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VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Non members and not logged in members can see the chat lounge through the sub menu and obviously those are not logged into the sift lounge. I think that ability to view sift lounge through sub menu when not logged in should be removed.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

I happened to click on "top users", and found that only the first entry on each page is displayed, whether logged in or out, but only if you've opted in to v6 beta.

I assume that's something to do with these changes?

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

@eric3579 - That's the first mention of playlists, which tells me the feature isn't being missed very much.

I think I may make all the other ancillary pages accessible via the member tab. (There's currently nothing there except your account preferences.)

FYI - If someone takes a look at the chat messages in the header siftbot will now note that fact within the lounge chat log.

Also the count of current chatters will get updated periodically, so if you're on a page for a while without reloading, the chat user count will continue to get updated.

Fascinating autism test for "theory of the mind" in children

ulysses1904 says...

I've always said this "Sally-Anne" scenario doesn't just reveal something about the autistic mind. I see it in people every day, particularly as an IT tech. Some people just don't have an intrinsic understanding that others are not seeing the images in their head when they are describing something, using vague pronouns and ambiguous terms that make sense in their head. They are incapable of "reading my mind" to know that I can't read their mind.

They don't seem to understand that others were not in the room experiencing their computer problems along with them, and then act put out while I ask 20 questions to ask them to describe what the hell is going on. Usually with an impatient air of "why am I asking all of these redundant questions? "

And it has nothing to do with being computer literate, and everything to do with not recognizing that I don't share your perspective without some more info. I work with many techno-phobes who don't have to be coached like that.

BTW, repeating"I can't log in, it won't let me" has been used to describe countless scenarios, you might as well ask me to guess which card you just picked out of a deck.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

Zawash says...

I miss:
The channel list - maybe a menu of its own.
When watching a video - overview over and links to the channels the video belongs to.
"My Videosift" menu options, with links to my own profile, account preferences etc. This menu item should be replaced by a "log in/become member" when not logged in.
The Search bar.
More links in the new awesome About sections - "Try clicking on the various channels" should have a link, and "The Top New Videos list is always full of" should have either a link or a description "(under Watch/Top New Videos in the menu)" etc.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

@blackfox42 - Fixed that link to opt back in, so it should work for you now.

@Baristan - That sounds good in theory (and I thought so in the distant past), but in practice it makes the site effectively unusable.

@eric3579 - I know there are lots of things you (and others) were bound to have issues with. As I explained in my dissertation, that's part of the point of doing this, to hear from you all what's wrong or what's missing or what should change. For example, being unable to click a menu tab to actually go somewhere can be fixed by adding a link in the sub-menu (or something).

To you and @newtboy, a big point about all the new header content is that you can now see all that information and even more all in that one area without searching all over the page for it.

Good feedback about the font. I've changed it and I think it's much better.

The video voters and who's viewing are currently excluded, but (yet again), that's part of the point of this beta test. If everyone feels they need to be added back in, then we (meaning dag and myself or us all as a community) can consider how we should include those things. (If/when they're added back in, it'll only be for logged-in members.)

@newtboy - Not everything everyone is noticing is intended to be that way. The indication that you voted on a comment wasn't supposed to be missing. And it's fixed now.

The opt out link is in the footer of the new video page, however to you and everyone else, I'd request and encourage that you stick with the beta test for a couple of days if you can bear it to at the very least try to help us with more, fuller feedback once you've become a little more accustomed to the changes.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. Keep it coming.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

The One Ring Explained. Lord of the Rings Mythology Part 2

00Scud00 says...

I like the idea of what you're saying but as far as the ring goes I would look at it this way. Say you build a super weapon, the problem with a super weapon is if anyone else gets their hands on it they could use it on you, so you build it in such a way that it only really works for you. But you make it nice and shiny and encourage would be thieves to use it (sweet! I'm invisible!) so when they do it will quietly call the cops (or Ringrwraiths in this case) when it's logged on to a network like some stolen iphone from hell. Of course you never want them to have any real power, just the promise or illusion of it to keep them on the hook while security tracks down the stolen item, then you can eat them, "raw and wriggling" if that's your preference.

