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this is what a fascist sounds like

Real Life Mirror's Edge Time-trial

BoneRemake says...

HONESTLY, I wonder how people register this sort of thing as real life, it is clear as day and night to me that this is a game, not real, generated image... I am not sure what phrase to use to express how not real this is, it is real in the sense a computer made it and processed it and displayed it and such but that is not a human leg you are looking at, not real bricks or sandstone or monuments or whatnot....

Jon Stewart on Charleston Terrorist Attack

scheherazade says...

Good, so we can agree on the one possible reason for him not being shot could have been racial bias (scrawny white kid). Cool.

As for the rest:

- the Civil War wasn't about Slavery..

Propaganda is real. Believing everything you're told by a government authority who has the power to control information, and who has a vested interest in drumming up nationalism, is naive. Particularly when that authority's actions so often throughout the history of events in question have not matched their words.

I would only ask you this :
How many of your neighbors today (of any race) do you think would willingly die _for you_, a stranger to them, for _any_ reason?
How many white people do you think would have died _for you_ back then? (I use "for you" because you earlier indicated that you are black, so the question is meant to be answered not rhetorically, but actually from your perspective)
Does it make sense that the civil war was out of the goodness of white people's hearts, or does it make more sense that white people had a score to settle with one another?
Do you really think that primary schools are telling the absolute unbiased truth about the civil war (particularly given that the north got to dictate the curriculum after victory)?

My point here has nothing to do with any opinions of black people. It is squarely to do with distrust of government as an institution combined with government's history of white washing is own actions after the fact. Don't conflate the two.

- that white people are treated just as poorly as black people (sometimes)..


Like I said before. Fuck off with that..
"Well, cops are mean to ME TOO!!" bullshit.

Why would I not assert that [*some*] white individuals are [at times] treated just as poorly [or poorer] as [*some*] black [individuals]? (to be stated precisely).

Your command that I not mention harms done to whites makes it sound like you don't think those harms are worth mentioning. Maybe because you think they are not real or meaningful?

There are plenty of police brutality videos on this site depicting injury and murder of white people at the hands of police.

Do dead white people get to come back to life, because they aren't black, and so their gun shot wounds obviously aren't as bad?

Or those that went to jail for 'assaulting a police officer' after a cop beat the crap out of them, do they get to rewind their lives and get their squandered time [and reputation/job] back, because they aren't black?

Like I said, I agree that black people get fucked with more than white people - but I don't deny the suffering of anyone, and I certainly wouldn't go as far as to assume that 'it's all about me'.

In essence, being targeted more often, is not the same as being the only target.

The general problem I see with LE (that affects everyone), is the government's (police are the executive branch) lack of obedience to the 14th amendment, giving themselves privilege to harm the state (in a republic, citizens are the state) whenever their agents personally whim so.

That's a separate issue from LE officers more often using their privilege on blacks than on whites - which as I stated, is also real issue in and of itself.

Fixing this disregard for the 14th amendment would encompass everyone, so 'we're all in it together' in this regard.

- that the ONLY DIFFERENCE between cops arresting a MASS fucking MURDERER WITHOUT INCIDENCE..

And murdering 12 year old Tamir Rice for wielding a BB-GUN!

Is that Rice pointed a "realistic-looking" gun at cops.

I never even mentioned anything about this.

Was that the difference? Was it actually that Rice pointed a real looking fake gun at a cop, while this recent white kid didn't?
(I don't actually know)

If that really is the difference, then I guess I can see why the one pointing a gun at the cop would get shot by a cop.
Although, I suspect that the black kid never pointed a gun at anyone, and the cop lied about it, and the cop just shot the kid 'just in case' (because that's what cops do when they feel even remotely in danger, because they're trained to be paranoid and afraid of everything, and to place their own safety first and foremost). And I suspect that cops would have liked to do the same in this recent case, but their departments are probably afraid of drawing more negative attention to the police.
But, that's just my suspicion. I wasn't there.

In this recent case, what was the connection between the white kid and the church he attacked? Was it random, or did he pick it for a reason? (actually asking, not some veiled statement)


GenjiKilpatrick said:

Exactly! Cops (or anyone really) see a scrawny white kid and think..

"He probably isn't dangerous"

Cops see an unarmed black teen and they immediately see them as a threat or a criminal.

Stop! Asserting that:

- the Civil War wasn't about Slavery..

- that white people are treated just as poorly as black people (sometimes)..

- that the ONLY DIFFERENCE between cops arresting a MASS fucking MURDERER WITHOUT INCIDENCE..

And murdering 12 year old Tamir Rice for wielding a BB-GUN!

Is that Rice pointed a "realistic-looking" gun at cops.

It's belittling, demeaning, insulting, disingenuous, and delusional to suggest that People of Color are treated by the same standards.

