Graphical Banner ads which make me feel sick


So anyway I know I am very sensitive to ads on the internet, and some people don't care, but I reached my limit with the "eczema miracle cream" banner.

Really, a baby's face covered in eczema? Linked to a site that seems to be selling some nondescript "magic" potion?

It's fucking disgusting actually, and literally makes me feel sick every time I see it, in so many ways.

I had eczema btw. I am not eczemist! And I wouldn't mind if it was a text ad, i guess that would only be half bad.

So I am now blocking the graphics. No you still can't have $10, i literally don't have it right now, and I am not sure I would give it to people who run bullshit ads with disfigured baby pictures on them, even if it would mean I personally didn't have to see the ads. That's basically paying the mafia to not smash up my bar.

Extreme? maybe. hence the opportunity to Sift Talk about it....
choggie says...

yesterday, I experienced the banner adds on the front page, and I have payed for the charter from the beginning....I was signed in, but had recently changed my password...

james or dag.....What is the charge for charter membership.....I can't find it on my CC bill half the time....I forget, is it monthly, quarterly, what??? I tried to find the link to membership dues, but could not.....perhaps place this at the top of the banner add?? Oh wait, you probly do, and I can't see it, being charter.....

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Choggie - are you saying that you are seeing ads even when you are signed in? That should not be happening. Let us know if it persists. If someone can give us a URL for the crappy ad- We can block it.

MINK says...

so... every time there's a crappy ad we tell you and you block each one individually by hand?

but... they're all crappy really. i've blocked them all so i won't see them any more and therefore can't tell you about them. if i unblock them, i will see them, and feel sick again.

anyway it's only my 2 cents, i don't expect you to redesign the site around my personal tastes in advertising. but they do suck.

Fletch says...

11¢/day, minus the 2¢ you already contribute, and it's a ridiculously good bargain.

Not much to ask for your health. Then again, you could always go someplace else and snivel. I wonder if YouTube would personally entertain the complaints of every swinging dick who could fill in the blanks on the sign-up page. I doubt you'd cough up the dough even if the admins here were so kind to bend over backwards for you and make everything just the way you want it, so don't make an ad you may find offensive an alibi, and then cry like a bitch here in SiftTalk. No ads is a benefit of charter membership. You don't want ads? You know how to get there. No one is forcing you to participate, "hence", your bar is safe.

I'm sure the admins will disagree and tell you that they want to know if any Sifter or visitor is offended by any ads that appear here and they will do all they can to make sure that your experience here isn't marred by any offensive content, including ads. But I'm not an admin. So, bugger off.

I hope that didn't offend your sensitivities or give you the vapors.

Extreme? Maybe. But you wanted to SiftTalk.

Woland says...

Hey MINK, I agree with you that a lot of advertising is sick and evil, and I hope you realize my post was a joke (I rely too much on emoticons to carry my meaning), but if you brought the issue up, please do continue to discuss it; you've obviously got support.

Don't go away because of us obnoxious snits. I was simply trying to expound on Fletch's point that this is a voluntary community and the admins are working to make it a happy one, and Farhad's that advertising is a necessary evil; yet we all have to suspend some sensitivities when we see shit we don't like here.

If it matters, I've voted for almost all of your video posts, so my comment was simply a joke to make a point, not any particular statement against you.

Hope you stick around.

MINK says...

lol my comment could have been a joke too...

Fletch I don't have to answer, let's just say if the miracle cream guys self linked then you would all crucify them, and rightly so.

But Farhad you should realise I said text ads were fine, and I didn't even "cry" about the graphical ads until this utter filth showed up. And remember, I work here. If you said no ads for gold members, I'd probably work even harder. Heck, if the ads weren't so crappy I might turn them on and sometimes click on them... wouldn't that be an idea?

Fletch says...

I was inaccurate in my comment.

You aren't like a bar owner. You're more like a regular customer who never tips, eats all the peanuts and pretzels, and then bitches there is too much country music on the jukebox.

Self-link? Where? Let me at 'em!

MINK says...

lmao... i got another great piece of lithuanian action for when my queue clears.

but anyway i know it's easy to read this all as a retarded attack on a free service but whatever.

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