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Simpsons - Gunna Paint a Wagon

napoleon dynamite on david letterman's TOP 10

The White Stripes - Icky Thump (Live at Jools Holland)

eric3579 says...

Icky Thump

Icky thump
Who'da thunk?
Sittin' drunk
On a wagon to Mexico

Ahh well, what a chump
Well my head
Got a bump
When I hit it on the radio

Red-head señorita
Lookin' dead
Came to said,
"Need a bed" en español

I said
"Gimme a drink a water,
I'm gonna 'sing around the collar'
And I don't need a microphone."

Icky thump,
With a lump in my throat
Grabbed my coat
And I was freaking
I was ready to go!

And I swear
Besides the hair
She had one white eye
One blank stare
Looking up,
Lying there

On the stand
Near her hand
Was a candy cane
Black rum, sugar cane
Dry ice and something strange

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

White Americans, what?
Nothing better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too.

Who's using who?
What should we do?
Well you can't be a pimp
And a prostitute too

Icky thump, handcuffed to a bunk
Robbed blind
Looked around
And there was nobody else

Left alone
I hit myself with a stone
Went home
And learned how to clean up after myself

Tea Party hijacked by the very people it was protesting.

Grimm says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Where are the Democrats on these issue? They are in charge. Not the tea party. Why can't the Dems step up to the plate. Oh wait they are stuffing there faces at the troft.
Such a hipicrital news network.
Of course the dems are part of the problem...just as the republicans are and if the dems had hijacked the Tea Party then the story would be about them. The story isn't about which party is at fault....the Tea Party movement was formed because people saw that it was BOTH parties at fault. Then the Republicans jumped on that band wagon and took it over...hence the story is about the republicans taking over the Tea Party and not about the dems.

Palestinian boy throws rock at car and gets hit

MycroftHomlz says...

I am trying so hard not to resort to name calling...

Did the person driving the car steal his home land? Are they even Israeli? Are they adults? Is it a woman? Do they have kids in the car? You don't know SO much about these people. You don't even know anything about the little boys throwing the rocks.

There is so much you don't know. But like absolute babbling gaggle of geese you just jump on one band wagon or the other. The ignorance and assumptions are astounding.

>> ^ToKeyMonsTeR:
I hope he throws grenades next.

Fox: Reporter Reacts to Controversy

Fantomas says...

>> ^brunopuntzjoneshe sure as hell is wearing a whores uniform.

Christ. Do you really not see the stupidity of that comment? The 1950s called, they want their misogynistic world-view back.

I'm going to spell this out in dot points for the slow people here who have trouble understanding this video.

1 - Ms Sainz entered the locker room to carry out her duties as a sports reporter
2 - Some of the Neanderthals were overheard by OTHER REPORTERS making comments about her appearance.
3 - These other reporters decided to make a big deal of it and write about 'OMG sexual harassment' in their respective publications.
4 - The news media, quality institution that it is, grabs the story and beats it up true to form.
5 - Ms Sainz tweets about how embarrassed she is about THE MEDIA BEATUP, not her perceived treatment in the locker room.
6 - Idiot Fox reporter jumps on the band wagon, yet Ms Sainz does a respectable job of trying to explain the truth in the interview anyway.
7 - idiots everywhere still fail to get the point.

Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel

Old Crow Medicine Show "Big Time In The Jungle"

calvados says...

Down in Eutaw, Alabama in 1965
A young man ‘bout 21, no different than you or I
He’s catchin’ catfish, and gettin’ drunk
But Uncle Sam called, he called him up
Sent him out to Vietnam
That young man
Got his life turned upside down
Turned his smile into a frown
Robbed that king of his crown
For an ideal he didn’t even know about

He was gamblin’ at the wagon when that army man showed up
And he flashed that pen and paper
And ol’ Flukie he signed up
There’s gonna be a big time in the jungle
Gonna be a firefight
Gonna be a rumble
Send me out to Vietnam
I’ll fight ten men
I got nothin’ left in the States for me
I wanna see the world you see
I know that Uncle Sam needs me
To fight for an ideal I know nothing about

Oh the drop point was dusty and the drill sergeant was loud
And he could not see the corpses for the ragin’ dust cloud
Grab your duffle bags, head to the checkpoint
Welcome to Vietnam, boys, you’re in for a hell of a fight
Take it from the ones who know
The army moves slow
Hurry up and wait, don’t sleep late
And learn to hate your brother
Before you hate your foe

On patrol out in the rice fields, them choppers flew low
Glancing for the hand signal to tell you where to go
Then the bombs started fallin’
And they pounded his brain
And he thought about Eutaw and who was to blame
For sendin’ him to Vietnam

Naked hay baling fun

savethecirclepit says...

Just in case you are not convinced that this is fake, just read this Wiki description of how the bailing machine works. I think it would have been quite a horror show that came out of a real bailing machine.

To form the bale, the material to be baled, (which is often hay or straw) in the windrow is lifted by tines in the baler's pickup. This material is then dragged or augered into a chamber that runs the length of one side of the baler. A combination plunger and knife moves back and forth in the front end of this chamber. The knife, positioned just ahead of the plunger, cuts off the material at the spot where it enters the chamber from the pickup. The plunger rams the material rearwards, compressing it into the bales. A measuring device measures the amount of material that is being compressed and, at the appropriate length it triggers the mechanism (the knotter) that wraps the twine around the bale and ties it off. As the next bale is formed the tied one is driven out of the rear of the baling chamber onto the ground or onto a special wagon hooked to the rear of the baler. This process continues as long as there is material to be baled, and twine to tie it with.

