Collectives Clarification

If someone declines an invitation to be in a collective, is it possible for that person to join at a later time? And, someone who asks to be kicked out cannot come back, once that is done? Does a collective owner have the right to throw someone out who causes trouble for a collective? I did not really see these items in the Q & A. These are not pressing issues for my collective, but I wanted to get some feedback about the functions of the tools given to collective owners.
looris says...


also another small thing i feel as a little problem: if i invite somebody, and the invite fades out, or he declines, i CAN invite him again, i suppose.

but i'd like to KNOW that i already did, a warning or something.


well, if i find a nice commercial video who isn't in my collective, i'm used to invite the poster. I wouldn't like to invite him if he already refused (it would be unpolite), but i cannot possibly remember them all.

James Roe says...

We are getting rid of memberships completely for VS 3.0 Collective admins will still be able to remove videos from their collectives but the member issues will be a moot point.

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