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The News Hasn't Happened Yet | #3: UP

Vermilion Parish teacher arrested for asking about raises

newtboy says...

The news says the police want to be clear that this was a school resource officer, not real police that handcuffed her, and any questions should be submitted to the school board, not the police department.
The board president is claiming this is somehow a setup by other board members as a devious plot to get rid of the superintendent. Does that make sense to anyone? I can't follow his logic.

Dear Satan

newtboy says...

You see the problem there, right?
You don't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so ask it to help you believe in it, even though you know it's not real (and is an insult to your intelligence and beliefs), just abandon reason and rationality until you believe (in something you know is false and harmful)....and forever after. Who's going to do that?
Edit: conversely, if God hasn't verified his word, why would you contradict him by trying to do it yourself? Don't you think he knows his own plan better than you?

No, it's kicking the key out of that lock some guy looking for money and control told you is a prison you are in that's inescapable unless you buy his key (and pay him for keeping that key for you). Rejecting religion means you reject the entire "lock/key/prison" concept.

Third choice, admit sin is a construct of humans to control others more easily and ignore it as the fraud it is.
Remember, bearing false witness is a sin (as is the pride you feel for sharing it), and just because you believe it doesn't make it less false. Better to keep quiet about stuff you can't prove, according to Christianity.

Edit: don't think I didn't notice that you didn't even attempt to answer either question.
How to reconcile the blatant self serving fact that religion requires you to believe that belief in it erases all sin besides disbelief, which must be a sin worse than murder, rape, torture, etc, and is the one sin that was not erased by Christ?

shinyblurry said:

God verifies His word, as He did to me. I wasn't looking for Him and He showed up in my life and revealed that He is God. If you don't believe, ask God to help your unbelief.

Rejecting Jesus Christ is like kicking the key back out of your jail cell and then complaining that you can't get out. Your choice is to either pay for your own sins or let Jesus pay for them.

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

AeroMechanical says...

Meh. In my experience, for years now, whenever there is a game with nazis in it, there's some idiot, usually some 14 year old kid who is not real clear on the facts, on the Steam forums or Youtube or wherever who posts some rant about how the nazis really weren't all that bad or whatever. It's nothing new and not really something to get worked up about, but given the news cycle, presented an excellent marketing opportunity.

Donna Brazile: HRC controlled DNC and rigged the primary

MilkmanDan says...

I'm not at all convinced of that (Clinton's political career being over).

It would be the sane response. And yet, clearly the DNC (and US politics in general) aren't reined in by trivialities like sanity. I think that unless the fickle public gets really riled up over this, the DNC would swing just as hard for Clinton or some other corporate-friendly type over anybody like Sanders or Warren in 2020.

Sanders being an Independent in the Senate was held against him hard by party bigwigs. Somewhat understandably. That being said, Sanders' brand of "Independent" was/is a fantastic guide to what the Democrat party should be working to become.

Politics is all bullshit, all the time. As a result, a huge percentage of voters are quite disenfranchised and don't really see any candidate as being on their side. Sanders turned that on its head. And old, rather-eccentric, Jewish dude got people excited (me too!). Massive gold-plated opportunity, with giant fucking neon signs pointing at it saying "pounce on this NOW", and the DNC took a big shit on it instead because they can't fathom a world without being 99.9% funded by massive corporations in return for congressmen, vetoes, and judges being bought and paid for.

I think that's what the guy is talking about with regards to "taking over the party". The "Justice Democrats" thing is about progressive candidates funded by actual goddamn people instead of laundered corporate money. I'm not real optimistic about their chances of really shaking up the status quo, but by god I sure hope they do.

newtboy said:

Clinton's political career is over, I hope all Clintons...

Unreal Engine's Human CGI is So Real it's Unreal

RedSky says...

To be overly anal about it, uncanny valley concerns more the eeriness or revulsion 'peak' of a near lifelike replica. Think dead eyes in Polar Express or the plastic faces of Japan's android models.