THIS is what White-Privilege provides you with.
A "get out of instantly being gunned-down" card..

So it's INFURIATING to have some cockfaced asshole like You or Lantern or Bobknight tell me..

that anything other than ingrained INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is responsible for the way People of Color are brutalized, jailed & murdered regularly, causally and on a daily basis.

Like I said before. Fuck off with that..
"Well, cops are mean to ME TOO!!" bullshit.

Stop diminishing the fundamental mistreatment of non-whites in America.

It's disgusting. It's sickening.
And it's perpetuated by willfully ignorant rhetoric like yours.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

newtboy says...

Let's see...we've got assault and battery, armed robbery, destruction of private property, destruction of evidence...and probably a few more crimes here. I won't be surprised in the least if there's not a single crime charged, however.

Police are proving conclusively that they are NOT protecting, serving, or upholding the law. Since they refuse to police themselves, I'm thinking it's time to disband the criminal gang and start again, they've all failed time and time again to be honest and upright people, much less proper authorities. If cops policed themselves, the other cops would have tackled this cop, jumped on his head, hog tied him, and carted him off to jail....but that's NEVER happened, not a single time, ever, no matter what kind of murderous crime the cop commits in front of his fellow officers. In my mind, that means they are not real cops and so not deserving of respect or compliance.
How about a ballot initiative to remove any 'protective custody' for officers sent to prison, so they have to go to gen pop like every one else? Then they might think twice...assuming some are prosecuted...because it would no longer be summer camp with other cops, it would be real prison.

Spider Infested Apartment


newtboy says...

No sir.
It is pre-rendered video (or really series of pre-rendered videos) some of them slightly 'tweaked' in semi-real time, most of them not, but not ever by tracking the dancers in real time, which was the whole point of my original post and the follow ups.
Synching the pre-rendered videos with the pre-recorded music is not 'real time rendering' any effects.
An image you 'tweak' on an ipad with your finger(s) to (poorly) SIMULATE real time effects BASED ON MOTION TRACKING is not at all the same thing as real time rendered projections ON DANCERS BASED ON MOTION TRACKING THE DANCERS AND MORPHING THE IMAGE TO THEIR POSITIONS. (apologies for the 'shouting', but you keep missing the point) I'm sorry that's hard for you to understand or admit.

EDIT: For it to be "real time renderings" it would HAVE to track the dancers...which you admit it does I don't get how/why you want to argue a point you already conceded.

billpayer said:

@ChaosEngine the realitime comment was for @newtboy

@newtboy I never said they were tracking dancers. Only that it is a r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e animation not a pre-rendered video, which is 100% confirmed by the f-a-c-t that they are tweaking cameras, friction, gravity and viscosity in r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e

Return of the Jedi - Special Location Effects with Kevin Pik

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

rancor says...

That's a pretty poor conclusion. I would have thrown in two other points:

1. If we hit the jackpot, we only got one spin so we've never known anything else. Given how vast the universe is with respect to space and time, is it so hard to believe that there are other dimensions so unknown and vast that of course there will be a universe that supports its own continued existence, and life? I would loosely liken it to the Drake Equation, which relies on huge numbers to demonstrate that even extremely improbable things are plausible:

2. I prefer to think that these constants are actually our own invention. We invented all numbers, units, and sciences to explain how we see things behave, but because of that we have to adjust our equations to fit the way the universe behaves. That implies that these constants are not adjustable, because they are not real in the first place -- they're just more imaginary ideas of our own invention.

Amazon Echo (Early Beta)

newtboy says...

OMG It's a REAL thing?!
I liked the one by @maatc better. It seemed more like a Siri upgrade....with attitude and typical 'web knowledge' (not real knowledge).

eric3579 said:

For reference this is the original

and why would anyone want something like this.

Parade of Progressive Causes at the People's Climate March

newtboy says...

No, it means that it's too late to have no climate change as a result of human produced greenhouse gasses (thanks to the impressively effective interference and intentional confusion caused by politically motivated climate change deniers who have delayed meaningful action thus far), but it's never too late to stop adding to the problem and making it worse.

The 'right wing' stance so far has been "It's not real, no...I mean, It's being faked by scientists, no...I mean, it's not a problem, no...I mean, it's not man made, no...I mean, it's too expensive to do anything, no...I mean, it's being faked by scientists, no....I mean, it isn't real, no...I mean, it's too late to do anything." I quit giving them an ear at "It's not real", because I can read and do math, and can understand science.

EDIT:And please-oh-please. Give me the URL of the UN speech you quoted as saying "Quit thinking about Climate Change, and act to empower us even further than we already are! What wealth still exists is shrinking, so we need to scramble harder for your last dollars!" I'm thinking you made that up.

