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Meet The Trump Fans Of Q-Anon

lurgee says...

Agreed. I'm waiting for the Million Q-Tip March.

newtboy said:

Has anyone ever met a Q believer with an IQ over 85? I haven't.
I think Q stands for one ever said they could spell.

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

newtboy says...

Not exactly.
They have actual evidence that many Kremlin tied agents were involved.
True, they haven't released any evidence proving Putin's personal involvement....yet.... but it's not a bit believable that this enormous government project was done behind his back. He IS personally involved with what his government is doing.

Granted, Mueller did seem to tow the Republican party line building up to Iraq, not with outright lies but by cherry picking reports and minimizing uncertainty but mostly by not correcting Bush, Rice, and Powell, which makes it even less likely he would turn 180 degrees to now outright lie and create evidence out of nothing to oppose his own chosen party, especially knowing it will come out eventually.

Also, it bears noting Mueller didn't have a part in creating any of the multiple reports, both public and classified, accusing Russia of interference, those came from numerous agencies and internal investigations by the businesses involved (like Facebook) AND from our allies intelligence agencies.

Odd, I haven't seen Mueller using any language about Russia, he's not doing interviews or releasing press statements, only indictments that in many cases are followed quickly with guilty pleas, what language exactly are you referring to?

"Witch hunt" you've tipped your hand, indicating no amount of evidence will ever be enough to convince you because you believe Trump, even when he contradicts himself....except when he tells you there was clear Russian governmental interference, because he finished that sentence by saying "and others", which under a red hat means it doesn't matter, pay no attention to the Vlad behind the collusion, no collusion, no

Odd, for a witch hunt, they have a whole bunch of convictions and people admitting to witchcraft. That's just not how witch hunts work.

Spacedog79 said:

I feel like I'm in a time warp here.

As far as I understand it that is exactly what they are saying about the Russian hacks too, they have no clear link to the Kremlin. I'm not saying they didn't do it but there is a clear smell of witch hunt going on.

What I find especially galling is Robert Mueller was FBI director at the time of the Iraq war and he was using the exact same language about how clear the evidence for WMDs was.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

bobknight33 says...

Liberals have been marching loudly past 30 years not tip towing.
So much so a Christian can not show faith at work, they are shamed in public. One could argue the opposite, Its time for Christian to stand up.

Also same to politics. Trump supporters get beaten up, insulted in public. One can't wear MEGA hat to events ( except Trumps) , or Starbucks.. That's not Liberals tip toeing around its full on frontal assault.

ChaosEngine said:

Liberals need to stop tip-toeing around the right and stand up for what they believe in.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

bcglorf says...

Fair point, and I would agree with you that if one of your core beliefs are pro-life/pro-choice, of course you want the law to reflect that because you care about the people affected by the law.

That said, it's hard to simultaneously urge the liberals need to stop tip-toeing AND fret that a right-leaning majority on the Supreme Court might overturn Roe vs. Wade. Not because you can't want to uphold Roe vs Wade, but because Roe vs. Wade has stood a long time under a left-leaning majority which tends to argue that the liberals haven't exactly been tip-toeing.

I just wish people would place live and let live much higher up in their value systems. I've got plenty of really strong beliefs that I don't believe should be enshrined into law. The reason being that merely not sharing those beliefs doesn't need to affect anybody else, so to each their own. I believe society is better if I try to convince others of most beliefs voluntarily and not through force of law.

ChaosEngine said:

He's clearly mad.... but he's not wrong.

Why WOULDN'T you want your most profound beliefs enshrined in law? Everyone wants that.

I believe that discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc is wrong and I want that in law. I believe women have a right to control their reproductive cycles and I want that in law.

His core concept isn't wrong, it's just the beliefs that he espouses are wrong. And yes, they're fucking WRONG. Not different, not a matter of personal belief, they're flat out wrong and should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

Liberals need to stop tip-toeing around the right and stand up for what they believe in.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

ChaosEngine says...

He's clearly mad.... but he's not wrong.

Why WOULDN'T you want your most profound beliefs enshrined in law? Everyone wants that.

I believe that discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc is wrong and I want that in law. I believe women have a right to control their reproductive cycles and I want that in law.

His core concept isn't wrong, it's just the beliefs that he espouses are wrong. And yes, they're fucking WRONG. Not different, not a matter of personal belief, they're flat out wrong and should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

Liberals need to stop tip-toeing around the right and stand up for what they believe in.

Engineering Student Designs "Mobile Airbag" that Deploys...

jmd says...

aktually, a disclaimer much like that of air bags would put a quick end to any lawsuits. Also from the looks of it, it is a fairly safe design. The "hooks" are a very blunt segmented plastic that is a pretty harmless u shaped, so the tips arn't digging into anything. And the metal bands have so little force behind them that they are easily bendable back into a locked and loaded position.

I think I would actually dig this type of case, sign me up to test!

A great new torrent site (Blog Entry by eric3579)

Sandraemily says...

Very nice tips... Apart from this anybody want to know more details about torrent sites and top 10 pirate bay alternative torrent sites check now!!! [url redacted]

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

bobknight33 says...

The formation of the organization was announced on March 14, 2013 by Herring Networks, Inc., an independent and family-owned national video programming company owns and operates OAN and sister channel AWE (formerly WealthTV; the initialism being an acronym for "A Wealth of Entertainment"). When the network began in 2013 it had a limited partnership with The Washington Times.[1]

The network launched with the intention of targeting a conservative-leaning audience with OAN President Charles Herring telling CPAC that, “Fox News has done a great job serving the center-right and independent audiences...But those who consider themselves liberal have a half dozen or more choices on TV each day from which to get their news.”[8] Herring also stressed the network's separation of news and opinion content, with straight news reporting throughout the day and limited opinion commentary from evening talk shows, including The Daily Ledger hosted by Graham Ledger and The Tipping Point hosted by Liz Wheeler. Early advertisements for the channel touted the network's lack of commentary and focus on straight news reporting.[9] The channel was formally launched on July 4, 2013.

As of August 2017, One America News Network reached 35 million homes and had nationwide distribution from DirecTV, DirecTV Now, Verizon FiOS TV, AT&T U-verse, Frontier Communications, CenturyLink PRISM TV, and numerous regional video distributors.[10]

JiggaJonson said:

Seriously, though, I wanted to come back to this: the American site that hosts the One America News network hosts very few other channels. It sounds tin foil hat to say that it's Russian propaganda, but those channels include a few soccer networks, more propaganda news bullshit, three Sony movie channels and oh! what's this?



Swiss recreate Canadian Beer Opening Technique

BAY4406 Flight Crash Landing

New US Dollar concept design

2018 InterGlobal Exhibits Design Video

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Agreed and double thank you my friend. My day began learning of the demise of my newest favorite YT cat in a most horrific way. I'm still devastated and cry at the drop of a hat. This video has been the only thing to tip the balance slightly back toward center. So ... I needed a pick me up

Mordhaus said:


Pulitzer-winner Kendrick Lamar just made History

CrushBug says...

Understood, but I still think you should, as it tips the video up higher and closer to the front page where more people can see.

C-note said:

It just seems self ingratiating to vote on my own contributions. Maybe some see what inspired me to add a video to this social setting and vote. In the end I am grateful just for having the opportunity shine a light some things.

Container Transport in Vietnam

C-note says...

There is a video out there on the internet that shows some unfortunate fella walking under one of these containers when one end tips then slides back a little. That clean up will require paint scrappers and brillo pads.

Sagemind said:

The type of thing that may work once, maybe twice, but if this is regular practice, I can guarantee a fail is eminent.

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