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blade runner-2049-sneak peek

00Scud00 says...

Almost meta maybe? Being tortured by watching movies about torture demons torturing poor unsuspecting souls?
"We have such sights to show you" -Pinhead

JustSaying said:

Jesus, you guys are pussies! Do you even know how many terrible Hellrasiser sequels I had to forget to still enjoy parts 1 and 2?
Pinhead ain't the joke Miramax made him to me. I forgot. I won.
'This isn't for your eyes!'

12 Days of Xmas - A tale of avian misery, and Xmas HORROR

newtboy says...

Bitch...he's just waiting for a thank you....since you never show appreciation for the hard to find gifts (ever look for a 1/2 bird, 1/2 turtle?), he's assuming it wasn't enough to earn some gratitude, so he upped his game.....again and again.
She screwed up on night one, when he expected pear compote on roasted partrige breast, a thank you, and maybe a handie.
Now she's alone, homeless, and owes her soul to her landlord for destroying his property, all due to a complete lack of grattitude and not a smidgen of thought about how to properly use the gifts.

There are two types of people, those who can extrapolate from an incomplete data set...

Transformers:The Last Knight Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Nailed it.

This entire franchise has been awful from the start. It's like watching someone wearing a deceased relatives skin.... there's some superficial resemblance to your loved one, but the flesh is rotten, it looks horrific, there's no soul and it has all the wit and intelligence of a particularly stupid sack of hammers.

Fuck this, fuck Michael Bay and god help me, fuck you Anthony Hopkins for sullying your god name in association with this shit.

Mordhaus said:

When the hell did this turn into a mixture of Highlander, King Arthur, and some fucked up version of the Transformers of my past?

Really, there can be only one? Why not just call the enemy bad robot the Kurgan?

Plus, and I'm sorry for saying it, but C'mon Anthony Hopkins, have some pride. You played Hannibal Lecter, don't sell out and become like Sean Connery in Highlander 2.

The only good point of this movie is that it is the last to be done by Michael Bay.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Bernie Sanders: Trump's Tweets Are "Delusional & Insane"

coolhund says...

Mhm, would have been awesome with a person like Clinton as president who bullied Bernie out of the race and then Bernie kissed her ass, as if nothing happened, pretty much selling his soul to the devil. Much better than Trump. Mhm. For sure.

Not to mention Trump isnt even president yet.

What really makes me angry, is seeing such MASSIVE and unbelievably disgusting hypocrisy from the "good guys". In the last few months you guys completely changed my opinion about humanity and the world that we are living in. Congratulations.

Yeah, I know how allergic you guys react to un-PC stuff and people who try to make reality clear to you. So, you can save your replies.

But I agree. Grow the fuck up and fix your system, dont allow corrupt... individuals and whole god damn parties to speak for you, dont vote for them, dont support them in any way, speak up against lying media campaigns, even if they are against someone you dont like or for someone you support, and then maybe we can talk about real freedom of speech, democracy and human rights. Until then NOBODY, N O B O D Y with at least half a brain will take you seriously and will only see you as what you really are.

TheFreak said:

I'm so angry this man is not my president elect right now.

Good work douchebags. You thought you were so clever with your fucked up voting strategies, bitching about "lesser of two evil" choices, refusing to vote and taking a stand against...whatever the fuck you thought you were doing. Now we have a thin skinned, narcissistic, ignorant, man-child for our president.

Stop trying to rationalize this. This is not a voter revolt, this is not a paradigm shift in politics, this is not Hillary Clinton's fault or Debbie Wasserman Schultz's doing; this is the result of the masses falling for decades of misinformation combined with an emotional appeal to our worst instincts by a demagogue. You fell for it while you patted yourself on the back for being so much smarter than everyone else. Now we're fucked.

So grow the fuck up and do something to fix this.

Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like? - Veritasium

ChaosEngine says...

So you would prefer a totally deterministic universe?

If there's no true randomness in the universe, then EVERYTHING is literally pre-ordained. The universe is just a massive rube goldberg machine that we all unwittingly play our part in. Everything, from the formation of galaxies to what you decided to have for breakfast, is simply a result of an absurdly complicated machine playing out its inevitable ending.

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that this is the implication of such a universe, unless you want to include some supernatural force (god, souls, etc.)

TheFreak said:

I hate quantum mechanics and the absurd implications that extrapolate from it. I always believed that one day we would look back and laugh at how wrong it was. Turns out a more reasonable competing theory has been there all along. Why was I not taught this in school.

