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Snow Swimming

MilkmanDan says...

It depends on how you define "work". I've done it before; in Finland going from BRUTALLY hot sauna (like 90's C hot) to a lake that was probably just above freezing. You don't want to stay in long, but the cycle puts you into sensory overload mode and it feels really good unless you push the time spent in either extreme too long.

I've also done it in Colorado with less of an extreme temperature gap. Saunas in the US usually run a lower temperature (usually they try to keep them under 120 F or so) but you can make them feel hotter by pouring water on the heater stones to crank up the humidity. I've gone from that to rolling around in snowdrifts, and the effect is again quite nice as long you don't stay in the snow too long (probably under a minute).

Maybe I just have genetics like those crazy Polar Bear Club dudes.

Shepppard said:

....ever sit in a hot tub for a while, and then decide it's time to go back into the actual pool.

...and then go "Holy Balls, this pool is FREEZING"

That is why your comment will not work, and would instead be, from "augh!" to "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Pussy Riot Gets Whipped in Sochi

Payback says...

I'm disturbed by this. Not the violence portrayed but the fact I'm dubious as to the sincerity of it.

My first thought was they got EXACTLY what they wanted. Then I thought maybe they got exactly what they wanted because all parts were controlled, Pussy, "Cossacks", media and "Police".

This seems more like performance art than a true trampled protest.

"Putin will teach you how to love the Motherland" seems a caricature to me.

I'm also not a fan of immersionist journalism which VICE uses as their raison d'etre (They're from Quebec). Seems to much like the polar opposite of whatever it is you call Fox News. Both are propaganda I guess.

I don't doubt the whippees were harmed. I'm sure it hurt like a somnabitch. I also know people are willing to do a lot of crap for a cause. Hell, there are a lot of people who getting beat like this just means it was a fun Saturday night.

Contact High ... Yeah Right

chingalera says...

One of your problems with relying on published medical reports as the go-to source for medical education is the nature of the beast and her supporting interests (pharma companies, corporate HR concerns) and another is the success or failure of bi-polar self-medication with various chemical cocktails of choice from first-hand experience with sufferers. Depending on the severity of an individual's diagnosed level of manic-depression, some are able to cope just fine with what has always worked, as long as addiction or excess is kept in personal check according to the influence they have in their interpersonal relationships to society.

Have had plenty of friends who were able to cope just fine, others who let themselves go-MOST, have preferred self-medication over the doctor/guinea-pig relationship, but as more data is accumulated and more walking lab subjects are used in experimentation, they'll get better and better or so you'd like believe, as the gods-little-g of the Babylonian medical experiment put more and more problem herd animals into their respective categories and cages of dependency.

Cannabinoids DO work their wonders for bi-polars. As with ALL sufferers of brain chemistry problems, support from loved ones is key.

artician said:

I find it odd that she was given Medicinal use of pot when she is Bipolar, because as I have understood for some time, marijuana makes symptoms of psychosis much, much worse, and regular use for anyone who experiences Bipolar, Depression, Mania and the like can see their disease transform into full-blown Schizophrenia from pot use. Is that not true and I just fell for some anti-pot propaganda? This was from several medical reports published sometime in the last 5-10 years.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

It's not too complicated as enoch explained, I'm not too hard to figure out-If I'm as damaged as some accuse me of may I remind those who feel I have singled them out for destruction: I often offer the mirror and admit my own inability or unwillingness to process information beyond my own filters-I try to imagine what it would be like to be on the receiving-end of the same 'vitriol', newtboy, and it's not long before I find myself there when I engage in these projects of using the same derogatory sentiments and language used to present these types of editorials.

It's simple. Someone starts from a position of disgust and outrage at some christian-type, some rightist political type, and I shit on that very exercise using what I understand to be the same devices, with a view to exposing the hypocrisy. It gets taken personally by a few of the more angry campers, then the mob.

I will always detest the titles and tone of atheists pointing-out the obvious to a room full of choir members, as well as people's political views when they come from a position of ,'my-side-of the-two-sided-fence is-better-than-another.' Both sides of any polar opposite appear exactly the same to me. God=Satan, Black=white, republican=democrat, etc.

'Newt, I'm ashamed to admit that beyond our recent exchange, I can't recall any discourse we've had in private beyond my calling-you out on your overall tone and timbre with your public comments that may have rubbed me raw now and again, perhaps I could do better to remember instances that may have affected you in some profound way-I know I've taken care to recant past actions or unsolicited frustration with some here offended by myself, extended olive branches, etc., some have been accepted as sincere (which it most assuredly is when I am truly penitent) some has been ignored or remains forever unforgiven. I have no regrets nor am I responsible for anyone's emotional state at any given time.

Admit my own egocentricity at times and I have had my fair share of battles with some real pieces of work here on this site, but I always return, more patient and forgiving and that much more of an asshole when asshole is dealt me.

...and then there's the resident beat-cop chicchorea, *quality
Thanks enoch, thanks newt, radx and VoodooV and Chaos Engine, for making the place fun...Never a dull moment.

Obamas' a fucking tool, Atheists have their heads up the same ass as Christians, television is poison, life is fair and ultimately painful, enjoy the ride.

Science Vlogger reads her comments

shatterdrose says...

No, when a male makes a blog about science, it's not littered with "wow, you're hot" the same way a female's is. That is sexism. When it's ok to do it towards one sex but not the other.

