This new queue system is balls

The new no requeue law principle makes me think that I'm more a slave to the ebb and flow of sift traffic. If my videos aren't posted at the right times, the exposure is low, thus, a possibly good video will be overlooked.

I know what you're thinking "well rottenseed, maybe your videos suck" and yes, that may be true, but let's say I'm right, aren't we now entering into a new realm of political sifting where the people that "like" me and tend to check my profile more often are the few that will examine my queue or my personal queue? Couldn't this also spawn the annoying act of marketing one's vids so that they can be seen?

I propose to reinstate the requeue but put a limit on it. In my opinion, if I had three chances to publicize my submission, and it still doesn't make it, then the video doesn't deserve to be sifted, otherwise we're leaving it up to dumb luck and favoritism (or nepotism in arsenault and marinegunrock's case)?

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