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Member Since: February 26, 2011
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Comments to heropsycho

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 12 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

poolcleaner says...

You're a good person, nny.

heropsycho said:

The only thing I will say is just because blatantly racist jokes are said, that doesn't automatically mean someone is racist.

A friend and I will literally try to say the most god awful racist crap to each other about black people partly to make fun of racism and to just be so shockingly horrifying that it's funny. We also make horrifyingly sexist jokes, I make jokes about Canada (he lives there), and he makes 'Murica jokes. We even make horrifyingly awful "yo mamma" jokes. But the key is we absolutely positively know for a fact that neither of us believe any of it. If our chat logs only were cataloged and examined, we'd appear to be members of the KKK who regularly fornicated with each other's mothers while repeatedly demanding women make us sandwiches.

I don't know enough about the specifics of this incident if this notion is applicable or not. However, with everything going on with racial issues and policing, it's certainly amazingly tone deaf at best.

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