Plus, if her video is about magnets, what does her being attractive have to do with it? (Yes, I know, I left that one wide open for puns, mostly because I find them so polarizing.)

Also, it makes those who are not attractive (one of the points she also made) feel like they cannot join the STEM vlog's because they will be called ugly, fat etc. So yes, it is bullying.

bmacs27 said:

Calling somebody attractive is internet bullying?

Attractive people problems.


Teen Playing the Knockout Game Gets Shot Twice by Victim

Magicpants says...

I've been watching a lot about the knockout game as of late. It really does seem to be a hate crime (It's also called Polar Bearing, because it's victims tend to be white). It's caused quite a stir in the black community, as those who know better seem to be cringing and distancing themselves from the attacks as well as possible.

Ultimately, it's the fault of a few individuals who feel powerless enough in their own lives to try to take it out on others. I see a connection between this feeling of powerlessness and the "stop and frisk" laws passed in many of the cities where the knockout game first became popular.

I think the solution to this kind of violence is improving police relations with the affected communities. The first step is getting rid of "stop and frisk", the second removal of police arrest quotas, the third would be reducing the black prison population's non-violent offenders.

Toronto mayor Rob Ford says he gets enough pussy to eat

Lawdeedaw says...

I think he is mentally ill, such as Bi-Polar. It's possible he is not a douchebag, just broken. In fact, the mentally ill typically try to self medicate, and he definitely did that a time or two...

artician said:

This whole thing was amusing when it started, but it's pretty apparent this guy is just a douchebag of the highest caliber. He must spend his holidays golfing with Anthony Wiener.

Perfectly Sumed Up Problems With the New YouTube Comments

MilkmanDan says...

I've used Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper to hide the entire YouTube comments section for somewhere around 2 years or so now. I used to get very frustrated with watching anything on YT and seeing that 95%+ of the comments were trash, as this guy noted.

That is one of the primary things that I love about the sift here. I love comments here because it seems like the polar opposite of YouTube; instead of 99% trash and 1% relevant, interesting, or funny comments it seems like we've got 99% good stuff.

Even on controversial things where lots of people disagree, comments here are usually respectful and even-handed -- as is the moderating when necessary.

I think I've posted a sum total of 7 videos to the sift (only one of which made top 15), but I do a lot of commenting and comment reading and upvoting. The whole comment system here makes the entire Sift experience so much better than YT for me that it is like a breath of fresh air.

So I guess, score one for the sift -- at least we've got a pleasant experience here while YT/Google are busy trying to reinvent the wheel.

How Animals See The World

rich_magnet says...

Hmm. This could have been done better. I was hoping to see visualizations of:
* Birds' extremely high-speed vision; fast enough to fly through trees' foliage.
* Jumping spiders with 2 focusable main eyes and 6 other eyes.
* Mantis shrimp with their 6+ receptors, including UV, IR and polarization.

Amazing Secret Monitor!

AeroMechanical says...

I remember when the limited horizontal viewing angle on LCDs used to be advertised as a "privacy filter."

Gotta love the marketing department. Useful idea though. I like the idea that I could be sitting at my computer with everyone else looking at me like I'm crazy.

edit: Oh, also: "They Live" anyone. It would be great if you could have a screen that displayed one thing at all sorts of polarities, and then another through the correct filter. Spreadsheet for everyone else, porn for me.

Coca-Cola Polar Bears Film 2013 produced by Ridley Scott

Trancecoach says...

Boy if only there was a company whose quest for profits in the sale and distribution of sugar water wasn't an implicit participation in the global system responsible for the climate change that's devastating the arctic habitat so crucial for the polar bear's survival...


Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

MilkmanDan says...

My physics lab prof in college said:

"If you ever see a question about 'why does water do x while {insert other liquid here} does y', the answer is always 'because it's polar'".

Expanding when frozen? Polar.
Strong surface tension, adhesion and cohesion? Polar.
Complex molecules dissolving in water? Because the water AND the dissolving molecules are polar. Non-polar things *won't* dissolve in water, for the reverse reason.
And I guess this can be thrown on the list also, although just saying "polar" misses some of the details/nuance that Sagemind covered.

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

Sagemind says...

From Reddit:
"This can be explained through the principles of cohesion and adhesion. Water has strong cohesion to itself and strong adhesion to the sponge. Mercury has strong cohesion to itself but weak adhesion to the sponge.

Cohesion arises from attraction between something and itself. Cohesion is strong in water due to the large amount of hydrogen bonding between water molecules, causing water to stick to itself. Cohesion is strong in liquid mercury due to something called metallic bonding between metal cations and delocalized electrons in the liquid metallic liquid, causing the mercury to stick to itself.

Adhesion arises from attraction between something and something else. Since water molecules are polar, they can hydrogen bond with the polyurethane sponge. Mercury's metallic bonding, however, does not interact with the non-metallic sponge. Mercury will, however, adsorb to other metals such as gold or silver and form an amalgam.

Basic mercury clean up kits usually contain metal sulfides, which can react with the metal, disrupting metallic bonding, and permitting other forms of intermolecular forces to facilitate clean up."

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

Jinx says...

Adhesion. Water is polar, its why you get surface tension and I think that's why it sticks to most surfaces. Mercury adheres to itself pretty good but for different reasons. You'll notice it runs off surfaces in a similar way water runs of a hydrophobic surface - it doesn't streak because it doesn't stick.

Now, perhaps if it were an aluminium sponge...

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