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The Shannara Chronicles-First Look

artician says...

Noooo.... So, I read the hell out of the Shannara novels when I was a kid, and loved them, until someone pointed out the character-for-character format that it took straight from Lord of the Rings (I read Shannara first, and was also too young to notice things like that).
Brooks novels are mediocre facsimile at their greatest points. They can try all they want to compete with Game of Thrones but there isn't a trace of the depth or darkness (or quality) in Shannara.

jeremy scahill lecture-war crimes and drone wars

erlanter says...

The questioning format after the hour mark is pretty efficient. For those lurking, the audience throw several questions out that he then summarizes and answers in bulk. He does this three times, I think, making it easier to review.

Happy 100000th Mile, Van!

Move it - stupid man

charliem says...

Its the section commander (secco) that shouted (highlighted by lucky above), and likely the platoon sergeant (dude in front), or one of the bystanders that said move.

They are well within their rights to command civilians to make way for the drill formation.

It is not a catafalque parade, no such restrictions on keepin yer trap shut exist in normal drill for seccos or platoon sergeants.

If Everything Was Bundled Like Cable

poolcleaner says...

I dunno, thesee big ass companies are getting pretty good at shutting down content, at least for casual surfers. Now there is content available online that requires cable provider login.

I'm not saying the format isn't hurting but the format is ALWAYS changing and shifting, back tracking and then leaping forward. I still listen to the radio and go to the theater and theatre. Live shows? Hell yeah.

Any format is relevant to varying degrees when the same people own and run multiple formats for content: Marvel Television, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Netflix, Marvel comics, Marvel on your iPad, Disney on ice.

Mordhaus said:

It's funny because it's true. However, cable is dying a slow death because people realize you can just get internet and tell them to screw themselves.

True Detective Season 2 - Full Trailer

RedSky says...

It was great, but kinda felt the ending was a bit ... lackluster? I supposed I envisioned a more sophisticated villain. Anyway, high hopes that this series keeps on delivering. The new season, new cast format is a great way to ensure the setting and characters don't go stale.

SevenFingers said:

I honestly thought the first season set the bar too high, now I'm not so sure.

Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?

ChaosEngine says...

Oh christ... do I really have to explain this?

@shinyblurry said "...that means it was intelligently designed."

I was specifically refuting that argument.

"intelligent design" means that something was designed on purpose by a designer, i.e. I want a plane, so I sit down and design the aerodynamics, propulsion, control surfaces, etc so that at the end, I have a means to fly from A to B. If the plane doesn't fly, as a designer, I need to work on it until it does.

A genetic algorithm is not "intelligently designed". The system itself creates the end product, often with no fixed goal or purpose. The designer does not have an input.

So, it's entirely possible that the universe is a computer simulation where a fixed set of constraints were set up at compile time and then left to run.

No specific end goal or purpose, merely to see emergent behaviours, which actually gels pretty well with what we know about the formation of the universe and life.

If you'd like to learn more, I recommend reading Artifical Life by Steven Levy as a good primer on the subject.

On the other hand, if you just want to make snide remarks, I suggest you stick to a topic you actually have a fucking clue about.

Mordhaus said:

Did you even read that link? Artificial intelligence is still an intelligence and, typically, is programmed by an outside entity.

I swear, sometimes it seems like people here argue just for the sake of arguing.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

newtboy says...

A little history can go a long way. They were in the fight by choice 3 years before we were dragged into action, and over 15% of their nation enlisted, over 10% of their nation fought overseas, a higher percentage than the US for much longer. We hardly protected them from the Japanese, they protected and hosted US.
When Japan entered the war in December 1941, the New Zealand Government raised another expeditionary force, known as the 2nd N.Z.E.F. In the Pacific, or 2nd N.Z.E.F. (I.P.), for service with the Allied Pacific Ocean Areas command. This force supplemented existing garrison troops in the South Pacific. The main fighting formation of the 2nd N.Z.E.F. (I.P.) comprised the New Zealand 3rd Division. However, the 3rd Division never fought as a formation; its component brigades became involved in semi-independent actions as part of the Allied forces in the Solomons, Treasury Islands and Green Island.
Eventually, American formations replaced the New Zealand army units in the Pacific, which released personnel for service with the 2nd Division in Italy, or to cover shortages in the civilian labour-force. New Zealand Air Force squadrons and Navy units contributed to the Allied island-hopping campaign.
"The American soldier found himself ‘deep in the heart of the South Seas’, in the words of his army-issue pocket guide. He usually came here either before or immediately after experiencing the horror of war on a Pacific island, and he found a land of milk and honey (literally), of caring mothers and ‘pretty girls’."
"So the ‘American invasion’ (as New Zealanders affectionately called it) brought a considerable clash of cultures. "

