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Neatorama: May the Force Live Long and Prosper (Sift Talk Post)

"I Made The World's Favorite Font"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Comic Sans, Vincent Connare, Graphic, Design, Typography' to 'Comic Sans, Vincent Connare, Graphic, Design, Typography, BOB' - edited by ponceleon

Guesthouse Paradiso scenes, Rik Mayall, Adrian Edmonson

Vincent (short film) by Tim Burton narrated by Vincent Price

Vincent (short film) by Tim Burton narrated by Vincent Price

Vincent (short film) by Tim Burton narrated by Vincent Price

precious taft delivers the best soul monologue of all-time

tcrane says...

Aspiring actress Precious Taft appeared on Stairway to Stardom performing a monologue from a play called The Gingham Dog. The best part is the dramatic ending, where Precious (playing the part of Gloria) avows to bash her child's head against the "Goddamn radiator", dramatically drops the microphone, and the host creepily tells her how beautiful the performance was.

The nuanced monologue delivered by Ms Taft is from the play The Gingham Dog by Lanford Wilson, about marital tension between a mixed race couple. This tour de force of the dramatic arts lasted a full five performances during its Broadway debut in 1969.

The "hutch" referred to in the monologue was where Gloria and her husband Vincent lived:

Barbara: What was the hutch?
Gloria: That's what they called the place where we lived. One of the Black guys Vince played ball with, was up from Georgia, used to raise rabbits and he called the place the rabbit hutch because you can't imagine how cramped it got with eight or ten basketball players packed in there eating spaghetti.

(Member Profile)

Prosecute Bush! January 21, 2009

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Vincent Bugliosi Mike Gravel Dennis Kucinich Sean Penn Ralph Nader prosecu' to 'Vincent Bugliosi, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, Sean Penn, Ralph Nader, prosecute' - edited by gwiz665

What Are 13% of Americans Afraid of?

volumptuous says...

>> ^messenger:
>> ^volumptuous:

Sorry, Canadian.

Dude you are so wrong.

How do I know?

I started my animation career at that studio, on that show. Where was it? In Hollywood,. John K was originally from Canada, but by no means did he create R&S on his own. Vincent Waller and Jim Smith were just as much creators as he. And John didn't take off and learn his skills in Canada.

The main writers of R&S were all Americans. The music supervisors, painters and animators as well. In fact, there was only one Canadian there.

But yeah, this argument is the dumbest thing ever.


Prosecute George W. Bush!

blankfist (Member Profile)

How psychics work - Uri Geller is a fraud

Great Artists - Van Gogh

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'artists, dutch, painting, post impressionism, vincent, van Gogh' to 'artists, dutch, painting, post impressionism, vincent, van Gogh, ears are overrated' - edited by rasch187

Vincent Dances For A Month of Fridays

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Beggar's Canyon