How do you try for a second time through the unsifted queue?

I've seen videos go through the unsifted queue more than once. I posted a video (benny lava) that got 7 votes, and wanted to send it through again (it got discarded). But what I tried didn't work. I realize I'm working from ignorance here, and perhaps what I am trying to do isn't ok. Please, someone tell me what the rules are, and if the rules allow it, how I can try to stretch my 7 votes to 10...
raven says...

hmmm... well, before 3.0 there would have been nothing you could do about it except hope that some goldstar was nice and came along and *saved it.

Now, however, I think you might be able to use the *requeue command... at least according to:

although I've yet to invoke this one so I can't attest to its actual magic. So maybe someone else can answer this one better. But that link leads to all the invocations you can make as a member, star benefits, etc.

lucky760 says...

Hi Oxdottir-

This is the perfect place to ask such questions, especially if there are other members unsure of what to do. Fyi, there's also a reference to it in the FAQ.

As Raven said, you can invoke on any of your queued videos once they have been queued for at least two days. I see that you just tried, but it was already discarded, and that's why it faild. I went ahead and changed your video back to queued, so you can *requeue it now (before SiftBot discards it again).

looris says...

hint: if video has at least 5 votes, if you can wait until it almost reached 4 days, because between 3rd and 4th day it will likely be in "top15 expiring soon" and get some more votes.

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