Trancecoach said:

@ChaosEngine @newtboy
Well, if Climate Change is now "irreversible," does that mean that the Climate Change believers will stop trying to use the government to try to reverse it? (I say it's one less thing to worry about! Alas, there will always be contrarians to this malarkey, as the U.N. pouts "Quit thinking about Climate Change, and act to empower us even further than we already are! What wealth still exists is shrinking, so we need to scramble harder for your last dollars!" You boys should donate if you care so much.)

Parade of Progressive Causes at the People's Climate March

Trancecoach says...

@ChaosEngine @newtboy
Well, if Climate Change is now "irreversible," does that mean that the Climate Change believers will stop trying to use the government to try to reverse it? (I say it's one less thing to worry about! Alas, there will always be contrarians to this malarkey, as the U.N. pouts "Quit thinking about Climate Change, and act to empower us even further than we already are! What wealth still exists is shrinking, so we need to scramble harder for your last dollars!" You boys should donate if you care so much.)

man pepper sprayed in his own home as "burglar"

newtboy says...

How many times have you been accosted in your home in the middle of the night with guns drawn pointed at you and unknown people screaming contradictory commands at you from the dark?
OK, I'll be over tonight to sneak into your kids room and wake them up by screaming commands at them, they'll have .7 seconds to comply before the bear mace comes out, and I'm terribly sorry but I'll be forced to shoot you dead if you interfere. That's perfectly acceptable behavior, right? (not a real threat, simply an example of what you claim is OK for you to do)

Goly, you mean a cop who's stopped by other cops might not have a problem (because you say first and foremost 'hey guys, I'm also a cop'). Well, I guess that makes all this insane violent abuse just fine then, so sorry to have complained about it.

You've heard MANY instances of sifters being arrested improperly, you discount them all or completely ignore them. I'll repeat just one of mine for you....again.
Pulled out of my car at gunpoint, violently thrown to the ground and jumped on, then handcuffed/arrested. (I was FULLY compliant with all directions given.) All that happened because the cop read my clean, well lit license plate wrong and then wrongly assumed my car was stolen. No apology when he realized his mistake, only threats that he 'knew where I lived now' if I reported his actions...which I did. Lucky for all he was just 'bluffing' with his threat, or I might be in prison still for shooting a cop in my home.

What we need are far more prosecutors that are willing to hit cops with the full power of law EVERY time they are criminal, or even appear criminal. Those cops need to go into gen pop in prison and live with the full consequences of their actions, not get separated into a special 'prison' for cops with special rights, cells, privileges, food, and far less abuse by jailers and other prisoners...that's not real prison. It's almost like club fed.

You apparently think those are the two choices....either bend over and take it up the ass by criminal cops that are liars (bluffers), thugs, thieves, and murderers OR live in Mad Max times with no cops at all. It's incredibly sad and telling that you can't see the third option, of hold cops to at least the same legal standards private citizens are held to (or higher) and insist they work FOR their community and it's residents (even the black one's) instead of against it, and PROSECUTE them when they violate those standards. To you that's ridiculous, to us it's necessary.

lantern53 said:

Would have been instructive if the reporter had asked the officer or the chief to give their version of the events.

Pepper spray is not deadly, it's a nasty irritant. If the kid had followed directions, he would not have been pepper-sprayed.

I've been stopped numerous times by the police for traffic infractions and never once have I had a problem. My brother who used to drive OTR semis got stopped frequently and has never been arrested, never had his windows busted out.

If anyone viewing this website has had their windows busted out or gotten arrested for something improperly, I'd like to hear it.

What this country needs is a one day blue-flu, and we'll see what happens when everything is legal.

Leaked Star Wars Filmset Footage

George Washington Vs William Wallace

Lawdeedaw says...

But ERB is not necessarily a place for real life historical it is within rights to go off the movie too... (See Darth Vader for not real past...the song would go kind of lyrics from Vader, Hitler wins by default

wraith said:

Hm. A moderately (If I can judge that) historically acurate George Washington vs. the Mel Gibson fantasy of WIlliam Wallace. ERB has certainly done better in the past.
"Sir William Wallace (...) was a Scottish landowner (...) a member of the lesser nobility (...)"

Most important, he was not a Highlander an as such did not wear a kilt or paint his face.


"("Braveheart"), however, is a highly fictionalized account of Wallace's life and has been described by some as one of the most historically inaccurate modern films."

Consequences Within of Climate Change Within Our Lifetimes

charliem says...

I would have thought its all there in those two words, but ok.....these people continue to believe in something that is ultimately detrimental to their own well being.

They believe this is bullshit, and that its not real, and that its not worth paying any attention to, and scientists are all fraudulent, and its a giant scam....and if they do nothing to address it, would be better than addressing it.

That, is cognitive dissonance, the ability to hold contradictory beliefs to reality, to your own detriment.

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