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How Much Does It Take To Overdose?

The Newsroom - Why Will is a Republican

RFlagg says...

I don't think the people who think the Republican party is doomed understand just how brainwashed their people are. I have to hear Fox news every day, and hear comments from conservatives every day about how everything is going to hell in a hand basket and only the Republican party can save them. It's becoming clear that all this is just galvanizing the core. They think they are being repressed, they think there is a war against Christianity (which is funny since the Republican party is perhaps the most polar opposite of the 4 larger parties, and certainly of the two majors, to the teachings of Jesus) and only Republicans will help stop that war. Their churches are telling them there is a war against Christians and how they are being repressed and to vote Republican to save them. These people, once they can no longer deny that the climate is warming and is man made, will just point how it is the end times and continue to ignore it, because Jesus is coming soon anyhow. It's like that cartoon where the rich man takes 99 of the 100 cookies, the middle class guy takes one and the poor guy has just crumbs and the rich man warns the middle class guy to watch out, that the poor guy wants his cookie, and rather than be mad at the guy who took 99 of the cookies, he actually gets mad at the poor guy for wanting one. They don't care that a rich man fires over 1000 people and keeps everyone else at minimum for 4 years without raises so he can have a jet, they see those minimum wage workers and the people he fired as the enemy.They honestly believe the big corporate media machine is the "liberal media", disregarding the fact they are very much interested in keeping the status qua going, rather than expose the truth of growing income gap in this country. By 2016 most people will have forgotten the shutdown and those that remember it won't remember it is the Republican's fault, yes, the progressives will remember, but the conservatives blame the Democrats, liberals and progressives anyhow, and the rest won't care by then. The Fox News watchers, Rush listeners are just more solidly believing now that everything is the fault of the poor and the needy and the liberals, Democrats and progressives that want to help them.

TLDR: Those seeing the end of the Republican party, must not be around the hard core enough to see how brainwashed they are by Fox, Rush and their churches. All this just solidifies their anger.

Gordon Ramsay - How to slice a pepper

chingalera says...

With his method, the seeds and septum are easily eviscerated w/o precision grooming. The small amount of flesh you lose in minimal. That top part with the stem is of so little consequence and what you lose has little flavor. I've never trimmed a pepper this way, I always half it, and trim the seeds and septum after.

Ramseys' no speed-freak......always thought he was a self-medicating bi-polar-OR, he could be one of those cats high on life's, WTF's...either, other, he's one wound-tight control-freak!

CreamK said:

I prefer the usual way, i get to use the whole edible part of it. With Ramsays method, you are not using the part under your finger (top? bottom? opposite the stump? not native english so don't know what that part is called.) I just cut around the "stump", no seeds and the whole vegetable is used.

First Polar Bear Born in Australia

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cute' to 'cute, polar bear, australia, birth, sea world' - edited by xxovercastxx

First Polar Bear Born in Australia

Jinx says...

"First Polar Bear born in Australia is a baby bear!"

That's what went through my head when I read the descriptions. I giggled.

Super Selfie - Tune Squad

The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council

Al Gore's Nobel Acceptance Speech

chingalera says...

'Satellite photos of the Arctic taken by NASA in August 2012 and August 2013 show a 60 percent increase in the polar ice sheet, more than half the size of Europe, despite “realistic” predictions by climate scientists six years ago that the North Pole would be completely melted by now.'-Barbara Hollingsworth, CNS

Henry Rollins on Summer Movies and Advertising

chingalera says...

I'm thinkin' 'ol Black Flaggy heres' wellspring of angsty energy comes from manic depression. Bi-polarization....that, and he's got plenty to be pissed and manic about having to be around all the sell-outs, posers, robot monkeys, and vapid hipsters!

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

coffeejerk says...

Not even the dead can rest these days if you ladies and gentlemen make such a ruckus.

It may be that this topic is polarizing. But is it necessary that the flow of communication in this thread degrades to a level close to a "youtube discussion" ? Remember that even if you may fail to find a common political foundation to create a society, you are still talking to human beings, trolls and bots capable of feeling pain.

If you need to use words like weapons just to get your points through or are just arguing for the sake of exchanging verbal hits, well ... thanks for being a good example about "how not to communicate".

Black Christians = Uncle Toms

bobknight33 says...

You need to learn how to read a story. that is not what it said or implied.

The Republican party can only tale a back seat to Democrats on playing the race card.

Your 2005 article indicates:
"Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South."

Now where did it say Republican party courted racist for their vote. If that was the case They would have gotten Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to join the Republican.

As you said "appealing to racists to boost their vote" and exploited racial strife are not the same.

