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Ever want to see a serbian tooling around in half a car?

Stewart Nails GOP For Flip Flopping On Escrow Fund

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The scary part happens when Republican presidents get the media to systematically silence dissent...

The only ‘silencing of dissent’ is on the left side of the aisle. And how nice it all sounds… ‘Net Neutrality’, the ‘Fairness Doctrine’, ‘Political Correctness’, ‘Academic Fairness’… The left is the side that engages in the systematic suppression of dissent – not the right. I have a longer memory span than 5 minutes, and there is nothing BUT ‘dissent’ when the GOP is in the White House. Dissent was ‘patriotic’ during Bush, but now is ‘the party of NO’ during Obama, right? But of course good little left-wing zombies have no problem with that.

If I break something of yours, do you have to 100% go through the courts to get compensation? No. Why? Because civil court is totally optional.

If you break my stuff (and refuse to pay for it) then YES I 100% have to go through the courts to get compensation. You’ve proven my point. I don’t go to Obama’s pay czar. Court is where I go, and failing that, I call my congressman and let him know the courts aren't doing their job. I do NOT go to the Executive branch except to write a whiny letter.

I have not been programmed to have a knee-jerk Pavlovian response where I wet myself with fear whenever the word "government" comes into play.

This is patently untrue. You do have a knee-jerk Pavlovian response to wet yourself with fear whenever the word ‘government’ comes into play and ‘conservative’ is involved. The blind, unthinking, slavish trust only applies when a left wing radical is in charge. I believe it was Lenin (another leftist) who called these kinds of fanbois “useful idiots”. People who aren’t critical of government at all times and in all things are fools. The price of freedom is vigilance, and the only good government is LIMITED government.

I'm sure there will be Congressional oversight of this

Oh – well – that ignores history, facts, and precedent - but as long as you're SURE... You aren’t picking up what I’m putting down. I don’t care if Obama is distilled perfection made of unicorn hairs and angel feathers… It doesn’t matter if BP ‘volunteers’ (yeah right – then why the closed door meeting?). This is not something the Executive branch is allowed to do for ANY reason. Ever. Period. It has no authority to do this, and government isn’t allowed to just ‘assume’ authority over whatever they want no matter how munificent they may think they are.

Ahh, so now you're defining down what constitutes a legitimate claim from what even BP says is legitimate? Good to know you don't want to "let them off the hook"...

No – I’m defining ‘responsible’. BP isn’t responsible for lost business. Tourism down? Is that BP’s fault? Maybe partly. But you can also blame the media, the government, the economy, and a whole host of other parties for that. BP is responsible for damage and cleanup. That's it. I see no need for them to pay for ancillary issues that may or may not be related.

Everyone is answerable.

To who? When? You say ‘answerable’ but one of the main problems with federal government is that NO ONE is ever held responsible for anything. They never go to jail for breaking the law. They never pay damages for the consequences of their bad politics. So they ‘lose an election’? Awwwwwww – how terrible for them. They still keep getting money & payola. They still get political back-patting. They still get put on unaccountable ‘blue ribbon’ panels for exorbitant payoffs. They keep getting on TV shows and money for speeches, commentary and books. They still are put on cabinet positions, or other unelected unaccountable political jobs where they still effect policy and get away with murder.

See, when you really get down to the brass tacks the political class is in NO WAY ever ‘answerable’ for their bad behavior and terrible decisions. They just get a brief – all too toothless – wet noodling and then skate off clean while everyone else has to pay for them to keep on partying. Clinton. Impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice. Did he lose his office? No. Did he go to jail? No. Did he have to pay millions in damages? No. He got a tiny slap on the wrist and then the left circled the wagons around him and set him up for life so he’d specifically NEVER have to be truly culpable for his high crime. He should be in jail, or living in a cardboard shack, penniless and shunned to the end of his days. Instead he’s living high on the hog courtesy of constant political payola. And you call that ‘answerable’?

So what happens WHEN (not IF) Obama’s pay czar starts mis-handling the BP funds? Exactly HOW is he going to be ‘answerable’? To whom will he pay millions in damages? What jail will he go to? How will he be banned from politics for life afterwards? And how is Obama ‘answerable’ for unconstitutionally claiming money in the first place? But I don’t hear anyone making him ‘answerable’ for his unconstitutional, illegal act. All I see are left-wing zombies defending the illegal, and GOP cowards who don't have to guts to stand up for the constitution anymore.

Obama Orders Hospital Visitation Rights For Same-Sex Couples

choggie says...


Marriage as an institution is damaged anyway,divorce is more popular-Activism should be a force of nature akin to rescuing a country from earthquake relief-Taxes are bullshit,so the tax break argument is secondary to gay folks simply wanting to be accepted as equals-(no problem with that)-but these folks would do better to use their energy to fight REAL injustice perpetrated on all Americans/Individuals who have to suffer the criminality of the IRS, the non-disclosure of classified documents relative to political assinations and UFOs', and alllll the billions of dollars and hundreds of lives affected by projects funded by the criminalization of drugs and trafficing of the same by elements in the background, of our so-called,democratic government,to fund projects that effect the WHOLE of humanity,not simply a group of flagrant, incensed, outspoken queers.

To sum up, gay marriage is about as important in the grand scheme of things for the country as a whole, as new laws regarding jaywalking, relative to midgets without legs.

Get behind a band-wagon of the real, babies.

Update on the Victoria Police Kicking and kneeing suspects

therealblankman says...

I wish the guy well. He seems genuinely devasted by what happened- which happens to people when their world-view is destroyed. In this case the part of his world view that was destroyed is the part where he believed that the Police were the good guys.

Hopefully some justice will come of this... I doubt it though. The cops- especially Chief Graham are in full wagon-circling damage control mode. It's crap like this that makes cynics of us all.