This to me at least is beyond that trough on the uncanny valley chart, I do not sense any revulsion personally. I can of course detect it is still not real but no particular facet triggers that doppelganger reaction.

Aikido - Hiromi Matsuoka

mxxcon says...

I'd like to see something like this done to a person who doesn't know Aikido.
I'm not saying it's not real or anything like that. But wondering if the guy is flying all over the place partly to make it look better because he knows "what's coming". Where as if these moves were to be performed on an untrained person would not look as spectacular.

The Eclipse in 23 seconds.

The Battle Over Confederate Monuments

newtboy says...

Sorry, but you missed the point imo. Confederates were NOT real Americans, they were real traitors to America who renounced their citizenship and fought to destroy the Union....largely to protect their rights to own people.

I'm not for whitewashing history, but I do think all statues and other monuments celebrating the insurrection should go...because I'm a patriot and would never celebrate our enemies.
Funny enough, Robert E Lee agreed there should be no monuments, he knew they breed hatred on both sides.

As an American, it is pretty easy to say they were wrong, and I'm from Houston and I'm actually related to Lee through two separate lines. That changes nothing. Treason is wrong, period.

MilkmanDan said:

I'm part way there. In government buildings, city parks, etc., sure -- take 'em down. State flags incorporating the confederate flag? Yeah. Probably time to change.

Civil war battlefields / memorials? Leave 'em up. Stone Mountain? Leave it. Placards noting that these people fought for the wrong side, for wrong reasons (90% of which boils down to slavery) can / should be included. Make it clear that the efforts of these people to try to keep slavery around were evil and wrong.

I've seen it noted that there are no monuments to Hitler in Germany. True, but reminders of the terrible Nazi legacy remain, in Germany and elsewhere. Concentration camps remain, still standing as a reminder of the human capacity for evil. Nazi flags, logos, and equipment remain in museums.

In China, images and monuments to Mao are everywhere. In spite of the fact that even the Communist Party there admits that his policies and actions were terrible -- the devastating Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, etc. Some Chinese can remember and celebrate the good that Mao did (perhaps a small list) while simultaneously acknowledging his extremely tarnished legacy.

I think that being very quick to say that ALL people on the Confederate side of the Civil War were evil and wrong while their counterparts in the Union were clearly the "real Americans" is entirely too easy. The CSA was founded almost entirely in support of a very evil primary goal -- to keep slavery around. But the people in it, even the people running it, were different from the people on the other side mainly due to accidents of birth location. They fought for what they thought was necessary / right. They were wrong. But, they were real Americans -- and acknowledging that they could have been wrong in that way reminds us that the potential to end up on the wrong side of history also exists for us.

Army of ants stealing a chicken nugget.

How David Fincher uses CGI to perfection: kaptainkristian

kir_mokum says...

i see loads of people shit on VFX and CG like it's ONLY bad (and with almost no understanding of the process). often the stuff they complain about are massively difficult shots that could never work in the real world or because it was what the client wants and/or because their reference was other VFX, not real things. there is very little actually bad VFX in properly budgeted movies insofar as artist ability and technical knowledge. this is why i think james cameron or ang lee deserve zero credit for the VFX of avatar or life of pi. all they did was secure the money to get them made and then shit all over them with bad ideas.

eric3579 said:

Do you really think people hate on cgi, just because it's cgi? I can't imagine that would ever be the case. I myself hate it when i notice it poorly done and looks like shit. Tends to take me out of the story/movie. Bad cgi like bad anything just sucks, and it's more apparent these days as it's used so much more.

Is The Greenland Ice Sheet Really Growing? (Hint: no)

Samantha Bee - Greetings, Trump Supporters!

vil says...

TV show, obviously not real people. Its meant to be funny. Real Trump supporters are more interesting.

The constant stream of sarcasm is a bit weary.

Why would anyone go to a Trump rally to protest? Who there would ever consider another point of view?

World's First Laser Rust Remover

Cold Blooded Carrier Manager Annouces 1400 Layoffs

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