I get that it's just another theory and that quantum mechanics can't be judged based on intuition that comes from our interaction with the macro world. Still...fuck quantum mechanics.

St. Cadaverstump's Home for Wayward Sbemails(Halloween 2015)

New Metallica song - Moth into flame

eric3579 says...

Blacked out
Pop queen, amphetamine
The screams crashed into silence

Tapped out
Doused in the gasoline
The high times going timeless

Death of the innocence
The pathway starts to spiral

All for publicity
Destruction going viral

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, kill the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built a higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Backstabbing wicked
The delusion absolution

Fame is the murderer
Seduce you into ruin

Light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, tell the truth
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Guarantee your name, you go and kill yourself
The vultures feast around you still
Overdose on shame and insecurity
If one won’t do that fistful will

Death scene
Black hearse the limousine
A grave filled with seduction

Fame does the murdering
She builds up for destruction

So light it up
Ah, light it up
Another hit erases all the pain
Ah, no excuse
You’re falling, but you think you’re flying high
High again

Sold your soul
Built the higher wall
Now you’re thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame

Addicted to the

Frank Turner - Out of Breath

siftbot says...

Frank Turner - Tell Tale Signs (Take Cover Sessions) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - One Foot Before the Other (Live) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Emily Barker & Frank Turner - Fields Of June has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Mittens (Official Video) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Reasons Not To Be An Idiot has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Shut the Chicken - Frank Turner & Jon Snodgrass has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Mittens has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - The Next Storm has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Get Better has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - I am disappeared (Live from Wembley) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Photosynthesis (LIVE @ Kendal Calling 2011) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Recovery has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - One Foot Before the Other has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - Glory Hallelujah (Live from Wembley) has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - 'Four Simple Words' has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Frank Turner - I Still Believe has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Long live the Queen, Frank Turner has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Enough already, Eric3579 -- let us celebrate you! (Happy Talk Post)

lucky760 says...





I knew this day would come. I didn't know when. I only knew it wouldn't be soon enough.

@eric3579 is probably definitely the most passionate sifter around. He's poured his heart and soul into this little place and we love him for it. If there's anyone who's ever deserved galaxy, it's Eric, and I know @dag and myself feel the same.

Congratulations Eric and thanks for all the many contributions and all your effort for the many years we've been together.

You are an enormous steaming pillar of sift.

Enough already, Eric3579 -- let us celebrate you! (Happy Talk Post)

poolcleaner says...

I dedicate this song to you, eric:

You take the dog
I'll take the Galaxy 2000
You get the cat
I get the cats you don't want anymore

You take the fish
I'll take the bowl
You take the dishes
While you're at it take my soul...

But things ain't so bad
Cause i got a galaxy 2000

You get the house
I get a cheap motel room
You get a friend
But that should not matter to me anymore
You have a date he's just a friend
I can't believe that this is the end

But things aint so bad
Cause I got a Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2000
In a Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2000

I'm in my own galaxy...

In my own galaxy

You probably would have wanted this too
But it's not air conditioned
No it's not air conditioned
No it's not air conditioned
No it's not air conditioned
It's not air conditioned

*guitar solo*

Open the trunk
All of my dirty laundry
All of my junk in the yard
And scattered out into the street
You have a thing with my old guitar
I can't believe that you took it this far

But things ain't so bad
Cause I got a Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2000
In a Galaxy 2000
Galaxy 2000
In a galaxy 2000

Videosifts @UsesProzac Sings Another Wonderful Song

Kawehi covers Closer by NIN

newtboy says...

A bit minimalist in spots considering the deep layering of the source material, but damn good for a live solo.
Also, she seems to be missing the soul crushing depression required to properly sing Nine Inch Nails, still *quality


poolcleaner says...

Ahhhh fuck yeah shit YES I needed some Die Antwoord in my life tonight, baby! Zef style! I will let the demons possess me tonight. But no drugs. Just the pure madness of a freak on a leash needing to vomit out its soul. I might get hurt. I might be in pain after I'm done hurling myself at trees and walls and off of things; into things; out of things...

But more importantly, zef-portantly: what do I wear whilst embodying such madness?

Only the Dead

poolcleaner says...

I thought I was desensitized but apparently I do have some remainder of soul left in this shell. This is extremely difficult to watch. Barely got through a single minute of this *horrorshow.

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