The article went on to say:
"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

The root of the Southern Strategy"
"Mehlman's apology to the NAACP at the group's convention in Milwaukee marked the first time a top Republican Party leader has denounced the so-called Southern Strategy employed by Richard Nixon and other Republicans to peel away white voters in what was then the heavily Democratic South. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Republicans encouraged disaffected Southern white voters to vote Republican by blaming pro-civil rights Democrats for racial unrest and other racial problems.

To sum this up: Nixon Blamed Democrats for the racial mess of the mid late 60's in order to pull some white voters to switch from Democrat to Republican in order to gain votes.

And for that you call Republican Raciest??? Don't you really mean Democrats ?

After all Democrats were the south. Democrats kept the plantations. Democrats wanted to keep the salve system in place. Democrats started the KKK to keep blacks and whites from voting Republican.

I am sorry that if for some small amount to years that Republicans used race/ race baiting/ raciest to gain more Republican white votes is it is nothing to what Democrats have done. AT least they did not whip/ chain/ rape/ murder/ or lynch any one to gain or keep their vote.

Its true and YOU know it.

VoodooV said:

not true and you know it.

even the RNC chair admitted and apologized for using the Southern Strategy, appealing to racists to boost their vote.

Every time you keep trying to spew your racist lies, I'll shut you down

Stephen Fry Confesses 2012 Suicide Attempt

cluhlenbrauck says...

wow a "tl;dr you are insecure" is going to save me time from reading your wall of text.

At no point did I say I have no weaknesses or flaws. I love this guy and repeatedly watched his videos on this site.

he explained having goals is a dumb thing to do. This guy knows he has bi-polar takes medication. Why didn't he look into setting a goal for a healthy life style? research some shit.

seems to me you are all distracted by his accent and posh look into self loathing and suicide.

artician said:

But he didn't kill himself. He's discussing what causes one to pursue such a thing. He knows it's a despicable weakness in human nature, and admits to succumbing to it himself.

If he were truly a weak person, he'd be dead. A strong person understands their shortcomings, failures and weaknesses, and can discuss them openly without feeling vulnerable or insecure.

An insecure or weak person will attest to having no weakness or flaws, and often dismiss or disrespect those who do because they feel better about themselves.

The especially insecure often do that on public discussion forums where they're safely anonymous.

Stephen Fry Confesses 2012 Suicide Attempt

enoch says...

take away any empathy,human understanding or compassion and we get troglodytes such as @cluhlenbrauck.he represents reverse evolution.

@brycewi19 how would you classify bi-polar?
what definitive test is given to diagnose this condition.
and when diagnosed..what is the best medication to help control/counter-act its debilitating effects?

i quite like your idea of bi-polar.
next step in evolution to adapt to the inherent slavery in our current slanted system.
has a certain poetry to it.

bi polar-psychology of being

enoch says...

this doesnt even fit into any definition of religion.
how you extrapolated religion from this video is a stretch of logic.
disagree with premise? thats fine.
calling it religion? not a chance.i dont see any dogmatic approach based on you?

which brings me to @Engels commentary.
this video proposes an alternative way of dealing with bi-polar.this alternative has been proven to work in some cases.
does this mean that we should dump modern psychology?
well this video does not make that assertion.

it simply offers an alternative way of dealing with people in crisis.
who are you to judge the validity or success of something that may work for some people?

or has psychology answered all the questions pertaining to consciousness and i just missed the memo?

i understand your skepticism concerning methods such as represented in this video but as @eric3579 suggested.if you have never experienced:depression,mania,psychotic episodes then you are already at a disadvantage in your understanding.

medication is not the end-all be-all of answers.sometimes compassion,understanding and empathy are far better fascilitators in helping a person overcome episodes of depression or mania.

when we consider just how prevalent diagnosis and medication have become:

we should all stand up and take notice.
or do you feel the 1 in 5 numbers are correct?
that even pre-teens can be bipolar?
and if so.could you please tell me the conclusive test a psychologist uses to determine if someone is bipolar?

i am in no way by my commentary dismissing the exceptional works psychology has brought to the human table.i am just saying that it is still a work in progress and the field of psychology has not answered every question.

on a side note.freud along with his nephew edward bernaise helped create mass marketing and propaganda systems.
so....yeah.fuck freud.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (april 5, 2013)

shang says...

ugh hate this guy, even Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson don't give much creedence to global warming scare. And he has already shown that if global warming did occur it would cause a new ice age cause if the polar ice caps melted enough the fresh water would change the gulf stream and could cause a global cooling as the Earth auto corrected as it always has.

They used that premise to the extreme in that stupid movie 'day after tomorrow'. But there has been mass global warmings on larger scale than anything humans could do in a million years before like what killed the Dinosaurs caused massive warming which resulted in a major ice age.

I'd rather believe Michio Kaku, Neil Tyson, Stephen Hawking, than some political bias television shows.

Off topic I do wish someone would nuke American media fox, msnbc, cnn, current, and the "left/right" various talk show crap.

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