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Scooby-Doo is pure evil

Sagemind says...

Hey, they ran this entire series all day on Halloween, I couldn't pry my kids away from it. It was good wholesome family fun hat the whole family participated in.

And this "IS" the old Scooby-Do - nothing new here,
Vincent Price died in 1993 - fifteen years ago, and this was made way before that!

these guys are Whack!

So What'cha Want - Beastie Boys

eric3579 says...

Just Plug Me In Just Like I Was Eddie Harris
You're Eating Crazy Cheese Like You'd Think I'm From Paris
You Know I Get Fly You Think I Get High
You Know That I'm Gone And I'm A Tell You All Why
So Tell Me Who Are You Dissing Maybe I'm Missing
The Reason That You're Smiling or Wilding
So Listen In My Head I Just Want To Take 'em Down
Imagination Set Loose And I'm Gonna Shake 'em Down
Let It Flow Like A Mud Slide
When I Get On I Like To Ride And Glide
I've Got Depth Of Perception In My Text Y'all
I Get Props At My Mention 'Cause I Vex Y'All
So What'cha Want
I get So Funny With The Money That You Flaunt
I said Where'd You Get Your Information From Huh?
You Think That You Can Front When Revelation Comes

Yeh, You Can't Front On That

Well They Call Me Mike D The Ever Loving Man
I'm Like Spoonie Gee Well I'm The Metropolitician
You Scream And You Holler About My Chevy Impala
But The Sweat Is Getting Wet Around The Ring Around Your Collar
But Like A Dream I'm Flowing Without No Stopping
Sweeter Than A Cherry Pie With Ready Whip Topping
Goin' From Mic To Mic Kickin' It Wall To Wall
Well I'll Be Calling Out You People Like A Casting Call
Well It's Wack When You're Jacked In The Back Of A Ride
With Your Know With Your Flow When You're Out Getting By
Believe Me What You See Is What You Get
And You See Me I'm Coming Off As You Can Bet
Well I Think I'm Losing My Mind This Time
This Time I'm Losing My Mind
That's Right, Said I Think I'm Losing My Mind This Time
This Time I'm Losing My Mind

Yeh, You Can't Front On That

But Little Do You Know About Something That I Talk About
I'm Tired Of Driving It's Due Time That I Walk About
But In The Meantime, I'm Wise To The Demise
I've Got Eyes In The Back Of My Head So I Realize
Well I'm Dr. Spock I'm Here To Rock Y'All
I Want You Off The Wall If You're Playing The Wall
I said What'cha Want
Y'All Suckers Write Me Checks And Then They Bounce
So I Reach Into My Pocket For The Fresh Amount
See I'm The Long Leaner Vincent The Cleaner
I'm The Illest Motherfucker From Here To Gardena
I'm As Cool As A Cucumber In A Bowl Of Hot Sauce
You've Got The Rhyme And Reason But No Cause
Well If You're Hot To Trot You Think You're Slicker Than Grease
I've Got News For You Crews You'll Be Sucking Like A Leach

You Can't Front On That
So What'cha Want

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin Is So Dumb...

deedub81 says...

Countries in North America = 23:

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Clipperton Island, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Navassa Island, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands

Leave Sarah Palin alone! She's my hero.

Gary Busey is the Head Wack Job in Charge...a.k.a the HWJIC

Michael Jackson--Thriller

UmberGryphon says...

Wow, I'd forgotten how much John Landis chopped up the song to make it work with the mini-movie he wrote.

Original song:
Verse 1
Chorus 1
Verse 2
Chorus 2
Verse 3
Chorus 3
Chorus 4
Vincent Price

Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Vincent Price
Chorus 1
Chorus 3
Chorus 4

The bridge ("there's no escaping the jaws of the alien") and chorus 2 ("the thing with forty eyes") are completely missing. You'd think with a video that long, they'd find room for all the lyrics.

Vincent Price on the Muppet Show - You've Got A Friend

alien_concept (Member Profile)

A New Standard for Deception by NIST

jimnms says...

From your own link:

FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F). However, experts agree that for the towers to collapse, their steel frames didn't need to melt, they just had to lose some of their structural strength — and that required exposure to much less heat. "I have never seen melted steel in a building fire," says retired New York deputy fire chief Vincent Dunn, author of The Collapse Of Burning Buildings: A Guide To Fireground Safety. "But I've seen a lot of twisted, warped, bent and sagging steel. What happens is that the steel tries to expand at both ends, but when it can no longer expand, it sags and the surrounding concrete cracks."

"Steel loses about 50 percent of its strength at 1100°F," notes senior engineer Farid Alfawak-hiri of the American Institute of Steel Construction. "And at 1800° it is probably at less than 10 percent." NIST also believes that a great deal of the spray-on fireproofing insulation was likely knocked off the steel beams that were in the path of the crashing jets, leaving the metal more vulnerable to the heat.

The Madrid fire burned for 24 hours at temperatures up to 800°C (1500°F) and did not collapse. In 2004, Venezuela's tallest building burned uncontrolled for 17 hours and did not collapse. WTC7 had two small fires which burned for 6 hours and it collapsed in what looks like a controlled demolition.

