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notarobot (Member Profile)

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

newtboy says...

You replied to yourself here....likely because this wasn't meant for me, as your terrible English, impossibly bad for an American, would tip us off that you're not an American and are nothing but another Russian troll stumping for Trump, willing to spout any nonsense no matter how it contradicts reality. Really, Bobski, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to learn English better than the Nigerian princes who need your help with international banking.

You must be completely insane if you think protecting a targeted group of American citizens from clear attacks against their constitutional rights is the racist move, but trying to remove their constitutional rights, that's not.

You are apparently willfully ignorant, so you have zero idea what poor people, who are mostly minorities, face. I have been one, living in East Palo Alto in the late 80's. When you work 16 hour days +3 hours on the bus getting there just to scrape by with zero savings, asking them to spend a full day at the dmv and a voting tax of $50+ (the cost of a license), you make the right to vote conditional on having a day off, the required documentation for a license/ID, and $50 to spare. Make getting a license/ID free and under 5 min online, you might have a point. As it stands, you're just being intentionally dense and trying to hide from the obvious, clear, unambiguous racist nature of ALL voter tests. There's a reason the states implementing these laws were precluded from making voter laws before 2011.....they had been found to be unconstitutionally and blatantly racist by the supreme court.

Republicans want id laws to disenfranchise minorities because they don't represent minorities and don't expect their votes, they're clear and open about it behind closed doors, have been since the Southern Strategy, and it's 100% obvious when you look at their implementation, they ALL effect minorities at a rate 4+ times over whites in areas where whites are 3/4 the population....that's by design, they have been repeatedly caught testing to ensure those results when crafting the laws.

Illegals don't vote, that's nonsense you got from the liar in Chief with not a shred of evidence that a single one successfully voted after his 2 year red herring investigation that wasted (tens of?) millions of dollars over something he made up to excuse his losing the election by 3000000+- votes. It's pure bullshit, you and we know it, that's why you never heard the results of his investigation.

Today, Trump declared publicly he's a proud nationalist.....another word for neo Nazi. There goes Republican's humanity.
He's also added more to the deficit than anyone ever, during a period of growth! Obama did better, consistently reducing the deficit, during a recession! So much for fiscal responsibility.
Now Republicans have organized and paid central Americans to march towards America to rile up their base and blame democrats without evidence, knowing under 100 will even be allowed to apply for asylum and none allowed entry. Any semblance of honesty gone, fear and hatred of anyone "different", that's all the right has left.
I'm guessing you're still on board, because nothing but tribe matters to you, not truth, not rationality, not even supporting a proud Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

So this boils down to a discrimination of minorities.

So glad of you to be their champion. That you need to look down and these class of citizen that you must intervene.

I think higher of minorities. They are my equal. I don't look down in pity as you do. I believe minorities can find a way to obtain an ID. Its not that hard or expensive.

I'll ignore your un-intentional racism and chalk it up to you being miss informed by main stream media. No hard feelings, newt. Your are not alone.

Republicans want ID laws so only AMERICANS vote. Democrats do not want ID laws. Hence to allow ILLEGALS to vote. Democrats don't care about minorities, just votes.

Why George Lucas is NOT a bad director - A Visual Essay

ChaosEngine says...

I agree with everything he said... except for the last point.

The story of the prequels is boring and it's not directed in a visually interesting way.

Anakin's transformation into Vader is narratively clumsy and I'm not even sure you can entirely blame Christensen for his portrayal of Anakin, given the clunkiness of the script (blindingly obvious tip: if you're creating the guy who will become Space-Hitler, don't let people call him "Ani").

Lusas is undoubtedly a technical visionary, and he's certainly not a "bad" director, he's just not really good enough to be directing the biggest movies on the planet.

Defying Gravity

A Scary Time

bobknight33 says...

I like being at this place also, even though I am out numbered 5000:1 That's Ok. It my choice. I like @Newboy the best. He to is unswayable.

Does a vote come with obligatory reason?

I do not think it is a great song. Catchy yes, great no.

I do not need to by into the Men are pigs, bastards, slime, evil.

Men are men. We like beer, We like women. Some men go to far but most don't.

Some women go to far also. Most don't. Where is this catchy song?

So No I do not by into this political crap just because it's the in thing to do. This scale is tipping too far.

Society is full of opposites. Opinions and viewpoints is part of this.

If the girl was ugly would this even be posted or listen to, or given the time of day? Fair question. Would @RFlagg even watched it or hence post it? Maybe Maybe not but having a pretty woman playing a catchy song sure helps get looks and votes. Apparently it got your up and my down and so far 91 views on the sift.

In you honor I gave it an upvote.

noims said:

@bobknight33 can you explain why you downvoted this comment? Do you find it inappropriate or irrelevant? I certainly don't, and probably would have promoted the song myself.

Believe it or not, I personally actually like having you around on the sift, both for your non-political videos and for your political comments (although I think I've yet to be swayed by any of your arguments and I'm an ocean away in any case). I don't want to see you banned for abusing downvotes, but it's a serious dick move. I know it's tough but I suggest you keep pleading your case rather than trying to punish or silence others.

