Good morning! And in case I don't see you ... etc etc
Well, good bye my fellows sifters. Browsing this site was awesome. Trying to participate was even more fun. But the time has come for me to leave (a lot of work awaits me ... i mean, a LOT. Perhaps one day you'll heard about me
I'd like to thank so many persons in there, first for their great personality, and also for their patience when dealing with my crappy english (yeah, i'm french, you can throw me rotten tomatoes).
My first thought comes to Dag, our patriarch, the guardian of this civilized part of the internet
Then come to many people : Kronoposeidon, who is a delightful person, through his sifts and his comments, Choggie (yeah, you're reading well) who is the needed harsh counterpart of the community
, JTZ, dystopian, the almighty ant, Farhad, farting Blankfist, and the sweet Laura, LadyDeath and Persephone.
Oh ! I can't cite you all. A huge part of this community is great (even BillO which comments are so funny, even there're not their intention
Just keep on doing your stuff guys and gals, 'cause you're doing it well.
Cya later, I hope you'll still be there \o/

I'd like to thank so many persons in there, first for their great personality, and also for their patience when dealing with my crappy english (yeah, i'm french, you can throw me rotten tomatoes).
My first thought comes to Dag, our patriarch, the guardian of this civilized part of the internet

Then come to many people : Kronoposeidon, who is a delightful person, through his sifts and his comments, Choggie (yeah, you're reading well) who is the needed harsh counterpart of the community

Oh ! I can't cite you all. A huge part of this community is great (even BillO which comments are so funny, even there're not their intention

Just keep on doing your stuff guys and gals, 'cause you're doing it well.
Cya later, I hope you'll still be there \o/
Don't be a stranger, monsieur. You can find time every now and then, can't you? Do your best. We'll miss ya.
Farewell, and good luck with your endeavors. Also, the full picture to your avatar picture thingy is awesome.
We'll be here when the works all done, with a cat video and a controversy or 3
so, you opted for the red pill, huh? good luck in rl and don't forget about us losers
Another fine soul leaving? Le crap.
Well, best of luck in your endeavours, whatever they may be, and do hop back in once in a while. We'll be missing you.
So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodbye.
Au revoir.
What's that at the end? A vagina?
I give it a week.
Maybe two weeks, but no more.

When "real life" doesn't work out, we'll be here.
Later dude, I'll miss that avatar.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Fare thee well. Fare thee well. I might need to get the license plate RLSUX. Though I'm also partial to S1FT3R
why was he banned?
^ oh, the irony.
(in case something changes, here's a screencap:
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