Escaped Apostrophes in Comments?

Yay - my first Sift Talk post! Hello to all the Sifter's out there! Anyway, enough of the pleasantries (and overuse of exclamation marks)...

Anyone else have a new problem with comments? Sometime in the last day of Sifting, whenever I post a comment the apostrophes become slashed; as in "here's" becomes "here/'s" after submission. I guess its the Ajax script escaping the apostrophes from the code - although if I edit the post they dissapear: leaving my original submitted comment.

No major bug - but a little weird none-the-less.
benjee says...

Take a look at my response in your "Down Vote Comment" post below (I didn't edit it to remove 'em). And will leave this one too (here's what I mean! Unless it's just a random fault with my Powerbook's interpretation via FireFox - will have a peek on my PCs display of it to double-check).

lucky760 says...

Thank you for pointing this out, benjee. It's fixed now, and it should only have been showing the slash immediately after posting (not after reloading the page).

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