First Ever VideoSift User "Sift Off" Contest Announcement
Here at VideoSift we have an ever growing user base that includes numerous aspiring film producers, mixers, dubbers and more. With this in mind, we're announcing a monthly VideoSift user "Sift Off". Winning the "Sift Off" will ensure that you get your video on the front page, a brief blurb about yourself, and the chance to have your work viewed by over 500,000 people a month.
The first contest will start on May 1st and follow through until the end of May, at the end of this time the video with the most votes will get linked off of the front page for a solid month of adoration and idolizing. This gives you 40 days. Here are the rules:
1. Original content only, now is your chance to self link.
2. Include in the final 5 seconds a shout out to your website, you tube profile, MySpace account or what ever. This is so that we can actually confirm it's your video. On what ever site you link you should have some more info about you, the video, how sweet VideoSift is, you get the idea.
3. Follow our normal posting guidelines with the exception of rule number one, because this is clearly a self link.
Hopefully this will be yet another way to strengthen the community here at VideoSift. If you have any questions post them below, and stay tuned here for updates.
Update: No submissions will be accepted prior to May 1st, and we will have more details about how to submit them prior to that. Check back here for info.
The first contest will start on May 1st and follow through until the end of May, at the end of this time the video with the most votes will get linked off of the front page for a solid month of adoration and idolizing. This gives you 40 days. Here are the rules:
1. Original content only, now is your chance to self link.
2. Include in the final 5 seconds a shout out to your website, you tube profile, MySpace account or what ever. This is so that we can actually confirm it's your video. On what ever site you link you should have some more info about you, the video, how sweet VideoSift is, you get the idea.
3. Follow our normal posting guidelines with the exception of rule number one, because this is clearly a self link.
Hopefully this will be yet another way to strengthen the community here at VideoSift. If you have any questions post them below, and stay tuned here for updates.
Update: No submissions will be accepted prior to May 1st, and we will have more details about how to submit them prior to that. Check back here for info.
yeah, where do we put the videos?
The link off of the front page will be in the form of a button under the videosift blog icon. The top videos will also be represented on the page for the following months tournament.
Dag pointed out that I didn't really say anything about how to submit. No submissions will be accepted prior to May 1st, and by that time we will have a seperate submission form and a sub site similar to the blog set up. Pay attention to the blog for more information concerning submission, and other sundry details.
mediabias, also if you are still trying to get intouch with us the contact us form now actually works ;-)
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This post is a bit outdated, more relevant information here:
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