the world did that info leak out to a spammer?

the actual message I got is below. Don't click that link, I don't know what it goes to, but it's probably bad.

- - - - - - - - - -

Greetings from VideoSift!

This message is to inform you that ownership of your video titled 'Amazing Computer Animation - "The Hunt"' has been transferred to member plastiquemonkey. To view this video, visit the following address:


- Siftbot

joedirt says...

Not to fear.

This appears to be a domain testing thing. [redacted].com is registered to Lucky, and I imagine some of his testing for v3.0 has cross pollinated into some scripts, and instead of picking up the main domain (videosift.com) it picked up his domain by accident.

Not really a spammer, the message is what you would normally get with those emails enabled in your profile (except s/{{REDACTED}}/videosift/)

So... that is unless Lucky is planning a coup and corrupted siftbot to do his bidding.

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