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Nerdwriter - How Not To Adapt A Movie

Mordhaus says...

I liked the movie adaptation. That said, if you have seen the various iterations of Ghost in the Shell, they don't seem tied to any common theme other than the basic one of whether or not a person's ghost (soul,id) can remain intact in a body that is heavily changed with cybernetics. The live action movie held that theme as well.

We're Heading For A Hellish 42 Months On Planet Earth

Optimistic Nihilism - Kurzgesagt

newtboy says...

I find it much more sad that people are willing to delude themselves with placating mythos that can't stand the slightest critical examinations than I find the fact that there's almost certainly no god(s) by any definition. Lack of a supreme being is not a scary thing to me in the least, but a capricious, judgmental, incomprehensible, vengeful god ready to cast immortal souls into hell for eternity over small rule infractions is horrifying.

Reality is scary. I get why people would hide their heads under the safety blanket of religion(s), I just disagree that it's any more useful against reality than hiding under a sheet is against home invaders. It might make you feel better because you can't see them, but that's all (unless they are as dumb as the bugblatter beast of Traal, who thinks if you can't see it, it can't see you).

I feel bad for your uncle, who it sounds like believes in god out of a fear instilled in him as a child. Consciously, it sounds like he understands it's an irrational belief, but fear makes people do irrational things all the time. Fear is the mind killer.

eric3579 said:

You keep thinking that so you don't get sad.

I have an uncle who told me that he believes because the idea of no god scares him. I appreciate that honesty. That makes sense to me. I however don't find the fact there is no god scary or sad. It just is. There are enough real things you could be scared or sad about.

soulmonarch (Member Profile)

Baby Driver -- Opening Scene (Amazing car chase)

bareboards2 says...

Except that lead actor. Nobody was home.

I kept imagining what a young Johnny Depp or Ryan Gosling could have done to inject some soul into surface portrait.

I'm an acting nerd. What can I say.

And yeah. I felt like applauding at the end of this sequence when I saw it in the theatre. Edgar Wright. Yeah.

Rubio VS Comey: The altimate summary to Comeys testimony.

Drachen_Jager says...

I think by "altimate" what @bobknight33 really meant to say is "alt-right" - AKA the bullshit propaganda he sees on Alex Jones etc.

I like how, massive scandal, obstruction of justice, possible treason, like god-damnit, it's possible that people at the highest levels committed outright TREASON and Bob's worried about semantics. Where was your sense of moderation for Obama, Bob? You were ready to hang him for enjoying spicy mustard (I know, that's so much more un-American than selling your soul and country to the Russians so they can bail-out your bankrupt ass like Trump, right?

So, I'll stop asking if you're getting tired of winning. Joke's growing old. Instead, I'll ask. Do you think this is winning? Do you think America is winning under Trump? Do you think Trump is winning? Do you think Trump makes your life better and Obama made your life worse?

I'm just curious to gauge the level of your delusion here, but I'd genuinely love to hear your answers. Not that I think you're brave enough to admit the truth, but it would be nice to get it from you at least once.

Terrifying RC Helicopter Breaks Reality

newtboy says...

So...I see people are selling their soul for super natural rc helicopter skills. I'm pretty sure he just broke a few laws of physics.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Obama: a Hollow Man Filled With Ruling Class Ideas

If you read that piece by Paul Street, I guarantee you will not regret it. You might need a cup of coffee though, it's rather long. And maybe a punching bag.

"Like his politico-ideological soul-brothers Bill Clinton and Tony Blair (and perhaps now Emmanuel Macron), Obama’s public life has been a wretched monument to the dark power of the neoliberal corporate-financial and imperial agendas behind the progressive pretense of façade of telegenic and silver-tongued professional class politicos."

Terry Crews explains why he decided to build his own PC

LukinStone says...

That's the worst time, the inevitable second act dilemma, of PC building.

You can budget in the expectation of how long it takes to do the housekeeping stuff. Loading the OS, essential programs, personal preferences - the games themselves...but there's often that one random thing.

I built a nice medium-range game PC with someone else recently, my building partner was so excited. It's amazing how much of a bond that creates between people, or how it can strengthen a relationship. Not just for building PC's specifically, but for sharing something and having that moment of realization of how cool that thing shared really is.

I felt more pissed off than anything for a brief moment during the boot up, when the display seemed to shutdown startup before anything really happened. Luckily, I'd paid attention enough when researching the GPU and eventually remembered someone mentioning there was a button on the card itself that controls the LED lights on it, pressing it seemed to clear whatever was blocking the startup processes for the card.

There was definitely a soul-crushing few hours of doubt and agony before I remembered that detail. During that time, I stared at the clean interior of the fully assembled build, having had a hard enough time getting the cords to fit and wondering if something minor and imperceptible had wiggled loose, wondering if I would go mad.

Having someone else depending on the solution was another intense emotion heightening element. I'd done my best to prime for this likelihood. I'd shared stories of problems I'd had on previous builds, the random thing that went wrong. I stressed the fact that the computer had always, eventually, got built.

It's a good, stinging bit of humility for me. Even when I try to minimize problems and anticipate potential issues, I'll still miss something as obvious as a big button right in front of my face.

Phreezdryd said:

I can't help but wonder about how much fun was had in the unmentioned time between pressing the power button, and actually being able to play games.

ForgedReality (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Did Robert Johnson really sell his soul to the Devil? has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Did Robert Johnson really sell his soul to the Devil?

Star Wars Fan Adam Scott Surprised by His Idol Mark Hamill

ChaosEngine says...

Screw you, Mark Hamill! You never came to my birthday either, where's my lightsaber!?

Damnit, I can't stay mad at Mark Hamill. He's awesome.

Alos, if you don't smile watching this, you have no soul.

Protests Against Trump Are Protests Against God

enoch says...

when televangelists sell their souls,and then turn around and imply that anyone against trump has been coerced by satan.

seriously...that is just epic level cognitive dissonance.

Jain - Come

eric3579 says...

Be sure to check out her other video

LOVE me some Jain *promote *Africa

Black burn, I feel so alone
Without you boy
Now I'm here now
I'm hanging out in the street
Thinking about reactions over actions
Walking on the sky of my dreams
Come, come, my baby come
I will show you the world
Come, come, my baby come
I will cover your nightmares
Come, come, my baby come
I will love you forever
Come, come, my baby come
I will not let you go
My love, I just feel so lost
Without you boy
I am yours even if time has passed
Take me away
From this impetuous world
Leaving this jail of my mind
Come, come, my baby come
I will show you the world
Come, come, my baby come
I will cover your nightmares
Come, come, my baby come
I will love you forever
Come, come, my baby come
I will not let you go
My soul, my soul is in Africa, with you boy

Trump and the GOP's Health Care Con Falls Apart

MilkmanDan says...

Oh yeah, Trump takes spin and bullshit to a whole other level. In a very bad way.

I guess I'm just rather annoyed/angry with both parties at this point, and I think they both deserve plenty of the blame for the state of things.

The Republican congressman that had the quote about wracking his brain trying to come up with anything positive that his party has done in his 8 years in office (as opposed to stopping things from getting done) is a bit of soul-searching that ALL of our elected officials should be doing ALL THE TIME. I guess I'm just worried that our more-divisive-than-ever party affiliations and the lack of term limits end up preventing many in government from having to wrestle with that.

Januari said:

I don't entirely disagree but suggesting that they're on the same level, or that Trump is really on anyone else's level is a tremendous false equivalency.

Trump borders on the delusional and genuinely seems to believe most of the lies he tells, as he and his support staff on a an almost daily basis's continue to say demonstrably provable falsehoods.

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