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Penn's Obama Rant

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

Please please please forgive me, but if Jillette has never smoked pot or drank iIN HIS LIFE... I just can't trust that constitution. I don't know what to say, do I think less of him? Do I distrust his motivations? Seems to me that any human who has never jumped off the wagon just to see what happens next can't relate to me, or pretty much most of the free thinkers I do relate to.

I hear ya.

I also don't know how to relate to that.

Not even a sip of wine? Did he always feel superior? Or, just his own fear?

Penn's Obama Rant

Enzoblue says...

Please please please forgive me, but if Jillette has never smoked pot or drank iIN HIS LIFE... I just can't trust that constitution. I don't know what to say, do I think less of him? Do I distrust his motivations? Seems to me that any human who has never jumped off the wagon just to see what happens next can't relate to me, or pretty much most of the free thinkers I do relate to.

BBC Horizon - Fantastic Documentary "The Truth About Fat"

alien_concept says...

>> ^snoozedoctor:

I completely understand that it's tough once you get there. Like you say, strenuous exercise can be very difficult and you can easily injure yourself pushing it too hard. Walking is still good though, it doesn't take a lot to ramp up the metabolism a bit.
I disagree, willpower is something you can switch on. No one quits smoking until they decide to. If you truly want to lose weight, count calories. Set a limit at whatever, say 2,000 cal/day. Then stop when you get there. Anyone CAN do it, if they want to bad enough. I just don't buy fatalistic attitudes. It's hard, it's not easy, it's not comfortable, but anyone CAN do it.

Yeah, like the only times I've succeeded in dropping loads of weight is when there has been a good reason for it, for instance I'll be getting married in the next couple of years and I have zero intention of being a fat bride so I'm not even worried about it because I know it's possible and much easier with the right motivation. The problem is for most of us who lose weight is once you get to where you want to be, it's SO easy to fall off the wagon and it's almost like every time you do it, you lose some respect for yourself and you just make it harder the next time, because you're fully aware of how difficult it was to achieve in the first place. Sigh... all I'm saying is it's not as simple as people seem quick to make it out to be. But anyone who says they can't is just lying to themselves and I find it just as pathetic as you clearly do.

Faux News, with Jerry Springer - Countdown

Boise_Lib says...

Current TV is now on the copyright band wagon.

I have a replacement embed, but siftbot doesn't accept the iframe from current.
@lucky760 is it possible to get this to work now? Or, will I have to wait for the upgrade? Thanks.

<iframe src="
-for-claiming-to-be-fair-and-balanced-while-bashing-obama" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Pro-SOPA Senators Violate Copyright Laws on their Webpages

gwiz665 says...

Ultimately, the service they would provide would be content before any of the knock offs. Plenty of companies have tried to make knockoffs of wow, some even with otherwise very compelling universes in the baggage (lord of the rings online, warhammer online), but no one has come close yet. Star Wars the Old Republic might, but I doubt it. A rose by any other name is still WoW. And right now they have a critical mass of users, which is all they need. They could shit in a shoebox and call it Mist of Pandaria and millions will buy it on the release day.

Sure, there exists private servers of Wow at this point too, and some people like to play on them, but for me? I wouldn't even want to. There's no challenge when everything is possible. I'm certain that even if a joint effort between developers of all sorts banded together to copy and create an MMO like wow, it would likely be crap, because they have no other incentive to make it than "because we can". Design decisions based on that are not good - look at linux. Even Mozilla is a company nowadays. A command structure is essential in creating a massive work of art in a reasonable time.

Making a copy of WoW isn't "just" making a copy of WoW, it's enormous. By the time someone has copied it to the finer details, the game will have moved on to something else; systems change all the time.

A good example of something happening like you say is Vampires: Bloodlines where the community made a huge amount of "community patches" to fix the game, after the developer went bankrupt. I like that, but they could do it because the things they were fixing were straight forward. If they wanted to make entirely new things, who decides which things are good and bad? Like wikipedia, they would need custodians. A private company like Blizzard does not have that problem.

I was certainly a little too broad when I said all intellectual property is bunk. First of all I have a problem with the umbrella term of IP. I don't think it's helpful. Different types of IP have different solutions and problems. Some are more bunk than others. (Wtf is with they way rights to music works? What is it now, 100 years after the artist dies? Crazy.)

Like you I am philosophically on the "you can't own ideas, man"-wagon, but practically I'm more loose with my morals - hell, morals are fluid baby.

