Another reason to celebrate!

Everyone's favourite news junkie blogger and documentary aficionado Fedquip recently snuck into 500 territory!

He's been an active sift blogger of late, the centre of both attention and controversy in the past, and of course the writer, director, and star of his very own film.

Check out his personal queue, his top post, and of course his regular queue.

A special thanks Fedquip for your massive contribution to the tradition of Canadian sifting domination!
Fedquip says...

Yes, thanks for honouring my sift addiction. Yes Calvin avatar will be back, I was just taunting you all with the old school TayTV logo to honour my new blog here on the sift, I urge you all to subscribe, if you know whats best for you. Yes, when the TayTV collective died the website died shortly after, was it the siftquisition that killed it or was it my new AOL blog...historians will be debating that for years.

Either way, the mahalo research project are the latest to pay for my Internet labour. I remind Dag bi-weekly that he is lucky I'm addicted to the Sift, 500 submissions and all I got was a lousy T-shirt ...literally, I wear it all the time.

Thanks for enjoying the clips and this community has been a great place to hang out the last couple years.

choggie says...

Clap Clap Whistle.
Tell us Jeff'ry, what permanently embossed texture of computer chair material print is visible on that lilly-white ass a yers when you take down yer skivvies????

and the Honorary Muckracker of the Sift Award goes to.......

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