An Avalanche of the Very Neat at Neatorama

It's time for our weekly update from Sift parter There are too many great stories to just select a handful. Check out not only the neat stories below but lots of great stories at Neatorama (including material to submit to the Sift .

5 Enormous Cracks in Earth

There are places on earth where tectonic plates are moving, sometimes too slow for humans to discern, sometimes rather suddenly. deputy dog found five places where the earth has cracked open, with photographic evidence.…

Body in a Bag Costume

That's an awesome costume, and easy too.
Well, this is gruesome.…

Pouf-Man Chair Looks Suspiciously Like Pac-Man

Pac-Man? Almost! It’s Pouf-Man designer chair from Italian design studio QAYOT…

The Blah, Blah, Blah Letter Asking for Alumni Donation

Framingham State College did something unusual in its effort to raise funds from its alumni - instead of a nicely worded letter begging for money, it sent a "blah, blah, blah" letter!…


This sounds like a lot of fun.
Run is a simple game that will drive you mad. The object is to not fall into the abyss of space while you run at a steady pace.…

Old Cemeteries Surrounded by New Parking Lots

Here are seven instances of preserved cemeteries surrounded by parking lots! Imagine seeing the final resting place of your area’s early settlers in front of your local Home Depot.…

A Japanese Plant with its Very Own Blog

Midori-san, which lives on the counter of a Japanese café, writes regular updates with the help of sensors attached to its leaves. The detectors pick up electronic signals on the surface of the plant, which responds to light and human touch.…

Google In Quotes

This is pretty neat: a product from Google Labs called In Quotes, which allows you to see what the US presidental candidates and other politicians said what about hot issues like health care, the environment, the economy and so forth, as quoted from news sources.…

Man Killed Wife Over Facebook Profile

When Wayne Forrester saw that his wife Emma changed her Facebook profile to "single" just days after he moved out after a fight, he got so angry that he stabbed her to death!…

Buzzball: Roller Coaster in a Human-Sized Hamster Ball!

What do you get when you cross a hamster ball with a roller coaster, super size it so humans can go in? And if that’s not enough, let’s give it motors so you can drive it…

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