MilkmanDan said:

I agree with you, but to me it would still be more interesting if the power of the one ring was manifested in some more concrete way.

I guess that in general Tolkien wasn't big on allegory, which is why he looked down on interpretations of his work where people assume that the ring is a symbol for "atomic energy", or "technology" or "industry" or whatever. So, from his point of view it is probably better to make the ring more abstract. But, I still think that personally, I get more out of viewing the one ring as sort of an allegory for "power" in general, and the corrupting influence of that power. So, even though I know that your interpretation is correct to what Tolkien had in mind, I like to read his books with my own spin on things in that way.

the Mountain lifts and carries a 1433 pound log

Mordhaus says...

Not to be a dick, but the amount of separation between the log and the safety frame was sketchy at times. The frame kept him from overbalancing at least twice; which would seem to me to be the hardest part of this challenge, as you take each step trying to not only lift this incredible weight, but to prevent the unwieldy length from shifting said weight to the point of no control.

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

the Mountain lifts and carries a 1433 pound log

Ride Verrückt, the World's Tallest Waterslide

Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about

draak13 says...

Actually, @ChaosEngine's comparison to online banking is exactly analogous to this situation. Her pics were hacked from her account. Thus, the day that your account is hacked and your identity is stolen...why are you online banking? That's a great way to get all of your money stolen. You really should have known better. If you end up homeless with no money, it really was your fault for not protecting yourself better.

You and others are correct that it does indeed present some level of risk to take nude photos of yourself at all, but all things in life present risk. If you don't want bad things to happen to you, maybe you shouldn't ever leave your house, log on to the internet, or talk to anyone. Of course, that's wildly unrealistic. The way that you present yourself makes it seem like you're callously taking this argument too far.

In contrast, @SDGundamX has taken a pleasantly moderate viewpoint on this, and I feel more enlightened from reading his posts and considering the moral ambiguity. I just wish he didn't get snarky at the end, and be 'dismayed' that people would criticize those who take the opposing stance =P.

All of the arguments aside, I appreciated her rebellion against this negative situation, and I hope that this tasteful video does good things for her.

Jerykk said:

Again, this isn't about rights or principles. It's about reality. We live a world where many people don't care about your rights or the law. If you give them the opportunity, these people will exploit you. If you don't want to be exploited, you need to avoid creating such opportunities whenever it is practical to do so. Ideally, we wouldn't have to do this. Ideally, everyone would share the same principles and values and we would all coexist in harmony. But that's not the world we live in.

Also, your analogies are pretty silly. Sending nude pics of yourself to someone is in no way comparable to using online banking. Banks have exponentially more security than whatever messaging or e-mail service you're using to send pictures, not to mention that the person receiving the pics can do whatever they want with them.

MacBook vs Yoga Dance-Off

Sagemind says...

I just spent the entire weekend fighting with my daughter's Windows 8 laptop.
The microsoft account pretty much hijacked the entire computer. We got locked out of the MS account and it kept prompting us to enter a "Code" to unlock it. It wouldn't send us a code.
Tried to contact MS but Apparently, the only way Microsoft will talk with us, is through our MS account -- their site specifically says, "and if you can't access your account, you need to create a second MS account in order to talk to us."

We ended up just abandoning the entire MS Account and creating a new one, and of course, that locked her out of all the Apps on her laptop. She basically had to make new accounts for everything. All because Windows 8 acts just like those viruses that lock you out of your computer, till you give them your credit card number!!

She can't even use her computer without logging into the MS Account.

Despising Windows 8!

Insane POV Motorcycle Race Through Narrow Portuguese Streets

Fransky says...

I don't quite understand how this is a race. It's over in the first 10 seconds. After the initial straight over the logs, there is nowhere to make up ground.

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