Best votes-to-views ratio formula

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, or one that has been asked before, but what is the equation used for the "best votes-to-views ratio" option in the unsifted area. Either it's just a simple ratio where the overall order isn't updated often, or it's more complicated than just votes/views.

By the way, I'm by no means complaining, this is nothing more than idle curiosity...

for example, right now it's in this order:
gorgonheap says...

Ok try and follow my math
Y=Unique Views
Z=Votes cast
A=number of times people compare something they find outrageous to Hitler (Godwin's law)
C=Random number between 1-20 (1d20)

So the formula is as follows: (X/Y)xZ)+(A/C)= votes to views ratio.

E_Nygma says...

X/Y doesn't really speak to video quality, it's more a reflection of comment quality. Z/Y is much more accurate of video quality, so i'd think the formula would be more like (Z/Y)^3(X/Y)(A/C), or (Z^3XA)/(Y^4C).

also, i think gorgonheap is acting very hitleresque in his dictations here...

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