mintbbb is Your New Supreme Empress

I would like to congratulate @mintbbb on passing me to become the new number one all time sifter. I am amazed at the sheer volume and quality of videos that mintbbb constantly finds and sifts. mintbbb is well deserving of the number one spot and I'm sure she will have a long reign at the top.

I don't have near the time I used to for sifting and I find I can't keep up with all the great new sifters we have, it's great to see the infusion of new talent. I had hoped to be the first to 100,000 before mintbbb caught me (as I new it was inevitable that she would catch and pass me), but that didn't come to pass.

Congratulations mintbbb! I see a long reign in your future. Sift long and prosper!

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