Adding Another Video Host

We think quite a bit about adding another video source besides YouTube and GV. We visit most of the sites, but so far nothing has really stood out. We almost added Veoh but pulled back for two reasons :

1. they use a later version of Flash that our server stats tell us a sizeable portion of our users don't have.

2. They have a "preview" restriction, so that only a time limited portion of the posted video can be embedded in the site. (good one Veoh)

We would like to get your input on this. Are there any sites besides GV and YouTube that you visit regularly, that might make a good inclusion for VideoSift?

There are a couple of requirements: Must be Flash Video, and must be close to the same dimensions as GV and YouTube.

This post is inspired by this comment by ant.
daphne says...

Complete;y off-topic:

I don't suppose there's any way of getting an "edit comments" onto the main page, is there? Of course, this might only be a problem for me.

The Reply Addict

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah, that might be doable. Though it opens up issues - what if someone goes and edits their comments after someone has replied to them and then the subsequent replies don't make sense? We might do it with a time limit - like you have 2 hours to edit your comment, and then it becomes permanent.

ender says...

Second Off-topic:
It would be nice if you could change tags (maybe titles too) in your published films. Sometimes there's mistakes or you missed some tags when you publishing it (especially when you drink too many beers this day

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

yeah, we've been checking out Vimeo too. They might be a go for our third host. Stay tuned over the next couple of days. I was also contacted by a new start-up called jumpcut They are quite keen to be included in VideoSift. I would like to hear any sifter's feedback on them as well.

daphne says...

Maybe there's a FF issue?

And if you look at the code, it looks like there is a space there that shouldn't be at the that the problem?

embed width="410" height="332" src="" quality="high" bgcolor="000000" name="efp" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="flvBaseClip=2459805" /

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