GoodAttorney (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Thanks for letting me know-What's the primary motivation for your decision if I may be so bold?? Ahhh, *edit, nevermind, I read your comment to dystop....I concur-Any reasonable man would do the same-What keeps me here is the occasional spark of realization in anyone-Like the story of Lot, who was convinced that god was wrong about Sodom and Gommorah, that the place was not completely full of fags, perverts, and others who found God distasteful.. \I press on I have decided, because I am sadomasochistic and love to assault myself...!! I really only use the place to blow off steam and see a bunch of viddies all together on one site-even though most are personal band-wagons of poo.....!! Cheers-

Hey....What's your legal specialty if I may ask? I would perhaps be interested in being able to ask you some questions from time to time pertaining to family law. My email is [email redacted].

In reply to this comment by GoodAttorney:
Nice conversing with you. I'm canceling my account.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
naw man, that message was not for you....your insights were poignant and friendly to dogs who can;t help but be coool.....well, some can;t help but be all fucked-up because of their owners....not this sushi dog....that dog has love that knows no bounds!

In reply to this comment by GoodAttorney:
Really... thinking too hard? Shit, I thought that messages was only coming from the right side. Don't hate (down vote) me because I speak the truth.

Lady Gaga - Telephone ft. Beyoncé

Payback says...

Thought to myself, "hmmm, aging porn stars as wardens in a women's prison", interesting...

Then... You had me at "Told ya she didn't have a dick."

BONUS POINTS: For finding the Pussy Wagon from Kill Bill.

Hail storm turns into downpour, turns into... rapids?

Kevlar says...

You've arrived in Downtown Melbourne Australia. The river is 2.5ft deep.

Do you:

(F)ord the river
(C)aulk the wagon and float it across
(T)ake a ferry across
(W)ait to see if conditions improve

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

Playinwithfire says...

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Good grief, he really sounded awful back then, didn't he?

I didn't see him until after he climbed on the wagon...but he sounded completely different by that time. For one thing, he could sing on key...actually, by the time I saw him, he'd proven to have an extremely good voice (at least when he wanted to).

Very educational, for me at least.

LOL yes, I actualy found one where hw sounded so BAD and looked so strung out I didnt even post it, saw him live as well in the 80's and by then he had straightened up some, best concert Ive ever been to to this day. <3 Alice! His outfit in this clip intrigued me lol

Alice Cooper ~ Is It My Body ~ Live 1971

Stormsinger says...

Good grief, he really sounded awful back then, didn't he?

I didn't see him until after he climbed on the wagon...but he sounded completely different by that time. For one thing, he could sing on key...actually, by the time I saw him, he'd proven to have an extremely good voice (at least when he wanted to).

Very educational, for me at least.

Why people don't walk their cats


choggie says...

kulpims, lucky760 has a porn site, go check the raucous, energetic, and highly trafficked area of the talk over there...see any ad banners??? The shit is becoming more non-linear as wel-check yer socks-

hmmm, imagine that, not too many people can talk with one hand on their cock and one on the mouse....besides, fucking is a time when talking becomes irrelevant in light of the task(s) at hand.

Don't see a shit storm of ad-rev being generated there, either. For that matter, purveyors of traditional forms of porn after the advent of free uploaded amateur stuff, are want to keep up the payments on their Pussy Wagons and fillet Mignon deliveries.

Porn is NOT the wave of the future of the's he wave of knuckle-dragging monkeys being told robotically what to do by the mind-control agents of media, as their social dysfunction struggles to catch up wit their early imprints of abuse, neglect, and parents who damaged as THEY are, knew DICK about imprinting a healthy human being....I digress frequently, forgive the non-linearity, go fuck yourselves.

Get real creative if you want to make a difference, and then learn the basic operating procedures of planet earth: disregard $$$$ as the final oooomph at days end....its a confabulation....

WTF were we talking about...OH, brain showing his ass as he projects it on an outdoor theater screeen in a small town outside of Delhi, ON FUCKING FAMILY FILM BOLLYWOOOD MUSICAL NIGHT.....!!! fucking, dumb-ass, shit.

Again, go fuck yourselves, each and every motherfucking one of you....oh and, as some of you cretins are inclined to use as your only parting script as you find your own bullshit being fed to ya with a silver fucking oyster fork, "Have a NICE day!"....(cocksuckers!)

Urban Skiing

Sketch says...

Dear Youtubers who attempt to pull people on sleds, wagons, boogie boards, Big Wheel's, shopping carts, planks of wood, nothing at all, or anything else your demented little devolved brains can think of:
Notice how the skis give the person being pulled some CONTROL over their own movement! Also, note that at no time does the driver "gun it"!

Now go off and ignore all of those things so that you can give us more fail videos to sift and eliminate your space in the gene pool.

The Most Expensive/Beautiful Car In the World

sillma says...

Well, the most expensive car that's in production(is it?) might be closer to the truth, and hardly the prettiest ever, seemed actually a little bland to me as most of these luxury super wagons are. Would be fun to have one though


oh and you'll get an upvote when you get a hd version of this in here, didn't think that made it credit properly.

Ed Griffin Defines Collectivism

Top Gear - 1970s American Cars

budzos says...

Cars were hideous overall until the 90s. In the late 80s, when Robocop came out using repainted Ford Tauruses to stand in for the SUX 9000, I noticed that mainstream cars were finally starting to get some attractive lines again. But compare a 90s Ford Taurus to the mainstream Ford offerings of the 50s and 60s, and you can see just how fucking ugly the design trends had made things by 1980.

I used to look at vans, minivans, station wagons, K-cars, town cars, Cadillacs, etc. in the 80s as a little kid and wonder why the hell everything was made so ugly.

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