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Diamond turning an acrylic dome for an underwater camera

Reality Check: How Prevalent is the Global Child Sex Trade

newtboy says...

That should be a tip off that it's misleading at best...especially when you actually bother to look at the statistics and notice a total of around 115 stranger abductions nationally per year, most of which are recovered and few sold into sex slavery. FBI shows a total of <34000 still missing kids under 18 (not just from this year) do you really believe 10000 per year get snatched and sold?!
When you see outrageous, unbelievable claims like this that support your narrative, why don't alarm bells ever go off?

That is a form of sickness....and you've got it bad, booboo.

bobknight33 said:

At the 1:23 mark he indicates approx 10,000 kids or about 200 kids per state.

If 200 kids go missing every year from every state why arn't the alarm bells going off?

This is so sick.

Russian Horse and Cart snow fail

Sagemind says...

Precisely why a team of two horses should be used. The horse got too close to the side, and because the cart sticks out further to the sides, it hit the bank and tipped.
A two-horse system wouldn't get as close to the edge and the tires wouldn't have hit the side.

Also, at that speed, it looked like the horse was spooked, and running FROM the cart, which on it's current wheels was rolling too fast and easily.

...Not that I'm an expert, I've been around horses, but mainly this is only my observation

FISA Memo | Everything You Need To Know

newtboy says...

The entire thing is bias, not factual, or at best misleading because of intentional omission of fact. I can't say what fact is false if there's no fact. Opinion about perceived/alleged bias isn't factual.
A lie by omission is a lie. The whole thing is that kind of lie.

The "unverified and salacious" (not wrong or debunked, mind you) part was personal accusations, you know, the golden showers with Russian hookers part, which was NOT used to get a warrant. He was clear that was not his opinion about the entire thing.

Yes, as I've told you at least twice now, I read it twice before commenting on it looking for anything in it and found nothing but biased whining. "Steele said bad things about Trump, so he's an untrustworthy liar" is hardly even an honest accusation, much less evidence he lied about anything, and farther from proof that this one piece in the puzzle of evidence against Trump's administration was key. One statement by one person taken out of context and misrepresented is not even an indication, much less proof that this was THE key bit of evidence, without which there was no case, but that's what this is all about. it was likely the most damning bit that tipped the scales from 'could just look bad' to 'this is something that needs investigation today'.
Recall, the continuing investigation already actually found criminal activity PROVEN, ADMITTED, AND CONVICTED.

As I've told you repeatedly, they (democrats , the fbi, and the DoD) tried to block it because 1) they wouldn't let the FBI screen it for secrets/classified information/pure lies and 2) republicans blocked (and continue to block) releasing the full story because it paints a completely different picture from the memo. Don't pretend to be so dumb you don't understand that.

Just keep saying bombshell, that will make it real...Jebus Christ.

I'm sure it is just the tip....of the ass fucking the Republicans are giving our democracy and system of checks and balances. What it's not is the tip of some insane conspiracy iceberg between liberals and top law enforcement.

Get your head out of your ass. No one is ever going after Obama or Clinton, as they committed no crimes, they've both been investigated with pure malice and bias for years and Republicans found nothing, this is just more nothing. It's almost funny you would even consider that, but it's actually sad you are that deluded you could keep thinking such nonsense after so many disappointments.

Really? A pure bias opinion piece from ' the hill' is your evidence? It was factless, logic free garbage that actually referenced Benghazi as one of Obama's prosecutable crimes, I'm dumber for having read it. You should feel shameful.

Clearly you don't recall that Obama's administration had zero convictions for misuse of power, zero indictments, how many has Trump's had already? 5? 6? 10? At least 4 high ranking members have been convicted or plead guilty already before year one or the first investigation is complete. Only Nixon's record was worse, and that only after he left office after Watergate.
Trump has by far the worst criminal conviction record for sitting administrations on FAR!

bobknight33 said:

You could not be more wrong ..
There was the bias in the memo? What fact was a false? Did you even read it?

If there was nothing to the memo why did ALL try to stop it?
Its a bombshell and just the tip of things to come.

Hillary/ Obama and many, many, and many others are going down..

FISA Memo | Everything You Need To Know

bobknight33 says...

You could not be more wrong ..
There was the bias in the memo? What fact was a false? Did you even read it?

If there was nothing to the memo why did ALL try to stop it?
Its a bombshell and just the tip of things to come.

Hillary/ Obama and many, many, and many others are going down..

newtboy said:

Everything you need to know....
There's not a single crime even alluded to in the memo, much less proven. Only accusations of bias against Trump by the agency that handed him the presidency.
The steel dossier was certainly not the only evidence presented to FISA, a fact Republicans are desperate to hide.

