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Philip Seymour Hoffman Tribute

bremnet says...

Exactly. Getting a little tired of "it's a sickness, a disease, the poor man" - it's not like he was sitting beside an addict on a plane and suddenly caught heroine addiction. Jesus people, if he was such a brilliant actor, then surely he had an IQ that would tell him sticking a needle in his arm might not be such a good idea. Reap what you sow.

chingalera said:

Don't blame the drug sister, he slammed hard when he should have slammed smart...

Captain America: Winter Soldier - Trailer 2

cosmovitelli says...

They alter Hollywood scripts for studios that want US military hardware in their movies. Want to film a taxpayer funded aircraft carrier in this/any movie you're making?? We're not keen on this line where the guy mentions CIA heroin dealing/ lies to invade Iraq / torture centres / deathsquads etc etc..
Some say no (independence day) most go along with it as economic neccesity, others have their nose so far up the military ass they make Leni Riefenstahl look like a impassionate observer (Bruckhemer/Scott etc).
Didn't you wonder why all modern mainstream Hollywood films have become propaganda?

lantern53 said:

What is the US military propaganda wing?

RIP - Philip Seymour Hoffman, 1967-2014

14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

newtboy says...

And it seems so is what you say, false that is...
From what I've seen, the argument that 'golden rice' cures vitamin A deficiency is false. There's simply not enough vitamin A in it. It is useful as a supplement, as are many other things less dangerous to the food supply.
Yes, it is distributed to farmers for free, at first. Then, once other varieties are no longer available, they begin charging for it, and suing anyone that doesn't pay to grow their crop (the only one left to grow). Is that a difficult concept to understand? It's the same business plan crack, meth, and heroin dealers use, get you hooked for free, then charge you once you're hooked. They certainly did that with their corn.
She did not claim they do not produce higher yields, she said the science that claims they do is only produced by the companies that benefit. Those are different claims. When only the one benefiting from positive results does the science, it's not trustworthy, ever.
If 'golden rice' replaces the other multiple strains of non-gmo rice because it offers SOME vitamin A, then there's a disease that kills all 'golden rice' (as always happens when variety is homogenized for profit and convenience) then what? There's NO rice for anyone. That's what's happening with chickpeas, the staple food for a HUGE portion of the population. One strain was adopted for profit and convenience, and it's now failing world wide. Wild chickpeas, incredibly hard to find now, offer the only solution to the failing commercial chickpea, and it may be far too late. If we lose rice too, we'll lose a large portion of the population of the planet. Now, with that possible outcome, is it worth it to experiment with GMO rice and exclude other strains? (those who grow GMO rice are usually forced to grow ONLY GMO strains to 'avoid cross contamination'.)
Most vocal activists are NOT science deniers, they are people pushing for legitimate, responsible science where the populace is not the guinea pig for corporate experiments. That is NOT responsible science.
Most of what this girl advocates is labeling, which can not be legitimately argued against. Like others said, if GMO's were good, they would WANT you to know they're in there. If they could PROVE it was good, they would. The science isn't in on long term effects, or on short term collateral unintended effects, so the products should not be for sale, certainly not without a label warning those using it that they are experimental and unproven. At least that's how I see it.

Sotto_Voce said:

As much as I disagree with Kevin O'Leary on most things, I'm with him on this. The girl is impressively assured and sharp for her age, but a lot of what she is saying with such confidence is simply false.

For instance, she says that Golden Rice has been shown not to work. Untrue. There is plenty of scientific evidence showing that Golden Rice is a good source of vitamin A (example). Given the huge problems associated with vitamin deficiency in the third world, and the strong scientific support for the efficacy of Golden Rice, the movement against its use is basically like the anti-vaccination movement -- uninformed and dangerous.

Also, Golden Rice is distributed for free to poor farmers (thanks to Ingo Potrykus, its creator), so its not like farmers have to go into debt to pay Monsanto or something in order to use it.

There were other falsehoods in what she said (like her absurd claim that GM crops don't produce higher yields) but this one really stood out for me. Golden Rice seems like a no-brainer: an unambiguously positive scientific development that is being distributed in an ethical manner. Spreading misinformation about it in order to discourage its adoption is unconscionable.

I think its important to have people out there protesting and warning against the excesses of companies like Monsanto, which has an unfortunate stranglehold over most GMO distribution. I just wish the most vocal activists weren't also science-deniers.

Balloon Swallow by Tonya Kay

Top 10 Nirvana Songs

GOP Rep: Republicans Act Like Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

chingalera says...

Well here's something to think about, since the uselessness of answering these questions which seem so important to yourself, these issues which would simply tend to correct themselves should dumb assess who light-upon them who can't seem to figure it out actually DO something with all their frustration.

There are other more pressing fundamental issues to consider when you think about how real "CHANGE" could come overnight if both fanatics dems and repubs could get their heads out of their own assess.

Most of these issues you are so passionate about and continually abuse the meaningless, "one-team-against-the-other" argument for, are simply diversions to keep you inebriated with (by design) while the rapists and abusers of culture, politics and special interests, military and police, and corporate oligarchies fuck you from behind without lube.

For instance: THIS video offering after 30 hours in the queue has garnered 6 votes. It speaks to one of the many fundamental ass-fucks being perpetrated on the American People and one insidious presidential cunt republican and one equally as sinister mountebank currently in office has created the framework for this egregious violation of rights and culture, but nobody seems to give a fuck.

