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Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"

chingalera says...

What gets me and should get everybody mad as hell, is that it took Dr. Guppy here and a so-called news network to rile the alleged intelligentsia as to the 70-plus-year dupe of otherwise practical, common-sense humans. What a fucking ruse. The fact that CNN's latest ratings-blasting segments from Dr. Dickcheese here has the fans of reason gushing proves only that the duping of another generation is still alive and well.

I say we kidnap this tool Gupta and inject him with some black-tar heroin for a few weeks while he's tied to a fucking rusty, mattress-less box spring, then put his paltry ass on-set in front of the cameras...

Krokodil: Russia's Deadliest Drug (NSFW)

15 Things Every Coffee Drinker Should Know

AeroMechanical says...

I'm not seeing the logic to the "works much like heroin" thing. If all that implies is that both are psychoactive drugs, okay, but otherwise they are about as different from each other as can be. Cocaine might have been a better example.

Psychedelic animated anti-drug PSA

vaire2ube says...

wa8it so .. the carrot betrayed him for not passing the doob, and then the aspirin and antibiotic were like, hey.. come with us we are gonna show you some shit... my dude goes hey, im not sure bout this door here... and then heroin zombies grab him to hangout in a closet.

North Korean propaganda about America

Rolling Stones 1964. Rice Krispies Commercial?

Rolling Stones 1964. Rice Krispies Commercial?

Drug 'Krokodil' takes toll on Russian addicts

quantumushroom says...

1) In a perfect world, there'd be no drug use...or pain from which to seek escape. But because this is a world with pain, a trade-off should be preferred where there is no solution (and never will be due to human nature).

2) If two (or three) million out of 142 million people are illegal drug addicts, it's a problem but hardly a crisis.

3) If heroin were cheap and legal, this "new" drug would hardly be bothered with, plus there would be access to clean needles.

SiftDebate: What are the societal benefits to having guns? (Controversy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

As with all things, it's not necessarily a law change that need to happen. Laws don't drive the zeitgeist, the zeitgeist drive laws (or should).

People need to be dissuaded from wanting to have guns. In Europe, people don't really want a gun, and don't even see a need for one. Sure, there are hunters and they have guns, and sure you can get one if you're in a dangerous area with bears and shit, but actually getting a gun is when you're hunted by mafia or something like that and you're desperate. Why would you ever want to walk around with a gun? I don't really get it.

Perhaps people have a fantasy about being a hero, where they shoot the bad guy. Everyone has that as a kid; most kids also grow up.

There's something deeply satisfying about firing a gun - power at your fingertips. Control. Maybe it's a control thing. People don't like to be out of control, with a gun they always have something to fall back on to control the situation.

Maybe it's a macho thing, although women carry guns too. I don't know the statistic of it, but I would imagine more men do than women. Men are intrinsically destructive while women are creative - it's our nature. We men beat up our rivals to gain access to that sweetest fruit of all: peach. Perhaps it's an extension of power; an penis extension. Don't pull the trigger, squeeze it tenderly. You are the gun; look down the aim at your target and fire.

Maybe there's some brain vs brawn in it. I would wager good money that as intelligence goes up, gun ownership goes down. No statistics to back it up, but I'd love to see if it's true. Brains are taking over everything - it's the decade of the Nerd. Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams could get all the girls and gets all the admiration in the big world, while Dick McKickaball failed to make the team and married Candace the exotic dancer his friends hired for him on his 21st birthday. But at least he could shoot JJ Abrams in the face with his 4½ inch death stick.

Society doesn't really gain much from guns does it?

It has its own market and thus gets people to move money around with someone around to skim the top. dft said this in point 2 as well. This could be done for worse stuff though - snuff porn has a market; heroin has a market.

Mutually Assured Destruction is always a fun acronym to throw around. If everyone does eye for an eye, the world will go blind, I've heard somewhere. Probably a shitty western or something.

Feelings of security? If I have a gun, do I feel safer from the people around me that may or may not also have guns? I would feel safer in my home, I think. If I feared home invasions. Home invasions are a weird thing; very rare in europe to the best of my knowledge, even though we don't have guns. Seems like something that would only happen if there was an enormous disparity between poor and rich, making the poor desperate (and lazy) enough to want to do a home invasion. If Brian the Aryan Man-God makes 10 million billion $$ a year, and Rommel the Dirty Mexican doesn't get anything because he has to pay child support off his social security and also cover his meth addication, then the chance of Rommel doing a home invasion is greater than if Rommel makes half of what Brian does. Maybe we need to raise the floor, instead of raising the ceiling on the extrema of wealth to lose the desire of guns.

Maybe it's all of the factors at once, and we have someone like the NRA pushing everyone to want all of them. I want security. I'm afraid. I have a small dick. Home invasions happen all the time. Schools get shot by crazies, I need to defend myself.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There... the demons went away. Guns are your friends.

National Geographic Takes a Generic Stab at DMT

avog0dro says...

So you're saying because they don't copy your exact method of inducing a DMT trip, and live up to your psuedo-enlighted idea of how one should induce their own personal, spiritual journey they.

Glad to see that whole humility lesson you're supposed to take from DMT is working for you. And Ive based DMT off of weed with dozens individuals both creators and users. May not be preferable but it is an option. So lookslike your whole analysis was shot to shit.

Besides them referring to it as a new drug, that was wrong and insipid. As well as their implicit subtle association they made towards it with Crack and Heroine.

Besides that you're being pissy and needlessly judgemental

Fastest way to cross a border patrol checkpoint!

Caffeine!! - Bite Sci-zed

Shards O' Glass Freeze Pops

Jack White - Freedom At 21

Mad Season - River Of Deceit

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