When the tapes from 9/11 firefighters in were released, there was no mention of communication problems as we were told, and firefighters only reported small pockets of fire, not a huge inferno that can melt steel.

Two hose lines are needed, Chief Orio Palmer says from an upper floor of the badly damaged south tower at the World Trade Center. Just two hose lines to attack two isolated pockets of fire. ''We should be able to knock it down with two lines,'' he tells the firefighters of Ladder Company 15 who were following him up the stairs of the doomed tower.

Lt. Joseph G. Leavey is heard responding: ''Orio, we're on 78, but we're in the B stairway. Trapped in here. We got to put some fire out to get to you.''

Ladder 15 had finally found the fire after an arduous climb to the 78th floor, according to the tape. They were in the B stairwell. On the other side of the fire were hundreds of people, blocked from fleeing by smoke and flame on the stairs. Chief Palmer was facing similar fires in the A stairwell, across the floor.

''We're gonna knock down some fire here in the B Stair,'' Lieutenant Leavey is heard telling one of his firefighters. ''We'll meet up with you. You get over to the A Stair and help out Chief Palmer.''

If those fires were burning at 1500-1800°F, the people on that floor would have been dead.

I'm no conspiracy theory nutcase, but I'm also not stupid, the "official" explanations of collapse just don't match reality.

How to create a $1,000,000,000,000 industry!

imstellar28 says...

>> ^MINK
so give me a handout to develop some philosophy and social structure and culture. tell me how that works in a free market.

Heres the prescription I would give to (begin to) cure the philosophical deficiency of 21st century culture:
"The Blind Watchmaker" my Richard Dawkins
"The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins
"For The New Intellectual" by Ayn Rand
"The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand
"Free To Choose" by Milton Friedman
"Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt
"The Art of Thinking" by Vincent Ruggiero
"The Nature of Consciousness" by Alan Watts

Two years ago I was just as against the free market as you or anyone else was. It was only possible for me to accept these ideas once I had changed my philosophical, societal, and cultural perspective. Philosophy is not bought or sold on ebay, it is taught in schools, in interactions with friends, and from parents.

These conversations are my attempt to share philosophy, maybe I'm not very successful...but I'm just some random guy I'm no Alan Watts.

Sean Connery Voice Club for Men

Teacher Rejects the Madness of No Child Left Behind.

imstellar28 says...

>>To some degree I think the nature of schooling should spend more time on critical thinking, research, logic, etc. before it ever starts with real subject matter...but that's a whole other can of worms.

I agree 100%. I think this is one of the most sorely lacking subjects in public education. I would like to see a 9th grade class on critical thinking. There is actually a textbook on this subject "The Art of Thinking" by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero which I think would do an exceptional job.

I actually think high schoolers should be pushed a lot harder. The step from high school to college is really an immense one, yet I'm not sure theres a physiological basis for this. I'd really like to see a college-style education in grades 10-12--that is, one which necessitates 2-4 hours of out-of-school work.

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^spoco2:
>> crimes? Really, your position is by FAR the more untenable.

So yes paddling works, until the child can fight back.

There is no reason to paddle, there is reason to reason with children, violence only begets violence. Stimulus and response, you kick a dog so many times it will bite you back, and all I can say is you deserved it. So don't kick the dog. Ya dig?

Just drive.
They project onto you their flaws,
what they don't like about themselves,
their lives, whatever. And then they
rank on you, instead...

How do you know?

I had a father like that.

Mothers are worse.

Mine died when I was one. *

What happened?

He hated whatever I did. Got drunk.
Beat me up all the time.

Then what?

I killed him. I was 12.


10/4/03 MM revs. (blue) 63A.
46 CONTINUED: (2) 46

He was the first.
(off Max's look)
I'm kidding. He died of liver cancer.
" - quoted from

Point is you never know when as a parent you could cause a problem with a child, you don't beat them you punish them in other ways. But most of the time its because they are defiant of you, and they are trying to create a niche for themselves int he family unit, what do you expect. Its the nature of life, make a niche or die.

PS: Some one said something about paddling people, had to input.

Tim Burton's short film "Vincent", 1982

Obama's Speech - "Something the Fuehrer would have done"

NetRunner says...

>> ^Irishman:
How do you think this event will be percieved around the world?
Moving the venue to a football ground and filling it with 75,000 'adoring fans' does have the whiff of fanatacism about it.
I'm sure many Europeans will see this event echoing 1930s Germany.
I think it's right that this be raised and discussed. Obama's speech in Israel followed by this event is sending out a very particular type of message.
It's not about what I personally think, it's about the alarm bells that this kind of stunt rings around the rest of the world. It's about perception.

So to my original point, normally nomination acceptance speeches are given before a crowd of 20,000...why is adding 55,000 more people nefarious?

Don't things like torture, ignoring habeas corpus, domestic spying, propaganda, consolidating power, and open flirtation with starting a war with Iran send a bigger message?

We've got an election where McCain is endorsing all of those things either overtly in his rhetoric, or tacitly by refusing to vote against them, and Obama speaks out about ending all of the above, and votes against it when he has the opportunity.

Given that, shouldn't Europeans be more concerned that there's still a pretty significant chance McCain could win, not because Obama plans to give a speech before a crowd less than half the size of the one he attracted in Germany?


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