I'll say this. I would rather have 50000 people playing my game and 50 people paying for it, than I would have 50 people playing my game and paying for it any day.

>> ^NetRunner:

I think this is the most plausible way I've seen anyone square this circle. I'm just not sure it really holds up to scrutiny.
Philosophically, I'm in the "information isn't property" camp, but I also put food on the table by creating intellectual property.
The confluence of my own philosophical tastes on this topic would be that not only should "making copies" be legalized, it should actually be criminal to withhold any sort of scientific or engineering advance from the broader public, especially for selfish gain.
But, I think that would essentially destroy software companies as we know them. I think Blizzard & WoW would have trouble making the case to people that their service is worth $140/yr. That's especially true in the kind of world in which any content they generate can just be copied by a knockoff service provider just as easily as the original copy of WoW was in the first place.
I have trouble even imagining what sort of service they'd be able to compete on in that world. Uptime? In-game customer service? Best policing of player misbehavior? It can't be bugfixes (copyable), and it can't be content (also copyable).
I think ultimately WoW would have to become something more like an open source project -- the community provides all bugfixes and content gratis. Blizzard ultimately would have to give up any kind of creative or engineering control at that point, and also give up on having a revenue stream of millions of dollars a month, too. They'd just be a glorified hosting company. Companies like Microsoft probably wouldn't even be that.
It'd probably be better for the whole world that way, but not so awesome for incumbents in the industry.
You know, people like you and me.
>> ^gwiz665:
Essentially you couldn't. You would not be able to provide a better service without spending a very very large amount of money and effort into doing it. An MMO is a service, and you have to provide more than just stable servers for it to work, you also have to create new content, bug fixes etc to maintain the integrity of the product.
You can design your way out of it easily. Free to play is one way of doing it, which we have a lot of success with on iOS and the big shots on PC are waking up to as well, finally. Apple in general have their app rejection policy which keeps the most things at bay, but of course there is jailbreaks, which I don't much care for.
I don't have a problem with people copying, although I would of course prefer they give me lots of money. If they corrupt our product however, with map hacks, cheats etc. then it's a much different issue.
I think it's a problem that many different types of media is lumped together under "intellectual property", because I do think things like Art, music etc should be protected from forgeries and that the original artist should be compensated for his time, otherwise we would have no art at all.
The industry is changing to provide a better service still though. Look at music - who buys CDs anymore? We have things like Spotify and Grooveshark who stream just about any music easily supported by commercials.
Any Blizzard game, and all their future games, will need a persistent internet connection, both for piracy issues but also for better service - instant patching, social networking etc. Same with steam.

Fletch (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Just stop the sexist bullshit. The rest I couldn't care less about.

In reply to this comment by Fletch:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Alright Fletch. This misogynist harassment needs to stop. @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 16th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#008800">dag @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#0044ff">lucky760
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
DFT & IK, it's so cute how you upvote each other's comments and videos. It sorta reminds me of the Terri Schiavo case, where her husband, Michael, supported her and efforts to bring her back to consciousness for years, even though it was obvious she was vegetative.


And Berticus... oh, nm.

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Issykitty:
It's a KITTEN, dipshit. Wow, you took the time to look at when it was uploaded. That's precious.

What a strange reply to a compliment. Checking the age of a video that I knew I had seen before is no more difficult or time-consuming than viewing your ignored comments. Click. Done.

Wow. You edited your comment after submitting it. How strange. The original was reasonable and to the point ("Alright Fletch. That's enough"). When I got the email, I was just going to respond with something like "no problem, but I don't take kindly to name-calling", or something along those lines, but the new version with "misogynist harassment" sounds like a typical IK comment. You know, buzzwords intended to support a desperate, gutless fabrication. I'm sorry, but there is no way you wrote "misogynist harassment". I've just read way too much of what you've written in the past. You just aren't prone to shrill exaggeration. Buzzwords... that's IK. If I'm wrong... I'm wrong. Sorry about that.

I don't use the sarcasm box. Never will. I think it's stupid. Unfortunately, not doing so gives those who need a windmill to slay an opportunuty to be offended by something, and may give those who wish to offend a free ticket to do so. (I recently saw a comment by Lucky ((?) I think; maybe dag) tell someone that if they didn't check the sarcasm box, they would be banned for a time. Or something. Insane.) If you choose to take what I say literally, and resolve it into "misogynist harassment", then the joke is on you. I'm sorry, but it started with "dipshit". Everything after that was a REPLY. She asked for it. But that's her MO... name-calling, condescension, that strange you-must-really-want-my-attention act that is just so tired/weird, all followed by threats and the circling of wagons when none of those tactics result in the last word. That's my perception/experience with her, anyway. Call me names, it's on. I won't allow anyone to talk to me like that without responding. If she is going to be so thin-skinned about it, she should really consider carefully what she types before hitting "submit new comment".

