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Glass Exploding at 130,000 fps (aka Prince Rupert's Drop)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'smarter every day, destin, destinews, polarity, mechanical failure front' to 'smarter every day, polarity, mechanical failure front, glass, prince ruperts drop' - edited by xxovercastxx

"Who Put the Bomp" cute animated music video

Neil deGrasse Tyson: We Live in a Cosmic Shooting Gallery

dandyman says...

Not according to David Thompson, a NASA astrophysicist and deputy project director on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope who compares the risk to Earth from a future gamma-ray burst to "the danger I might face if I found a polar bear in my closet in Bowie, Maryland. It could happen, but it is so unlikely that it is not worth worrying about."

Payback said:

There's a greater chance that one (or more) of the stars within about 6000 light years or so could give off a gamma ray burst that would wipe out any life in the solar system, no matter where we hid it. It's been postulated the previous-to-the-Yucatan-asteroid large scale die-offs could have happened due to GRB.

SpaceOddity (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Crow Trolls Polar Bear

Crow Trolls Polar Bear

The New Wilhelm Scream?

Ted's Hat Is On Too Tight

chingalera says...

I love how Teds' introduced as a The Failed rock star"...That's a fucking load of horse-shit, the man tours more than 100 days out of the year and packs houses!

Who is this Ed cunt, anyhow? what a fucking tool...Upvoted for Ted and whatever rant he threw down-Ted may be manic, bi-polar, WGAF he's full of way less shit than this draining douchenozzle-Sorry for the D-V on your comment EDB, I did not realize you were talking about Piers Morgan-

PlayhousePals said:

Only the good die young

Top 5 Alex Jones debate moments

chingalera says...

Well, if I lived Next to Jones I would probably limit my encounters with him because I can't stand someone who prattles-on incessantly without commas-I have had too many Bi-Polar pals and unless they are self of otherwise medicated, they're fucking annoying.
Now if f I lived next to that cunt Piers, well....I would insult him every time he walked out of his door, probably egg his house form time to time, and harass his family like he harrasses mmy sensibilities. He's a complete cunt who reminds me of Lewis Prothero in V for Vendetta, a COMPLETE shill, and a worthless pile of human garbage.

Alex Jones would probbaly make a decent neighbor, he's Texan, we're friendly and courteous until you fuck with us, and I'd feel much better living next to gun-toting Americans rather than a sold-out British media cunt. Besides, he works for a Network who has already sold it's soul to Satan and Jones created his from the ground-up with the purpose of exposing the shit the media sells and the cunts that run the show.

For as obnoxious as they both are, Jones has more character in his pinky than Piers has in his entire organism.

Jinx said:

I agree with pretty much everything except that I'd LOVE to debate against this Jones character. I mean, you don't even have to say anything and you win the argument.

Honestly. Honestly answer me this. Who would you be more comfortable with as your next door neighbour. Slimey Morgan or this nutjob Jones with his gun collection.

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

scottishmartialarts says...

Interesting that A10anis keeps citing "the data and statistics", and yet hasn't cited a single datum or statistic. Although completely unrelated to knowledge of dog attacks, his shocking ignorance of exercise physiology (the relationship between long duration aerobic exercise and muscle catabolism is pretty well established -- exhaust your Glucose stores, and your body starts breaking down muscle and fat to keep your body moving) doesn't help his case much.

I haven't studied the "inherent violence" of the American Pit Bull Terrier to any great extent, so without any actual data, who knows whether or not they truly are "inherently violent". What I can say is that there are a number of breeds that are commonly mistaken for the Pit Bull, and dog attacks by any breed that vaguely looks like a Pit Bull often get called a "Pit Bull Attack" in the media. I have never owned a Pit, but my interactions with the breed suggest that they are very mellow and gentle: the polar opposite of, say, the highly strung, yappy, and territorial Chihuahua. The difference however is that if you piss a Chihuahua off it's not going to be able to do much to hurt you, whereas an angry Pit Bull can kill you. Of course, this is all just conjecture from anecdote, but until someone actually posts some data, that's all we have to go on.

Hard [fill in the blank] Work

"Hey Bear"

00Scud00 says...

I'm in the U.S. and it's coming through fine for me.
That said, I'd have to agree with critical_d, plenty of drama but little scientific value I'd wager, unless it's a study to see if polar bears get as frustrated with obnoxious packaging as humans do.


Meanwhile In Canada: Man Carries A Dead Deer

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