Am I the only one with this problem?
I've held off asking about this since I figured someone would bring it up if it were a problem everyone was having, but maybe it's just me, so I'll bring it up. When I watch a video and it ends, it brings up the "related videos" screen. BUT, if I then click on the comments bubble at the bottom of the video, it takes me to youtube rather than opening the comments. The only way I can get the comments to appear is if the video is actually playing. What gives?
It's when the youtube video is bigger than the related videos screen - the flash underneath captures your click and sends you to youtube, as if you've clicked the video when it stopped.
You can say "replay video" and remove the related videos as a bug-fix for now.
I don't know how easy this is to fix, but I suppose it should be possible when you have the embed size right there in the embed code. @lucky760? (<--That's my programmer-call.
I noticed that problem as well.
The embeds container is not hiding the overflow like it should, consider it fixed.
maybe stop clicking that thingy...
cdm repaired this bug.
>> ^choggie:
maybe stop clicking that thingy...
Thanks Choggie, that helped
Please, have a *quality.
Awarding residue with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by schmawy.
@campionidelmondo I'm still having this problem now & again.
for example, this vid, when in list view.
yea, aside from choggie's fix, I'm also still having this problem
@campiondelmondo this is still an issue on many videos....I'm viewing loose, in case that matters
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