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ant (Member Profile)

Behold: the Atheists' Nightmare - the banana - "has a point at the top for easy entry"

amburglar says...

>> ^theo47:
I think deep down that the majority of Christians (excluding the more crazy/fanatical) are really pantheists, meaning they're in awe of nature, of existence - but don't actually believe in a supernatural being who has control over events.
At least I hope so. Otherwise, we're all fucked. ;-)

That's a nice idea. Hadn't considered that thought before, but I'm sure that's what kept me being a 'believer' for all those years. Existence is indeed something worthy of awe. It's probably hard, too, for people to experience that awe without placing the responsibility of it onto a divine being. Anthropomorphism at its best.

And am I the only one that peels bananas from the non-stem end? If you rip it at the stem it squishes the top of the banana. It's so much cleaner to puncture it with your nail, and rip it off. It even gets rid of that nasty nub at the end.

Double Fail at the Motorcycle Race Track

dag says...

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Why did I laugh at that? I feel cruel. I think it was the little "splat" sound the lady made as she squished her camera while trying to get to her boyfriend who just fell off his machine.

Russell Peters Pokes Fun at Asians and DDR

Woman vs. Cow

spoco2 says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
Um... have you guys ever seen a full grown cow up close? If you weren't raised on a farm those things can seem pretty scary. They're huge and they smell. That cow was probably ten times her weight.
I still laughed, tho.

Um, yeah I have, and they, and this one in particular, are very docile and is hardly posing a threat.
Geeze, just get in front of the thing and try and push/guide it out of the stall... it's only squishing her because she's behind the door and it can't see her.

Dying 11 yr Old Boy Gets His Final Wish

Dying 11 yr Old Boy Gets His Final Wish

notarobot says...

>> ^zeeklancer:
Something very odd about this boy.

^I think the video is just squished to make him appear to look a lot more like a cabbage patch kid then he does in real life.

Thanks for posting this, Burdturgler, it's a wonderful statement that this boy has made.

Marty McFly shows off his spying skills (21 seconds)

Bruce Campbell doing Old Spice

Woman Squished By Hydraulic Gate

Woman Squished By Hydraulic Gate

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^lighthouse:
She'll be okay. She has a really random assortment of people to help her: it looks like a nurse, lab tech, used car salesman, and some dude in a hazmat suit?!?

That's a Village People cover band.

Whether he deserves it or not, that guard is probably going to lose his job over a negligence suit. I'd be surprised if starting the gate and then walking away was acceptable procedure. In fact, I'm surprised it doesn't require someone to stand there and hold a button the entire time.

Woman Squished By Hydraulic Gate

Zero Punctuation Review: Soul Caliber IV

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Abducted:
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
First post! (yes, Im 15 again!)

Sorry, but I can't quite make out how that is relevant to this weeks episode of Zero Punctuation.

Heheh ya, sorry, up a little past my bed time. Anyway, his animations are still tip top. The part when he grabs the dolls and rams them into eachother was really epic. *squish squish squish*

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Canadian Idiot

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