I am an equal-opportunity stale and stupid cat video down-voter. I have no idea why she thinks she's so special. Maybe she just lives for badges, or something sad like that.

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since February 16th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#008800">dag @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since May 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#0044ff">lucky760

DFT didn't quote everything. Here's the whole "conversation".

Fletch (Member Profile)

Fletch says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Alright Fletch. This misogynist harassment needs to stop. @dag @lucky760
In reply to this comment by Fletch:
DFT & IK, it's so cute how you upvote each other's comments and videos. It sorta reminds me of the Terri Schiavo case, where her husband, Michael, supported her and efforts to bring her back to consciousness for years, even though it was obvious she was vegetative.


And Berticus... oh, nm.

>> ^Fletch:
>> ^Issykitty:
It's a KITTEN, dipshit. Wow, you took the time to look at when it was uploaded. That's precious.

What a strange reply to a compliment. Checking the age of a video that I knew I had seen before is no more difficult or time-consuming than viewing your ignored comments. Click. Done.

Wow. You edited your comment after submitting it. How strange. The original was reasonable and to the point ("Alright Fletch. That's enough"). When I got the email, I was just going to respond with something like "no problem, but I don't take kindly to name-calling", or something along those lines, but the new version with "misogynist harassment" sounds like a typical IK comment. You know, buzzwords intended to support a desperate, gutless fabrication. I'm sorry, but there is no way you wrote "misogynist harassment". I've just read way too much of what you've written in the past. You just aren't prone to shrill exaggeration. Buzzwords... that's IK. If I'm wrong... I'm wrong. Sorry about that.

I don't use the sarcasm box. Never will. I think it's stupid. Unfortunately, not doing so gives those who need a windmill to slay an opportunuty to be offended by something, and may give those who wish to offend a free ticket to do so. (I recently saw a comment by Lucky ((?) I think; maybe dag) tell someone that if they didn't check the sarcasm box, they would be banned for a time. Or something. Insane.) If you choose to take what I say literally, and resolve it into "misogynist harassment", then the joke is on you. I'm sorry, but it started with "dipshit". Everything after that was a REPLY. She asked for it. But that's her MO... name-calling, condescension, that strange you-must-really-want-my-attention act that is just so tired/weird, all followed by threats and the circling of wagons when none of those tactics result in the last word. That's my perception/experience with her, anyway. Call me names, it's on. I won't allow anyone to talk to me like that without responding. If she is going to be so thin-skinned about it, she should really consider carefully what she types before hitting "submit new comment".

I am an equal-opportunity stale and stupid cat video down-voter. I have no idea why she thinks she's so special. Maybe she just lives for badges, or something sad like that.

@dag @lucky760

DFT didn't quote everything. Here's the whole "conversation".

naytogether (Member Profile)

naytogether says...

The On The Edge Folding Wagon is designed for outdoor fun and convenience,
making tailgating and trips to the park easier. It is crafted from stain-resistant material for long lasting durability.
This sturdy wagon has a 120-pound weight capacity and can hold children, toys, party supplies, and much more.
It folds to less than ten percent of its ori...

Ocean Marketing FAIL

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I've had to deal with this guy's type. His family should be off limits... They have punishment enough by having thier wagons hitched to this specimen. But the guy himself is clearly one of those arrogant, self-deluded types who would club baby seals without a second thought, and then blame the witnesses and the cops when he gets arrested. The sad thing is, far 'bigger' entities than this one PR flack do this kind of bologna all the time and get away with it. I don't generally cotton to OWS types, but they do have it right when it comes to wanting to hold large organizations accountable for thier bologna.

Kre-O Transformers: A Gift for Megatron.

ant says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Hey Ant, how is this 80s?
This is a viral ad created by Hasbro.
KRE-O is a line of construction toys (Rip offs of Lego and Megabloks) which was announced to release in stores in Fall 2011, although Hasbro started shipping out the first Transformers sets in early June 2011.
Kre-o is the result of Hasbro's uncompromising standards to brand with other toy companies - Their motto being buy it out or put em out of business. Knowing they wanted to join the band-wagon of sharing their franchised brands with the brick toy building industry, but not wanting to brand with Lego, they came up with Kre-o.
Another interesting note, although it's not in their advertising, it does say on the packaging that it "Is" compatible with the leading brick brand (aka Lego) something no other brick system can claim - which leads me to wonder if they aren't buying the Kre-o bricks from Lego itself to on a contact basis.

