A Crazy / Brilliant Idea

As I was lost in my world of delusions the other day, I thought of this.

As has been well-documented, nobody likes the rockish Zero Punctuation theme that is grafted onto the beginning and end of those otherwise stellar videos.

It would be pretty cool if someone with the time, creativity, and comprehensive knowledge of music (i.e. not me) edited the theme out of the videos and replaced that hideous noise with relevant opening and closing music, a la the old videos. A bad example...

Prince of Persia
Opener: Lawrence of Arabia Main Theme
Closer: No Idea

Gar, I meant to post some excellent examples of possible changes, but I can't think of any right now, and I probably won't be able to think of any for quite some time. Leave your better ideas (or edited videos) in the comments.
gwiz665 says...

I think the new theme sucks too, but it's just too much work reworking all of those, plus they are basically his work, so in a way I think it would break them. If it came to it, I'd rather just cut the intro/outro altogether.

Razor says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
He's prolly using that track for copyright reasons.

Yep. This was a consequence of Yahtzee's newfound fame. He had no choice but to dump the songs apparently. Sad, because I thought it added a creative touch to his commentary. I guess it didn't count as fair use because he wasn't reviewing the music itself.

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