Robot drywall installer

ChaosEngine says...

Fair points, but this is obviously a prototype.

Ultimately, the price of these will come down and even if you need to swap out the batteries, there's no reason that can't be automated too. Hell, a roomba basically does that now. The point is it doesn't need sleep or meal breaks and it doesn't care about working hours. Or you just leave it connected to a permanent power source (if you can teach it to drywall, you can teach it to avoid the cable).

And yeah, my numbers are obviously estimates, since this isn't commercially available yet, and you'd need to factor in capital investment, maintenance, etc. But you don't have to pay it a salary, it doesn't need medical and it doesn't have to comply with health and safety regs (at least, not for the robots H&S).

I find it difficult to believe that something like this could ever be less cost-effective than a human.

Of course, that's assuming a steady rate of improvement. Bipedal robots (like self-driving cars) have been "90% there" for many years now. It might be that the last 10% is REALLY, REALLY difficult.

My gut feeling is that we will see a tipping point. There will be some really challenging engineering/programming obstacle that stops these going mainstream, but eventually, someone will solve it and then the rate of progress will be exponential.

But you're right in that, that's certainly a few years away yet. I'm fascinated as to how we as a society/civilisation deal with mass automation.

Drachen_Jager said:

But it's not going to be 1% of the cost for a very, very long time. It probably takes a team of technicians to keep it going right now. 5-10 years from now you can probably get one of those for a hundred grand or so, but maintenance would run you around the same as a full-time drywaller. You're throwing a lot of numbers out there as if they mean something, but they don't. Also, the thing needs downtime to recharge, even once the technology becomes practical and affordable, so 24/7 is not an option. Either you need a worker to replace batteries every few hours, or it needs to plug in to a base station and go offline for significant periods.

C-note (Member Profile)

Pizza Delivery Guy Surprises Family With Piano Performance

Pizza Delivery Guy Surprises Family With Piano Performance

BSR says...

He played with such passion I almost think the piano was just the the tip he needed.

Personally I would have floated him a C note for the great video.

newtboy said:

*quality performance
I hope they tipped him well.

Pizza Delivery Guy Surprises Family With Piano Performance

The Ocean Cleanup Launches To The Great Pacific Garbage Patc

Jinx says...

Perhaps they think that the ocean is a fucking massive place, that the crap that floats on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg, and that much like the very prominent attemps to clean up oil spills and the like it really does very little except placate our guilt. I mean sure, do both, but come on, human beans don't work like that. Some will litter with a clear conscience if they think somebody is being paid to clean up behind them. I mean, its practically job creaton right!

newtboy said:

Hmmmm. What makes those people think you can't clean up and litter less at the same time?
Thanks for the promote

Spreading Love and Joy at Sam's Club

BSR (Member Profile)

BSR says...

I sent this once but I checked PRIVATE and it seems I sent it to myself.

Your timing is impeccable! I'm laying in a tub of warm water ready to slit my wrists and tip my laptop into the tub with me.

You... you saved my LIFE!

I can never repay you for this.

Actually, had you not mentioned it, I never would have noticed.

But thanks for being worried about it. It would take way more than one negative vote to reduce the respect you have earned from me.

*fist bump*

newtboy said:

WTF?!? I didn't mean to downvote your comment...I have no idea how that happened, but I see it did. Sorry, it wasn't intentional, I agree with you.

Ecuador The Equator - Water Demonstration - Coriolis Effect

C-note says...

After a little digging I now understand the Coriolis Effect is real, it's just that the way they carried out the experiment is flawed. And considering it was filmed at a tourist spot and carried out by someone who was most likely hoping to earn a little extra in tips, cause who can't use a few extra bucks, we must throw rocks in condemnation.

Just thump a coin in the cup before you walk away.

BSR said:

How do you sleep at night?
I was thinking the same as drradon.
Pick on someone your own badge.
*walks away mumbling to self*

HowToBasic - How To Make Ramen

Ashenkase says...

This is a very basic recipe, I would suggest however that his might be an even easier procedure:

If I may be so bold there are a few tips I can offer:

Step 1: Fill your sink with warm sudsy water.
Step 2: Do all of your dishes and clean your work surface
Step 3: Drain the sink and refill it with sudsy water
Step 4: Start cooking
Step 5: If you dirty a dish or utensil, clean it RIGHT AWAY!
Step 6: Goto step 3 and repeat until you are finished cooking

* With cooking, go for it. You can only get better the more times you try.

* Double sinks should be the standard, if you only have one of those huge single tubs one should get their head examined. 1 sink for clean, one sink for rinse, one rack to dry. *rant over.

* Ramen, for me, is tied with Thai and Indian. It is in its essence Umami. Just don't use as much noodle as this f**k tard did at the end of the video

noims said:

Not sure I'd be able to make this all that quickly, but I agree it would take longer to clean up.

I do have a sudden inexplicable craving for noodles, though. It is pretty late, so I might just have a bath.

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