From The Sift Bag O'Hate Mail

So as the site has gotten larger we have occasionally received hate mail about the site. I do my best to respond politely to these, but we got one today from a user who gave us a fake email address. So I thought I would share it with you guys, as well as my response. Maybe he will come across it, maybe not, but at the very least it will give you guys a view of some of the things we deal with behind the scenes as well as give me a platform to attempt to respond. His message is quoted below in it's entirety, and then following it is my response.

Did a little sorting and searching. Apart from car crashes, some sort of lesbian teasing, beer commercials and lots of profanity style comedians, all you have is stuff that makes conservatives look foolish. Kinda juvenile, really. I'll just go back to Youtube, then. Thanks.

My Response:

The power of the sift is that you can join up and try to change things, we have quite a few conservative posters, one of the more vocal being quantumushroom. You can look through his posts and comments">here.

We also have channels that help sort our content, if you don't like the comedy or politics you can stick to the geek, music, or cute channel which are largely devoid of such things.

Finally I think you have to realize that a lot of what we have is a result of the fact that most videosift users are so called "first adopters" who flock to new services before they catch on in the mainstream. Most of these users tends to be well educated and well liberal. The conservative movement has not made inroads into the tech generation in the same way that the progressive liberal movement has. The top three political sites of this election linking to youtube were all liberal sites like Huffington Post, Dailykos, and Moveon. So while I can understand your frustration at not being well represented it is more a byproduct of the realities of internet use among conservatives than an editorial choice on the part of the admins here at the sift. If you think we should have a wider range of content, please by all means sign up and help "raise the bar." Although to be quite frank, you will probably have to do a fair bit of arguing with our decidedly left leaning user base. At any rate hope to see you around.

rickegee says...

Good response.

The GOPAC didn't spend more than 5 minutes on the site if he didn't mention kittens or Jake Shimabakuro. VS is sick with kittens.

Conservatives (and even liberal bloggers to an extent) are obsessed with a media conspiracy that cannot exist with the current fragmentation of traditional media. Everything does not break down to Red or Blue unless you are soft-headed.

I prefer the personalized hate mail that makes fun of dag's thinly veiled rip-off of Digg (even in his screen name!) or the fact that you still go to a podunk cow pasture of an institute of lower education. [insert orange tiger paw here]

theo47 says...

Well, if conservatives stopped doing/saying foolish things, there wouldn't be anything to post, now would there?

The guy's sore that he's represented by the worst bunch of Republicans since Watergate (and probably worst ever), he shouldn't take it out on the Sift.

winkler1 says...

Good response. This is the worst president and worst Congress in history, and there are a lot of frustrated members of the reality-based community. Looking at the midterm results, perhaps we are leading edge! Maybe once Democrats are in power, they can start doing stupid things and QM will have something to post besides bungled jokes..

The Sift's level of conversation, and sense of community, is much better than YouTube

ren says...

"Kinda juvenile, really. I'll just go back to Youtube, then. Thanks."

That statement really says it all, as the only word i can think of to describe the youtube community is juvenile.

choggie says...

.....hmmmm, so where do we fit? Reckon' we don't, story of our lives...keep guessin'....or just be satisfied withyerselves' to put us all in a comfortable category....
plausible deniability
jumbo shrimp
ant farm....

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