Forbidden 403s all over the place at the moment

The Forbidden errors are going insane at the moment, I'm getting them on more pages than I care to mention, AND quite often the ad embeds are actually loading up the page again within their little frame (maybe the source of the problem in the first place? Bad ads?)

This is getting insane.

[edit] I just got it FOUR TIMES in a row just trying to view my recent comments. AND videos are not expanding (it just sits twirling its fingers, AND a comment I tried to post didn't work either)... Wowsers things are going nuts.

Maybe turn off ads for a sec just to see what happens... Hey! the ad issue is happening as I write this, hang on, screenshot coming...

Here is a screengrab of the issue

Now I've just tried about 10 times to edit and save this... forbiddens up the wazoo!

oooh, here it is happening in the sidebox on the front page.

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