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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now over 50 of his supporters are hospitalized with heat stroke because he held a rally at noon in Phoenix during a heat wave so he could make it to the fundraiser in SF in the evening and court some San Francisco money after publicly kissing some men on stage in Phoenix.
Convicted felon Trump kissed convicted felon and disgraced ex sheriff Joe Arpio (whose criminal racism cost his state hundreds and hundreds of millions in settlements to his victims, and whose felony conviction for a cruel sheriff office policy of strict racial profiling he refused to stop after being ordered by the courts was pardoned by convicted felon Trump). In order to prosecute and abuse non white citizens for crimes they had not committed he ignored thousands of cases of sexual abuse, never investigating. He also tortured multiple citizens to death in his tent jails in the Arizona desert with no AC. Trump pardoned him.

Convicted felon Trump used to hate homosexual PDAs, now he makes them. He’s changed!

Holy crap…the prosecution already rested against Hunter! They haven’t proven he was actively using at the time he filled out the form…he claims he had been sober for weeks…sounds like he may skate. Intent to defraud is required, and if he thought he had quit at the time, they failed to prove it. Why even bother to prosecute without proof he was still getting high at the time? A: politics.

Compare- Biden has ruled out a pardon for his son. Convicted felon Trump insists on one for himself.

newtboy said:

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

How does racial bias lead to unnecessary calls to police?

Cuffed Without Cause

newtboy says... the station, what he's calling a "sobriety test" is, in most states, a breathalyzer test that you must agree to, or blood, and not saying yes and taking it is considered refusal because people do waste time arguing in an attempt to score lower, and ain't nobody got time for that. They told him clearly you must answer yes or no, or it's considered refusal, which is absolutely normal procedure from what I've seen. He answered "Listen, I was a US Marine, ....bla bla bla...let's take a minute....bla bla bla...explain my rights...bla bla." and never took it, which is refusal under the law.
5:33 confirms this, breathalyzer.

They must have claimed he failed the field test or why cuff him and require more tests at the station, something he omits, which makes sense since he said he joked around while taking it, marching left right instead of heel toeing. At first he insisted on making numerous phone calls first, like that's a right....he knows his rights....Then he wants to stop to set up his camera to record the stop...Then argues more about the test itself. The cops were clearly annoyed with him arguing and not complying before he got out of the car, but he persisted right into jail.

I wouldn't trust his biased recollection to include all the facts, especially since he is "conducting a study on racial profiling". Sounded to me like a case of arguing himself into a charge he was lucky to get out of because the cops stupidly didn't record the stop. From his own descriptions, in California at least, he's totally have no right to discussions, and only an idiot would believe the cops will tell you your rights honestly anyway, so why keep asking except to waste time and annoy?

00Scud00 said:

At no point during his recollection of events did he say that he refused a breathalyzer test, nor was one offered. And it sounds like he more or less did the standard field sobriety test. And if he had failed the SFST or refused the breathalyzer I'm pretty sure that would have come up in court. Sorry, but this sounds like a cut and dry case of DWB to me.

The Disturbing History of the Suburbs

Sagemind says...

In Canada, School funding is based on head count and not on housing taxes.
Interest rates are pre-set by banks but to the best of my knowledge, the same rates are given to everyone - there is no race-bias on who gets which loan rate.

Also, If I was to buy a house, anywhere, suburbs or not, my ability, as a white male is exactly the same as any other racial profile family. As someone who didn't have parents subsidize my income or schooling, my chances of owning is exactly the same as anyone else. In this, I feel that part of his argument isn't exactly accurate.

