Catsanddogs Manager Needed

Ouch, it wasn't fun typing that title.

It's true though, I'm looking for someone to take Catsanddogs. Most diamond members have channels, and I'd love to see it go to a committed an 100 star member. A chartered gold star might be able to have it as long as I know they are committed to the site.

I have on good authority that this will be considered the Pet channel, although I'm not sure about the name.

Anyone interested let me know.
looris says...

Why are you leaving that? Planning a new channel?

Btw, I feel there's a bit of redundancy between pets and cute. I bet EVERY pets video is (can) be also labeled cute, and there are really a few videos that are cute and do not involve pets.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think there are many cute videos that don't hav pets - but I agree the converse is not usually true.

We've asked SG to take on the Vintage channel, and we would like to keep it one manager per channel.

swampgirl says...

Yes, I think my recent ranting in Talk over the integrity of Vintage sifts helped get me the job. One might call it "bitching"...well, I like to think of it as loving concern

It's sad to give up pets though. I'm VERY happy to have Vintage though...I spend most of my sifting time with them anyhow. (Thanks Dag and James)

swampgirl says...

I've spoken with a few goldies that didn't have channels one or two of them almost want it, but are busy people.

I've asked to keep both channels until a manager for Pets is found...until then,
I just want to point out the unique benefit of 'managing' the Pet channel.

Most of the managing of channels really other than voting the content is handling misuse of the label. Unofficially I've been doing so for Vintage. Vintage happens to be a lot more work than Pets. A LOT more since old content should have dates on them and I'm categorizing them into decade playlists. (I would love to one day work that into the channel)

In Pets, there is virtually NO label abuse. Really. You may assign sifts to the channel, but many members do that already. Pets pretty much runs itself.

For the busy goldie that would like a channel to babysit, this is the perfect one.

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