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40+ People Mob Robs Convenience Store

Father-daughter purity balls: can it get any creepier?

lampishthing says...

The problem with abstinence only education is that if kids fall off the band wagon (which they do... though not all) then they're much more at risk of teen pregnancy or contracting diseases. You said it yourself: "No one makes good decisions when they're that age, especially not about sex." Abstinence-only education means that when they do make a bad decision the results are worse.>> ^shinyblurry:

Abstinence until marriage is a good thing, for one it gets rid of STDs and accidental pregnancies. Teen pregnancy and STD rates are out of control. No one makes good decisions when they're that age, especially not about sex.
Second, fornication is just plainly a sin, and for the reason that sex is a spiritual marriage between two people. You are spiritually joined to whomever you have sex with, forever.
The commentary here is what is disturbing..maybe you reprobates can't imagine giving up your carnal lusts because its what you're living for, but that lifestyle is meaningless, sad and no better than what animals do.

Cop Threatens Execution After Concealed Weapon Found

messenger says...

Cops certainly are not all bad eggs, in the sense that they don't all abuse their power over civilians, but a distressing proportion are, and they are not kept in line by anyone, so they tacitly are given this power by their supervisors, and on up the chain. It obviously hasn't even occurred to this officer that there might be consequences for the way he's treating this suspect. Cops all protect one another, good and bad. Even the "Role model cop" would circle the wagons around this guy, who's clearly abusing his power. THAT's the problem.

If abusive cops were brought to justice the same way abusive non-cops are brought to justice, these videos would be insignificant, or just sad, or even funny, like watching stupid thieves getting caught in ventilation shafts. Until that time comes, we need more public awareness and action towards fair, repsectul policing.>> ^quantumushroom:

The bad eggs are out there, but that's all they are, bad eggs. This is not the norm.
I was most surprised they searched the car without permission. Unlike the clueless Taser tards, this poor guy has a good case for suing.

Cops Continue to Harass Emily Good

messenger says...

Nope. A civvy is a dick to me and I can get in his face or tell him off. A cop is a dick to me and I have to take it, or I can choose to get arrested and charged with "interference" or whatever they feel like inventing. Cops learn they can act with impunity, within the law or not, because there's no consequences for them. It's only because cops can be dicks with ridiculous amounts of power that this is a problem.

If our cops usually held each other accountable for their own illegal actions instead of circling the wagons, then nobody would take any notice of these videos. They would be about as sift-worthy as videos of gas station robberies.

Are law enforcement agencies a good thing? Yes. Is it desirable that the officers have such disproportionate power that people who question them get arrested? No.>> ^hpqp:

A civvy acts like a dick, abuses his power (as boss, parent, etc.)? Bah, just an individual.
A cop acts like a dick, abuses his power as law enforcer? FASCISM! FUCK THE POLICE!!!!
Grow up and get some perspective people.

New Amazing Dashcam Footage of 3.11 Tsunami

SDGundamX says...



[NARRATOR] Just before 4PM, approximately 1 hour after the earthquake struck, Mr. Muroga’s car stops due to heavy traffic. Suddenly from the left-hand side several cars float into view, swept along by the tsunami….

Next the tsunami swept up from behind his car. Only 10 seconds after the tsunami reached his car, Mr. Muroga’s car began being pushed forward…

And then at 25 seconds the car is completely afloat and beyond his control, swept up by the current. At this point Mr. Muroga was still inside the vehicle. His car approaches a black wagon. You can see the figure of a male person inside the black wagon…

Immediately after this collision, Mr. Muroga considered fleeing his vehicle and opened the window…

While on the one side, in the center of the screen, you can see the debris floating slowly to the right, in the background—with incredible speed—a truck is swept along to the left. You can see that the driver of the black wagon that Mr. Muroga collided with earlier has climbed onto the roof of his car.


[NARRATOR] And then the car begins to slowly change direction. As it does, the swift current flowing between the buildings comes into view. Inside the car, Mr. Muroga listens to news reports of the tsunami hitting other areas.


[RADIO ANNOUNCER] It has just turned 4PM. The wave is swallowing the houses and plastic hothouses in its path.
[NARRATOR] Meanwhile, in the car, Mr. Muroga contemplates when he will try to escape from his vehicle.


