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Conor McGregor vs The Mountain

Spectacular Rockslide in Switzerland (two angles)

Squatty Potty creates great Unicorn Poop

lucky760 (Member Profile)

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

halfAcat says...

the percentage rating shown when not logged in seems largely pointless, since practically every video has a rating of 100%, downvotes being rare on videosift.
if every video except a handfull is rated 100%, you might as well not show the rating, it's sort of useless information.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

@radx @Bruti79 @eric3579

I hear you.
I see you.

Just for you darling folks we've just added the ability to turn multi-column mode off (while logged in). At the top-right of the listing you'll see a little single-column or dual-column icon. Just click that to toggle betwixt the two modes.

We happy?


we happy?

Smoke & Flame: Makers of Artisanal Firewood

The Amazing Kreskin: Put Down Your Phone and Listen

How about a little love for long-time but low-star members? (Sift Talk Post)

SDGundamX says...

It has always seemed kind of bass ackwards to me that probationary members can self-promote but not promote others' videos. What was the reasoning behind that? Maybe reverse the rule? Or allow probies to do either but require more cost for self-promoting (3 stars)?

While we're talking about abilities, calling dupes should probably be allowed by lower levels. I'm thinking bronze or silver. But it should still require a gold member or above to isdupe it so that a more senior member always double-checks.

Also, as someone who literally spent years at silver, I thought it might be cool to award star points for time spent actively on the site. Like, if you logged in and upvoted something at least 'X' number of times during the year (on different days of course) then every year you earn 10 star points on your anniversary. That would mean after 5 years an active user could be at silver without ever sifting a video. This would also prevent people from ever realistically achieving gold or above without sifting something.

Just food for thought anyways.

The Revenant - Teaser Trailer

Mordhaus says...

Basically he got tore up by a grizzly, managed to climb on it's back and start knifing it to death, and then fell to the ground when his companions finished it with rifles. The leader figured he was dead soon, so he told the other two guys to bury him when he died and catch up after.

The history is a bit muddled on whether they got scared by Indians or just stole his stuff and left, but either way they took all of his gear and hoofed it. When they caught up, they told the leader that he had died.

So Hugh came to, with no gear, covered in a fresh bear skin they had taken off the bear. He was suffering from a broken leg, the cuts on his back exposing bare ribs, and all his wounds festering. He was 200 miles from the nearest fort, with nothing to help him and surrounded by hostile Indians.

He crawled, surviving on roots, berries, and remains of animal kills. His back became gangrenous, so he lay on a rotten log and let maggots eat the dead and rotten tissue away. Later he was found by a friendly tribe that sewed the bear skin to his back to cover his exposed ribs and gave him some supplies. When he finally reached the Cheyenne river, he fashioned a crude raft and floated down the river to the fort.

Everyone thought he had died, but he recovered fully. Later he decided he would avenge himself on the two that left him behind, but he spared one because he was too young and one because he had joined the army and was kind of untouchable. The young guy was Jim Bridger, who became a famous mountain man himself as he got older.

StukaFox said:

What's the real story?

"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

gorillaman (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

I've been trying to get voat to work the last few days but having no luck. Have you actually been able to log on or even view the site?

Why doesn't the Facebook login keep you logged in? (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm, I'm not having this issue - I tend to either log on with Facebook or manually. I'll give it a go now and try to reproduce the problem.

Why doesn't the Facebook login keep you logged in? (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

If you are seeing single videos in the new design you can go to the very bottom of the page and click opt out. Although i think you have to be logged in to do so.

campionidelmondo said:

Is there any way to opt out of the strange current single video view or maybe opt-in to something else? Is it part of that beta?

Why doesn't the Facebook login keep you logged in? (Sift Talk Post)

lurgee says...

"I must say, as well, I don't like the beta layout of the site - since I get to see that every time I go on here, since the opt-out is only when I'm logged in. I think that if you force the issue on that design, it will be the final deathblow to the site, since it essentially hides the community."

I totally agree @gwiz665

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Beggar's Canyon