80s referring to the original Transformers G1.

Kre-O Transformers: A Gift for Megatron.

Sagemind says...

Hey Ant, how is this 80s?
This is a *viral ad created by Hasbro.

KRE-O is a line of construction toys (Rip offs of Lego and Megabloks) which was announced to release in stores in Fall 2011, although Hasbro started shipping out the first Transformers sets in early June 2011.

Kre-o is the result of Hasbro's uncompromising standards to brand with other toy companies - Their motto being buy it out or put em out of business. Knowing they wanted to join the band-wagon of sharing their franchised brands with the brick toy building industry, but not wanting to brand with Lego, they came up with Kre-o.

Another interesting note, although it's not in their advertising, it does say on the packaging that it "Is" compatible with the leading brick brand (aka Lego) something no other brick system can claim - which leads me to wonder if they aren't buying the Kre-o bricks from Lego itself to on a contact basis.

MythBusters Cannonball Experiment Gone Wrong Hits Houses/Car

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Ah - in the video clip above there is a shot of the cannon lying on its side. It appears to be the cannon that Tory built himself that they used for the "Ball and Chain Prison Escape" episode. It also appears to be mounted on a pair of old timey wagon wheels via some sort of shop-built rig. If there was any sort of anchoring system in place then I couldn't see it in the vid.

There's a reason why old style field artillery on wheels had that big wooden splay in the back. It provided an anchor point that prevented the canon from bucking up when fired. Looks like the Build Team took out thier home made cannon, had no anchoring system, and let fly with it. They used more powder than they did in that particular device in the past, and chaos ensued.

Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that JD Nelson (who was on the site) didn't say something. He usually seems to be pretty savvy about explosives, and should have observed that the cannon needed some means of fixing in place. Doesn't seem like thier other explosive expert (Frank Doyle) was there, or it may have gone better. I also bet if Jamie or Adam had been around that this wouldnt' have happened. They have experience with firing real cannons from the Pirate episodes, and they probably would have noticed a problem.

Father Takes Down LAPD Officer For Pedophilia

ponceleon says...

>> ^hpqp:

Uh, I hate to break up the pedo-bashing, but as far as they know the guy was just taking photos of kids. Creepy? Maybe. Pedo? Not necessarily. By all means he should be reported, and have his computers and home checked, but 'innocent until proven guilty' should still abide. People have had their lives completely and utterly ruined for being falsely accused of pedophilia.
/devil's advocate

I was thinking something similar, but what took it over the edge was the description of the pictures not being just a random collection, but pictures of the same kids taken over hours, as if he was stalking them. I think a lot also depends on what the composition was. He seemed pretty damned keen to delete the pictures when confronted, so I suspect that there were probably some up-skirt shots, or at least attempts at such from the way the father was describing the whole trying to get pic of her as she got off the wagon "with legs akimbo."

Definitely need more info to make a full judgement but it really stinks and the way the guy reacted kind of implies he knew he was up to no good... even if he didn't technically do anything illegal.

Dane Cook confronts Louis C.K. about joke stealing

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Aniatario:

I remember listening to Dane Cook a lot coming out of Highschool, me and my buddies listened to his albums and laughed our asses off. Sure the jokes weren't particularly clever, I always found his energy much more funny than his material.
Good voices, strong gestures and a half decent narrative. He knew how to tell a good story.
I found him less and less funny as I got older but all of a sudden it just became "cool" to hate Dane Cook and a lot of my friends (including myself) jumped on the band wagon.

There are a lot of people that discount the energy of a joke because they can't quantify it in their little world of OCD intellectualism.

Dane Cook confronts Louis C.K. about joke stealing

Aniatario says...

I remember listening to Dane Cook a lot coming out of Highschool, me and my buddies listened to his albums and laughed our asses off. Sure the jokes weren't particularly clever, I always found his energy much more funny than his material.

Good voices, strong gestures and a half decent narrative. He knew how to tell a good story.

I found him less and less funny as I got older but all of a sudden it just became "cool" to hate Dane Cook and a lot of my friends (including myself) jumped on the band wagon.

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