[NARRATOR] And then, approximately 4 minutes after having been caught in the tsunami, Mr. Muroga’s car is pulled into the swift-flowing current. The car bounces up and down. In front of him, other cars are being swept away. The car begins to spin, with Mr. Muroga still inside, and is swept away by the tsunami… Finally, about 4.5 minutes after the arrival of the tsunami, the car strikes a building, is dragged underwater, and the image cuts out.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

MaxWilder says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I just watched "Fat Head" a response to "Super-size Me". It contained a lot of appealing facts that I will never bother to fact check. If you, too, are mentally lazy like me, you should watch it. It's low-budget but it's amusing.>> ^MaxWilder:
>> ^gwiz665:
Jebus christ. I mean, seriously, they should have layed off the big macs back in school. America, you need to run your ass around the block a few times.

As someone who is currently (perennially) trying to lose weight, I wish it was something as simple as running around the block a few times. I trained for a marathon two years ago and simply stopped losing weight during the process. I remained 30 lbs above my goal weight, and ran (and finished) the marathon like that. For people who are not naturally lean, it is the difficult (near impossible) combination of proper exercise with proper diet that causes them to often simply give up. It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity.
As to the video, in this particular case, laughing is totally appropriate. But when it's a fat person by themselves, I am usually just saddened. And I always remember that phrase, "Are you riding a scooter because you're fat, or fat because you are riding a scooter?"

I've read about "Fat Head" and it makes a compelling argument. It is theoretically possible to have a healthy weight while eating crappy food. However, we shouldn't be looking at what a single person can accomplish while on a mission to debunk a fear-mongering documentary. We should be looking at the statistics of the category of people who are obese: what is caused their obesity and what is preventing them from losing the fat?

I have no specifics to back up my current opinion. It is a position I have decided upon after many years of personal experience and reading a wide variety of books on getting in shape. It is my belief that the core ingredients of fast food are simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. These ingredients have a 1-2 punch on the metabolism, spiking the insulin response which pushes calories into formation of fat, then crashing the insulin response making the body feel hungry again. Riding this cycle over the long term creates larger and larger appetites, encouraging the consumer to purchase more and more food. Bad for the body, but good for the restaurants. Protein can help reduce the insulin spike, but fast food usually comes with very fatty protein, so that's not much of a help. And vegetables aren't very tasty, so they are easily overlooked.

What I'm saying is that people who are overweight are trapped in a cycle they don't understand, and even if they do understand it, it is very hard to break out. It is literally an addiction like smoking, except you can't quit cold turkey (pun not intended). You can't stop eating. You have to keep eating, but choosing foods you don't enjoy because your habits have been warped by the cheap food industry.

I don't think we should legislate. I'll be the first to stand up and say don't blame McDonald's for your weight problem (even though it's kinda their fault). I'm saying we need to educate. And make that education based on clinical studies, not lobbyist funding like the USDA's myplate program. Teach people the proper balance of protein, carbs, and fat. Teach them the proper forms those nutrients should come in (lean and whole, not processed and sugary). Teach them the benefits of vegetables. This information has got to be in our faces so that we can't ignore it.

But even if we do that, this generation is a lost cause. I work my ass off to get in shape, but I keep falling off the wagon because the craving for fast food gets to be too much. That "high" from a sugary insulin spike calls to me. I'm not kidding that it's an addiction. We need to teach people that, so that kids and parents can keep away and not get hooked.

Police State: Arrested For Dancing in the Jefferson Memorial

zor says...

Interesting and also sad. I saw max 10 people being arrested and while that makes it an official protest I don't think it will rank very high. You know you've arrived when they have to break out the Greyhound paddy wagons.

Crazy Woman or Wild Animal?

bamdrew says...

This happens to me every once-in-a-while.

I'll just be grunting while bathing, you-know, in the runoff water along the human paths, and these loud motorized wagons will come barreling through my territory...

So I just chase them off, but then I need to find my stash for another hit to relax again.

How To Dance At An Outdoor Drum & Bass Rave

jmd says...

It all makes perfect sense now..THIS must be what my mother warned me about when I was little. When she said don't go near beat up old station wagons with a bunch of old men deep in to a forest, I thought she was afraid I might get molested or kidnapped. Not at all. She was just afraid I might run into THIS!

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

chipunderwood says...

Would anyone like to point out during this comment-fest, another possible scenario? May I?