Seth MacFarlane Slams The ADL For Not Doing Their Job!

Fletch says...

Britain thought Sharia would never stain their shores, either. But hey, who am I to argue with a doctor?

A case of overimportance (sic)? Who else but the expert in over-importance, doctor Yogi, could make that diagnosis? Umm, this is a "comments" section for a video about the NYC mosque. It's where people post their thoughts/reactions/perceptions/jokes/gripes/etc about said video. Just because QM's opinion isn't exactly held in the highest regard by many here doesn't mean he can't post whatever the hell he wants (iaw the FAQ, of course). You may have thought attacking someone with widely unpopular opinions here would grant you some VS juice, but I don't see anybody jumping on your little wagon. So please, feel free to take your own advice, and shut up.

>> ^Yogi:
2. Building one Mosque doesn't mean we're going under Sharia Law. Wanting everyone to follow Sharia Law is the goal of every religion, just their different brands. You don't like a Mosque there, that's your don't have a say in where people build things fact I think people are suffering from a case of overimportance. Nobody asked for your permission, nobody asked if you cared about the city allowing a Mosque to be built in New York. So shut up.

"Alcatraz" Amanda - Dating on Demand

Kevlar says...

Oh, Alcatraz, you've won my heart! I can see it now: You, in an evening gown, slipping into my car - which just so happens to be the fur-lined novelty wagon from Dumb & Dumber - while we drive through low-income neighborhoods, serving eviction notices and kicking the homeless. Vicariously.


Olbermann: There is No "Ground Zero Mosque"

NetRunner says...

>> ^Truckchase:

Here's a large part of the over-arching issue as I see it: There now seems to be some sort of inherent equity in ideas in our culture. When any news outlet can create two sides to an issue, they do, regardless of the strength of the "sides". To see the world in such a way is scary; very few things are inherently "right" or "wrong", there are all sorts of variables that must be weighed. Since we've (we as a society) begun splitting what once were relatively complicated issues into polarized opposites we unintentionally enabled the side effect of this sort of equity of voice, in that people entirely unqualified to weigh in on a topic now feel empowered to do so by hitching their wagon to whichever "side" more closely resembles what they believe to be their set of values. People who at one time would have been laughed out of a public forum now fall in line behind an overly-simplistic rallying cry.

That's a big part of what's keeping these kinds of hateful and misguided ideas from being squelched -- the media has become entirely dominated by false equivalence (aka "Opinions on shape of Earth differ" journalism). There's no attempt to illuminate truth, and call bullshit when they see it, instead they just give a megaphone to "both" sides' bullshit, and refuse to validate or invalidate what's being said, at risk of offending either party's supporters (and thereby risk losing their subscription/viewership).

Some blog I read put it really well about how the mindset of business of mass media has changed. It went something like: It used to be that the programming was the product, the listeners were the customer, and advertising was the vehicle that made it possible. Now the listeners are the product, the advertisers are the customers, and the programming is the vehicle that makes it possible.

That essentially sums up the entire reason why we've seen mass media turn into what it has across the board, not just in journalism.

Olbermann: There is No "Ground Zero Mosque"

Truckchase says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Truckchase:
Enlighten me then, why is this something that is worthy of intelligent debate? In an environment free of the political machine you're inferring doesn't exist, how does this continue to get (inter)national attention?

Uh, maybe we got our wires crossed somewhere -- I'm in vigorous agreement with you, I just think blaming "Fox News" is far too narrow, it's the whole political right in America that's to blame.

My bad, for some reason I read your post as sarcastic, which is especially odd because I've read alot of your posts previously and didn't really have a basis to think as such. I need 1>more coffee and 2> to stop multitasking so much.

You're right, I'm just particularly miffed at Fox for this one because of the continued devoted coverage.

Here's a large part of the over-arching issue as I see it: There now seems to be some sort of inherent equity in ideas in our culture. When any news outlet can create two sides to an issue, they do, regardless of the strength of the "sides". To see the world in such a way is scary; very few things are inherently "right" or "wrong", there are all sorts of variables that must be weighed. Since we've (we as a society) begun splitting what once were relatively complicated issues into polarized opposites we unintentionally enabled the side effect of this sort of equity of voice, in that people entirely unqualified to weigh in on a topic now feel empowered to do so by hitching their wagon to whichever "side" more closely resembles what they believe to be their set of values. People who at one time would have been laughed out of a public forum now fall in line behind an overly-simplistic rallying cry.

Don't let that first sentence be misleading however, I would never condone silencing any idea. I'm simply stating that when a decision point is boiled down to two competing extremes, it's generally one extreme or the other that will prevail. Right now the conservatives in the US aren't afraid to take their message to a (what I believe to be) unreasonable extreme on a regular basis because of the vocal support of persons who formerly didn't take part in serious political discussion for fear of being mocked due to their lack of education, ability, or downright anti-social tendencies.

And that's why I love Videosift, because most of the people aren't like that.

GEICO Commercial - Therapist Sarge


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