INSTEAD, people that continually paste these kind of trite news-bobble sound bites of worthless information pitting one party against another seem to be absolutely clueless as to the mechanics of the insidious mechanism keeping them in a state of unconscious somnambulatry hypnotic drunkenness while the entire time, not utilizing the power they have to alter the course of the destiny of the planet-Instead that wasted energy is used to jack off at the mouth.

Simple fix for the so-called drug problem as it relates to criminal cartels (like the FBI, LIKE the CIA, like the "cabal who control government."???

Legalized marijuana, heroin, cocaine, while at the same time criminalizing the machine set-in-place to quote/unquote, "fight the war on drugs"..Fight the war on terrorism", etc. There is no goddamn war except the one for your mind,and from reading this horseshit on this particular post, it seems that more than a few people here have had their minds hi-jacked already.

It's up to you to wake-the-fuck-up. Republicans are no better or worse than democrats, because both are complicit in the hijacking of your lives, your livelihoods, and the work and sweat and blood of your lives as you toil incessantly to continue to promulgate their diseased programs of slavery of both your bodies and minds.

Any and all retort to similar diatribes of my own are predictably met with derision and defensiveness, and a SHITLOAD of passive-aggression in the form of convoluted and meaningless banter.

I fucking detest this charade of pitting conservatives against liberals, one "party" against another.

The only party that exists is the one behind closed doors as they laugh at people like yourselves.

VoodooV said:

@chingalera ahh the "both parties are equally bad" fallacy.

tell me? What's the Democrat equivalent of the denial of same sex marriage?
What's the Democrat equivalent of telling women they must keep their rape babies? What's the Democrat equivalent of trying establish a state religion even though we are a country of many (or no) religions. What's the Democrat equivalent of Republican's persistent denial of this pesky thing called science. What's the Democrat equivalent of the Republican body count due to starting unnecessary wars?

Don't get me wrong. Democrats fuck up all the time. They believed the 2004 election would be a slam dunk. They can often be naive and miscalculate political realities. I'm not convinced they won't fuck up the 2016 election somehow despite the Republicans' current problems. I really don't think Hillary should run. To quote Doctor Who: "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Both parties should be abolished to get away from this political nonsense, but to suggest these are somehow equal to Republican misdeeds is absolute lunacy unless you dare to back your claims up.

Hell, arguing the opposite of my claims is still more rational than this "OMG they're equal" nonsense. If you capable of making a value judgement, one party matches your values better than the other. It's impossible for them to be equal in that regard.

YouTube Comment Reconstruction #3

chingalera says...

Eno fans unite ya bunjcha geeks-
Giga Parsecs, long-time Eno fan and overcome with expressive aplomb comments1 week ago:

"I think the album as a whole is pretty excellent. It's just that this is like unbelievably, divinely good."

..and that's good that it's nice and that it is good...and divinely so.

Amazing what a polyphonic synth and some heroin can do for some folks, innit?

Da Silva - La crise

Da Silva - La crise

chingalera says...

This music makes me wanna try heroin. Is that why indie music people dig this droning, annoying, sing-along stuff so much?

Look, after he's finished he's got that greasy, hipster look on his face..."Feel my pain and rage and, OH! Dole me out another warm gush of arm candy!"

How to draw great butts with just five lines

chingalera says...

So how do you draw that ass with that place where your hand cups just right that you can see from the front when those thighs are slightly apart?? You know, comic book super-heroin asses! THAT ass's got to have more than 5 lines!

These asses would look good in a Rubens' painting...of women from Mexico!!

Wonder Woman a short film

LiquidDrift says...

Meh, somebody needs to make a funny video where the hero/heroine gets shot while attacking the nearest badguy. That fight would have lasted about 2 seconds if the guy holding the second pistol opened fire while she was fighting rather than waiting for her to get into a defensive position with the ridiculous cuffs.

"Drugs are bad, m'kay?" - Head of DEA

Is Heroin Worse For Someone's Health Than Marijuana?

scheherazade says...

Problem is this...

Every drug, used IN MODERATION so as to not be harmful, is [by definition] harmless.

You can't answer a "more/less harmful" question in absolute terms, because individual usage patterns will determine the specific 'harm/danger' posed by each substance.

There is no "standard dosage and regiment + standard metabolism + standard body weight" that you can use to compare substances.
You can pick such numbers, but you'd be pulling them out of your butt.

It's obvious she's giving the stock answer that aligns with her agency's official stance. But even if she were to give a "scientific" response, it would not be black and white.

The answer would be "it depends".
"How much Heroine? How much Coke? How regularly used? etc".

This isn't TV. Just like IRL car crashes rarely result in explosions, IRL drug use rarely results in tragedy.

The simplest example is prescription pain killers. Literally variations on heroine. People are given them for broken ribs, etc. They take them for a while, and then they're done. No harm done.
They could have taken heroine in stead, in the same effective dosage and frequency, and had literally the same experience.


Is Heroin Worse For Someone's Health Than Marijuana?

newtboy says...

Complete inability to answer the question(s)...inability to answer yes, no, or I don't know..he should have asked her if SHE is on meth or heroin or prescription drugs, because if not and this is her sober and at her best, she needs to go yesterday.
Drugs are't be bad, MmmmmK? Because that's bad....and you shouldn't be bad. MmmmmK?

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