Osama Bin Laden, alleged "mastermind" of the 9/11 attacks, who also received training from the CIA (documented) and considered an "asset" by the same, may have been dead already. One thing any intelligent person should remember and that EVERY intelligence operative knows, is that complete control of information dissemination leaves a huge amount of room for a wagon-load of cut-rate propaganda.

Nothing in this world happens without planning and manipulation-Not even accidents.

Bhutto was assassinated in December of 2007 after a political rally in Pakistan two months prior, having been interviewed by Frost(?)
gone of the reasons MAY HAVE BEEN for her comments in that interview. The one where she talked about Bin Laden being dead.

The fact of the fact of the fact of the matter is that NO ONE HERE has the information to make an intelligent observation with a view to editorializing. We simply DO NOT and will never have all the facts.

One thing is certain-Some born-into-wealth and prominence, CIA-groomed operative and possible patsy was blamed for the 9/11 attacks.

I'm not one of these "truthers", like so many of you "believe what I hear on the newsers" are so quickly to label anyone who doesn't believe bullshit when they are fed it, I am simply a man with a mind that is capable of sifting through the barrage of information available to all of us and use my limited capacity for critical reasoning to filter out the bullshit from the maybes.

You can't know-the truth unfortunately, is classified and sealed until the death of everyone;)

geo321 (Member Profile)

The Cyclotrope

Bill Maher - New Rules (March 11th 2011)

MaxWilder says...

>> ^mysdrial:

People side with them because they've convinced themself that one day, through hard work and persistence, they will be one of them.
Another part of the American mythology, I suppose. Still, sad as hell to see it.

I don't think that's quite it. People know they will never be part of the super-rich elite, but they still live under the delusion that that they toil under the same banner as the super-rich. They think that if the rich get tax breaks, then then the middle-class will profit from it. Part of it is the trickle-down mentality, even though the last three decades have proven that the only trickling is upward.

The real problem is that the common middle-class republican voter thinks their wagon is hitched to the prosperity super-rich. When the truth is that they are just wheat for the harvest. Maybe, if you're lucky, you get fattened up first. And if you are more lucky, you die before the super-rich chew you up in the financial combine. But just because you are still prospering doesn't mean you're not in the same field as the rest of us.

And the very worst part is that the super-rich have convinced the average republican voter into believing that the harvester is an out-of-control monster set loose by the democrats, when the truth is that they're driving it.

For proof of this, see the disparity of beliefs about the economy. Are the rich suffering? No. Even though it was their gambling that caused the meltdown, even though it was their money that disappeared, they are doing better than ever. No one went to jail, and all the big firms were bailed out, so the bonuses never even stopped. They're more profitable than ever before, but unemployment is still at record highs. All the money that should have funded more jobs went straight into the pockets of the billionaires.

But do the republicans see this? No. Heck, even some of the democrats don't see it. That's why so many republicans were elected last year. Despite the fact that the wealthy elite sank our economy with the full faith and support of the republican party, people still think the republicans are going to get the economy floating again.


Architect Howard Roark's final speech from The Fountainhead

dystopianfuturetoday says...


Why should subjugation and individualism would be mutually exclusive? Individualism is not morality, and can be a force for bad just as easily as it can be a force for good. My problem with Rand is that her concept of individualism is based around selfishness. Hitler, Stalin and Manson were all very much selfish individualists; idealistic visionaries who made the world a worse place.

Selfishness is not individualism. Selfishness needs no promotion. No one has to teach you how to be selfish, it's innate. It's empathy that must be learned through experience, and Ayn Rand has no place for empathy in her dogma. I personally believe that further isolating ourselves is the worst thing we could do. We are already isolated enough, living in our little boxes. We need to come together.

I also dislike that Rand pits the individual against the group. It seems so wrongheaded to me, since every human in existence is both an individual and a member of a group of some kind. It's like pitting oxygen against water. Both are necessary. You can't have one without the other.

Also, isn't it just a tad ironic to adopt another person's concept of individualism as your own? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Wouldn't a true individualist come up with his or her own ideas, rather than just jump on a band wagon? Ayn Rand is famous for denouncing the Bible, and the gullible fools who adopt it as their own default morality, but then she goes on to create her own Bible, and her own religion, with followers just as gullible and devout. Ayn Rand was truly an individualist. Her followers are just that, followers.

Ayn Rand's concept of individualism is subjective and not universal. I argue against Rand, not against individualism.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

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