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Why doesn't the Facebook login keep you logged in? (Sift Talk Post)

lurgee says...

"I must say, as well, I don't like the beta layout of the site - since I get to see that every time I go on here, since the opt-out is only when I'm logged in. I think that if you force the issue on that design, it will be the final deathblow to the site, since it essentially hides the community."

I totally agree @gwiz665

fallout 4 trailer

dannym3141 says...

@947bis - that nearly brought a tear to my eye and explains EXACTLY why i was disappointed with Fallout 3. Or better to say, disappointed that it was given the label of Fallout instead of something like "Post Apocalyptic RPG".

FO3 had no subtlety. Sometimes you'd make decisions in Fallout 1&2 that you'd not even realised you'd made. Or chosen a dialogue option that you had no idea would affect how the game played out. There were multiple options to solve "quests" (there was no formal quest log) that would significantly alter the state of the rest of the game - what bases and equipment you had access to, and how you could ultimately finish the game. You could sneak into places, or disguise yourself and walk in, lie your way past NPCs, demolish your way in, then ultimately sabotage their base or fix it for them, ruin a gang's drug and slave trade, have sex with a crime boss's wife (or daughter if you preferred) and rob their safe before sneaking or shooting your way back out - and then the rival family would love you! It's as though the money they saved on not having voice actors for *every* NPC or graphical wizardry was spent on designing interesting, intertwined and thoughtful characters and situations, which were more fulfilling despite being a text only deal.

Fallout had so much character and charm and personality... It was genuinely funny and involved - in every area there would be many storylines that could affect each other directly and change the story, or change your reputation in the wasteland and affect your options elsewhere. FO3 feels cold and dead by comparison. In FO3, the decisions you make give the illusion of depth, when in actual fact only a small number of "decisions" affected the game at all, and even then, the consequences were not surprising or not impactful to the same degree.

God, i wish i could bottle the feeling of playing Fallout 1&2 back in the day.. i wish i could explain it to you young whippersnappers!

newtboy (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Brilliantly Simple Rotary Wood Splitter

Ickster says...

I wonder if this is really an improvement over other methods. I bet that wood has to be really dry for it to work so easily; I can imagine something like a fresh elm log getting stuck on that bit and wrenching the motor right off its mounts.

Finnish dudes build log house

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

heropsycho says...

The only thing I will say is just because blatantly racist jokes are said, that doesn't automatically mean someone is racist.

A friend and I will literally try to say the most god awful racist crap to each other about black people partly to make fun of racism and to just be so shockingly horrifying that it's funny. We also make horrifyingly sexist jokes, I make jokes about Canada (he lives there), and he makes 'Murica jokes. We even make horrifyingly awful "yo mamma" jokes. But the key is we absolutely positively know for a fact that neither of us believe any of it. If our chat logs only were cataloged and examined, we'd appear to be members of the KKK who regularly fornicated with each other's mothers while repeatedly demanding women make us sandwiches.

I don't know enough about the specifics of this incident if this notion is applicable or not. However, with everything going on with racial issues and policing, it's certainly amazingly tone deaf at best.

Buttle (Member Profile)

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

lantern53 says...

Cops should be able to kill with impunity? That's a pretty ridiculous statement, which I never said, in fact if I did, please quote me here.

Also, I never said what this cop did was right. But you have this general tendency to weave fanciful flights of hyperbole and ascribe them to me.

I'm only bringing up what I think are some other considerations. Of course, the cop had just a minute to decide, you much time?

Have you ever gone to your local police department and read the daily log? Why don't you go down there and talk to some of these monsters, maybe you can talk some sense into them.

Also, I conceded many moons ago that there are many jobs more dangerous than being a cop. Construction is one job that is. My point was that cops put their lives on the line to protect innocent people, which makes their sacrifice a little more selfless.

i don't expect you to look up to cops, especially since you only observe from the sidelines...where it is nice and safe.

Weasel battles seagull

Weasel battles seagull

How they censor Womens Sport Events on Iranian TV

Truckchase says...

Damn you for making me log in to upvote your comment. I almost forgot my password. It's "password".

Drachen_Jager said:

I can't believe Americans are upset over this. (whether this is fake or not)

The irony. Of all western democracies, the U.S. is the MOST like the countries they fear and despise. Censorship, extreme religious views. The idea that law should be based on a holy book. It's a long list, but you get the idea.

Spacedog79 (Member Profile)

1979~ Two Kate Bush Interviews from 1979

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Non members and not logged in members can see the chat lounge through the sub menu and obviously those are not logged into the sift lounge. I think that ability to view sift lounge through sub menu when not logged in should be removed.

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