I'll even go a step further to say that, in fact, most immigrants to western Canada have more wealth than white people, and are buying out the housing market, most sight unseen, and above market value. In the Greater Vancouver area, most white people are now a minority, because they can't compete financially with immigrants and are being forced out of Vancouver.

officer Izzo-getting fired for challenging a corrupt system

enoch says...

hey man,thanks for giving him a shot.
this was the first video i ever watched of officer izzo,and i forgot where i even came across him.

maybe facebook?
i dunno,but i have many facebook friends who are cops and corrections probably.

i really dug how he addressed the disparity of poor neighborhoods,and the working poor to those of more privileged he,as an officer,is forced to further compound their struggles by:tickets/racial profiling and as he pointed out..arrest arrest arrest.

from what i gather (because i couldn't find the original) he had posted a video that many of his fellow officers had found offensive and controversial.this video appears to be a clarification directed towards his fellow officers who could not understand why he was criticizing his own profession,and therefore criticizing THEM.

it appears he didn't go the "hey guys,i am sorry" but rather doubled down by clarifying what he felt law enforcement SHOULD be and not what it had become.

he blames the command staff,and in many of his videos he repeats that accusation.i remember even here on the sift we had a cop explain that many of the things we were all bitching about,and being offended by,were actually due to the command structure and not the patrol officers themselves.

which has a ring of truth to my ears being ex military.

i love how he directly speaks of how some patrol officers are forced to do unethical and immoral acts,while the command staff ignores those officers with the most facile of justifications:hey,it's legal.

that puts the officer at risk.just like a bad command staff in the military puts the enlisted man at risk.i mean,just look at the suicide stats for todays military..twenty two military men commit suicide daily,and how does the military brass respond?

those men had mental issues.

oh really? EVERY single one of them?
either there is a suicide epidemic or maybe..maaaaaybe...those who are in command,and whose responsibility it is for the well being of their men,are a gaggle of incompetent fuckwads.who do not have the courage nor integrity to own up to their own epic failures as commanders.

listening to officer Izzo,i suspect there are many parallels between military service and law enforcement.

i respect how he states he is doing this for the everyday patrolmen,even the ones who disagree and are criticizing him.

i think it is a good thing to hear a perspective from a man who does the hear that even the cops are going "what the fuck".

anyways,thanks for watching man,i hope others give officer Izzo a chance as well.

Riding "The Convincer" - Buckle Up!

Gilsun says...

" we look for participants who dont historically wear there seat belts...."

I smell racial profiling.

stop and frisk prank-proven to be a hoax on racial profiling

enoch says...

yeah,thanks to @speechless for bringing this to my attention.while i knew it was a re-enactment i didnt feel it detracted from the very real problems with racial profiling.

it appears i should have taken the 5 minutes to uncover a very cynical and ultimately counter-productive attempt by these two opportunists to undermine some very real social issues.

so the egg is on my face and i apologize to all for not doing my due diligence.

ill keep the video but im changing the title.

stop and frisk prank-proven to be a hoax on racial profiling

speechless says...

From the YT description:
"This video is a Dramatization of previous events that occurred"

Would you like to know more?

"In a cynical and duplicitous attempt to capitalize on New York City’s documented racial profiling problems, a pair of bloggers have created a video purporting to show an NYPD officer stopping and frisking a pair of Muslim men for the crime of wearing traditional Islamic garments.

But the viral video is a sham, a staged production aimed to go viral and pile up views and YouTube channel subscriptions for its young creators, Brooklynites Adam Saleh and Sheikh Akbar, who get a piece of the revenue generated by ads that run before their videos play."

▶ Attorney shuts down police stop of black handyman

AeroMechanical says...

I will agree that the whole thing could have been cleared up more quickly and efficiently if the homeowner had just provided identification showing she lived there and identified the man as her employee.

On the other hand, I can understand why she was upset and wanted to make a point.

I can also feel for the police too because there is a very, very fine line in a situation like this between unjust racial profiling and just looking for a person who seems out of place. In all likelihood, if they were responding to a burglary call in a white neighborhood, all they had was "black male" as a description, maybe also "wearing dark clothing" if they were lucky.

I'm kind of meh on the whole thing, other than the impressive way the woman handled herself and stood up to the police (though... devil's advocate again, that's not so hard when you're a wealthy white resident of a wealthy white neighborhood).