Republicans wrote the lax FISA rules, and renewed them just last month over Democratic objection, to make it easy to spy on Muslims in America and fight terrorism.
Those lax rules were used to legally get a warrant, and renew it.

Republicans eventually (after blocking voting on it for a week+) voted to release the Democratic memo, after it had been already submitted to the FBI and DOJ first and had a 10 day viewing period. The Republican memo was not subject to review. They also knew Trump would veto it's release, and he has so far. The democrats all voted to release the Republican the same time and with the same restrictions as the rebuttal, Republicans all voted against that.

Bias does not automatically make one not credible, or incapable of properly investigating crimes. Honest people are biased against liars. Most law enforcement is biased against criminal perpetrators. Intelligence agents are biased against traitors.

If bias was a disqualifier for investigation, what has the Republican party been doing looking at Clinton? They clearly should have recused themselves, but in that case bias against her was a prerequisite to be part of the investigation team. A little consistency would be nice, guys.

In short, this is utter bullshit distraction, fake misleading opinion based on factual omission made by those who've made a career of making unsupported, often debunked charges against political enemies, not credible evidence of crimes or improper action by anyone. Sorry @bobknight33

It's that time of the year again! (Sift Talk Post)

ChaosEngine says...

Have yourself a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, kwazy Kwanzaa, a tip-top Tet, or a solemn & dignified Ramadan.

May there be gifts and tasty foods and beverages of your choice.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Largest Turboprop in the world Antonov AN 22 Manchester

radx says...

Counter-rotating propellers sparked my curiosity when I first saw them on a British Seafire Mk46 at a flight show in the early nineties.

So my amateur's answer would be that it's about the problem of turning the engine's power into thrust. With increasing power, you can either increase the propeller's RPM or its area. So you either a) spin it faster, b) increase its diameter, c) use a more favourable blade geometry, d) add more blades.

a) and b) both lead to blade tips moving faster, and once they approach the speed of sound, wave drag sets in and ruins your day. b) also runs into issues in terms of ground clearance. Thus the Kim Jong-un blades on planes like the An-70: short and fat.

c) is rather difficult to do in terms of manufacture -- that's why more pronounced blade shapes are a relatively recent development.

d) on a single propeller decreases the efficiency of each blade as it passes through the previous blade's vortex. That's why, for instance, German planes in WW2 almost exclusively relied on 3-bladed propellers with increasing blade size, whereas Supermarine went to four and even 5 blades rather quickly. You can work the issue to a certain degree by modifying the blade geometry, thus the 8 blade props on a modern A400M.

Adding more blades by adding another propeller gets around d), although the aft prop still loses efficiency compared to the front prop. On the other hand, counter-rotating props massively reduces problems with torque, which can be rather horrendous for single engine prop planes. The Bf 109, for instance, is (in)famous for being difficult during take-off as it pulls to the side quite violently.

moonsammy said:

I don't know enough about aerodynamics to understand how stacking the propellers like that makes any sense, so I'm just going to assume it's some sort of Soviet technomagic.

Traffic flow measured on 30 different 4-way junctions

CrushBug says...

I am glad you pointed this out, because it looked very real to me, no joke. The thing that tipped me off was the first traffic circle, and I thought, "no one goes that slow or stops in a traffic circle". And then I noticed one or two vehicles violate the laws of physics, and I started to wonder.

Fantomas said:

Cities Skylines? Not the most accurate simulation but interesting nonetheless.

Don Lemon is not having it

Fairbs says...

I'm hoping that if there is enough evidence then people individually will walk away and if there is something big enough it may be a tipping point and they'll leave en masse

ChaosEngine said:

The question is: does it matter? The people who hate him already know this and the people who support him don’t care.

What's new, Atlas?

Cannabis commercial mocks prescription drug commercials

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, @Asmo, read the title more closely.
It's about the game, not the Nazis. The title is not "The alt right getting pissed off at a game".
If there were two alt right total and one is upset, the title is correct. They don't have to be a majority to exist or to have an impact....there were enough of them to tip the scales in the election.

radx (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So much for keeping temperature rise below 2 degrees above preindustrial averages (or even the Paris 1.5 degree goal) being "safe". We're at 1.2 degrees and rising last year, and it seems like Ragnarok is upon us.
This is pretty good evidence that the anthropogenic extinction event is well under way, not something to fear might happen in a dystopian future. Both the natural food web and agriculture are dependent on insects. A 3/4 reduction is probably at or beyond the tipping point.
This business is going to get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it.
Fuck. We all better call up Jim Bakker for some apocalypse food buckets quick.

Siskel & Ebert - Pulp Fiction

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