theaceofclubz says...

I watched two videos on there earlier tonight. Romney told me that New Hampshire and Iowa are great states to hold the initial primary/caucuses in (heaven forbid he offend them before they vote) and McCain told me that a two party system was adequate for the US. I'll check back in a little bit to see if it improves (my understanding is it was just released and is adding a lot of content in the near future.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

^ That's cynical MINK - but I totally agree. I'm sure they have a slide on how they are tapping into the BMW driving demographic.

To be honest I'm getting a little tired of all of the niche tubes. With all of these small players popping up - what the Internet needs is a community to tie them all together and extract only the best stuff. Some kind of a video sieveing system - a "VideoSieve" if you will ...

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