The Roots Of Unrest In Ferguson, Explained In 2 Minutes

Tommy tsjotomayor condemns knockout game!!

shatterdrose says...

I'm sorry, but those conclusions are pure emotional based off what you see in the MSM. If you can find me a study, a legitimate one, not one from Faux News or Huffington Post, that actually shows that a government safety net induces vagrant behavior, then I will believe you. Until then, I will stick with all the studies that show very clearly that social safety barriers do in fact work, and that the decades old gutting of the programs are wrecking havoc on the system. Not to mentioned the systematic desecration of the educational system that's been designed solely for "efficiency" and pumps out students that are over qualified, unhappy, massively in debt and lead to believe a lie in which they can never achieve, or the exact opposite and ditches those most in need yet are the most visually different.

Combine this with white flight, red lining, and a culture of fear mongering, race baiting and rapid communication and we have a perfect storm. The general population is so overrun with sad stories and empathy inducing situations they actually go into empathy shock - a state in which they cease to care and numb themselves so they don't have to make a decision. A decision which they may later feel bad about. Instead, it's "nothing I can do about it so I won't care." And yes, this happens with those "gang-bangers" you talk about.

Instead of solving the situation, which is a blatant and total discrepancy in incomes, social normality, and general empathy, we will continue to have this problem. So long as white flight occurs and the NYPD openly racially profiles and harasses 110% (no joke) of the black community, and so long as the Christian Right still chants "it's ok to profile brown people" both in NYC, Arizona and everywhere else we will continue to have this problem.

Ever hear of the Theory of Attitudes? Or Reactance? There is far more going on than "if we give them money they'll stop working." Because I'm pretty sure every Christmas when your parents (general assumption) gives you presents, you instantly stop working. Totally proven concept, eh?

chingalera said:

Uhhh, maybe you needed the sarcasm button for THAT statement. What's "factual" is the end result all over the fucking televison and internet, a national case-study of how to fuck-up a generation of imprint-able minds. Whether the scenario TC layed-down or a dozen others from the same petri, what do need, a diagram, a dozen "expert" analyses in the form of published thesis or someone YOU trust to make the leap??

Punks from broken homes matey, males and females with no business breeding, for lack of intent or abilities. It ain't fucking rocket-science man, it's model airplanes.

Part 2: Obama talks about the law and Trayvon Martin

radx says...

Wouldn't the stop-and-frisk program qualify as one of those issues?

Or how about putting American citizens under surveillance, "not because of charges of wrongdoing but ethnicity"? Would that quality?

I'm only asking because Obama spoke out in favor of NYT police commissioner Ray Kelly as the new head of DHS and Kelly's actions just ooze racial profiling.

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

hpqp says...


I cannot agree with that definition. The problem I have with the concept of "Islamophobia" is as I've stated above: it conflates the individuals and the ideology, thus causing those who use the term to be guilty of the error they are often accusing their opponents of. And that conflation lets it be used - by Islamists as well as by self-righteous (or ill-placed-guilt-ridden) lefties - to silence criticism of Islam. This term has been particularly abused in this manner in Europe, where the ghost of the Holocaust weighs a lot heavier on politicians and the media than it does in the US.

"Muslimphobia" may not roll of the tongue quite as nicely, but it would at least be a more honest and acceptable term to denote the irrational fear/hatred of Muslim people. Mostly, what people refer to as "Islamophobia" is a combination of religious discrimination, xenophobia and racism, and we should not be afraid to use those meaningful terms in our criticism of such discriminatory behaviour. It may even help to break it down in that way, instead of trying to wrap it up in a simplistic and ambivalent term.

There is another big problem with "Islamophobia" which I have already discussed here:, (the difference to be made between what one is and what one believes).

As for Harris' unfortunate and highly irrational/illogical defense of racial profiling, the Cephalopod Prof says it better than I can (as he often does).

edit: ach, how can I be such a cad and forget to thank you for the kudos? I still have much to learn, but thank you for taking note of my reduced antagonisation, knee-jerk reactions and general verbal belligerance.

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