Playlist for "P"s - What not to post

So after seeing a couple truly atrocious first posts here and here, I decided to make a playlist that has all the terrible attempts at a first post so that the "P"s can see what not to sift. Eric suggested that I get the general opinion in this, that maybe it would scare off would-be sifters.

I'm open to suggestions on this for things like a more appropriate name and especially videos for the list.

Enter Swampgirl, defender of the Probies!
choggie says...

I always forget to update this playlist, sorry if you were left out of primary posts play list,.....I think its just terrible that someone would want to alienate others, by putting their first posts in some list o' shame.....that's what down votes and critiques are for-For shame MarineGunrock.....what was yer first post, anyhow.......

I just found it, and had to dead it.....


Fletch says...

I agree with Eric. We've all (most of us, anyway) posted some crappy stuff. I don't think singling out probies is necessary. Lack of votes and downvoting is probably enough feedback. Most will figure out what's good and what isn't if they really want to participate that way (although I still haven't ). Anyway, that's my opinion.

MarineGunrock says...

Choggie - sadly no one has a working replacement. Too bad, it was a pretty good skit.
And it's not that I want to single anyone out. But I thought it would be a good starting point for the new ones to see what not to post; what will be a waste of their time because it will get a really bad reaction by the community. I would prefer to see something that won't get any votes and not post it at all than to post something and watch as it gets voted into the trash can.

thesnipe says...

I don't have a problem at all with the concept. I think the name change is a great idea and look forward to checking the playlist as a sample of what is accepted.

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