Breaking out of the video box

I love this community. Smartest, down to earth group of people working together on the Web - bar none. [manly hug]

The main asset of Videosift, is not our collection of videos- but the people who find, classify, describe and comment on the content. It all just seems to fit together and work. We can take a bit of credit maybe for providing a hierarchy system that allows the best contributors to run the site, and I'll take credit for Lucky building some great software but the rest is all from the caliber of community contributions.

Anyway, what I've been thinking about lately is branching out of videos into other types of posts. I would love to see contributions with more text, images, music and other media.

I'm not talking about a link dump - but it would be great to have posts with a few links, pictures and video all on a single submission. Something closer to Kuro5hin or MetaFilter, but within our current social voting framework.

I'd like to get some preliminary feedback. Should we stick to our knitting - focusing on the best video, or move into other areas? If we did, a name-change would probably be in order.

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