Sorry to inconvenience your feelings and expressions of superiority with some facts.

lantern53 said:

Has ChaosEngine left New Zealand? Is he living in the US now? It is remarkable how much time he spends thinking of the US and how awful it is.

Did we invade NZ? I suppose our troops were there during WWII when we were trying to keep the sword-happy Nipponese from playing 'who can lop off the most heads this week' game.

Sorry to inconvenience you.

Turtle tries to get on a log

The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

shang says...

I now know too much about a soda can...

I now have junk data taking up storage space in my brain... I'll eventually have to format and reinstall

Awesome Chemistry Demonstration ...Cos FIRE!

newtboy says...

My original thought was maybe a frozen methane hydrate, it didn't behave like a pure liquid.

-Methane hydrates belong to a group of substances called clathrates – substances in which one molecule type forms a crystal-like cage structure and encloses another type of molecule. If the cage-forming molecule is water, it is called a hydrate. If the molecule trapped in the water cage is a gas, it is a gas hydrate, in this case methane hydrate.
Methane hydrates can only form under very specific physical, chemical and geological conditions. High water pressures and low temperatures provide the best conditions for methane hydrate formation.

AeroMechanical said:

I dunno that I buy the liquid methane claim. Maybe in part, and on review whatever it is is clearly extremely cold, but that much of it seems like it would be incredibly dangerous to set alight. Could you dilute it with something non-reactive that has a similar boiling point? Argon?

Dammit, where are all the sift chemistry experts when we need them?

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

1). So the answer is, YES, it is "failing" to indicate page numbers.
Clicking the arrow works, but it is supposed to indicate page numbers.
Example.: on the "Newest Video" page. there are page numbers.
on the "upcoming videos" page - no page numbers.

2). sure okay - It seems to be working now, as you say. I may have been mistaking individual pages with the featured video page which shows the video on the old format. It's distracting jumping back and forth. but I see what you are saying.

3). just doesn't work for me. (as I commented above.)

Thanks for your help though. They may be very little things, but as the SIFT grows and becomes more complex, inconsistencies become more noticeable.

eric3579 said:

Is there a defect with the mechanism?
-No there is not

1). The Sift IS failing to indicate additional pages, I've noticed this quite a bit lately.
-No thats not true. It does but the last page is not a page number but an arrow thingy.

2). I've also noticed that the sift pages can't decide if they want to use the new format or the old one. I seem to get them both randomly on each page - no pattern that I've noticed. This tends to confuse how we are seeing things.
-NO, it works as intended and. New format when viewing individual videos. All other pages old style. Also you can opt out of new format if you would like(bottom of the page)

3). The information that used to be at the bottom of the page, which indicated who has up-voted or down-voted is missing. We can no longer tell who has voted in which direction.
-Newt answered above.

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Is there a defect with the mechanism?
-No there is not

1). The Sift IS failing to indicate additional pages, I've noticed this quite a bit lately.
-No thats not true. It does but the last page is not a page number but an arrow thingy.

2). I've also noticed that the sift pages can't decide if they want to use the new format or the old one. I seem to get them both randomly on each page - no pattern that I've noticed. This tends to confuse how we are seeing things.
-NO, it works as intended. New format when viewing individual videos. All other pages old style. Also you can opt out of new format if you would like(bottom of the page)

3). The information that used to be at the bottom of the page, which indicated who has up-voted or down-voted is missing. We can no longer tell who has voted in which direction.
-Newt answered above.

Sagemind said:

Is there a defect with the mechanism?
1). The Sift IS failing to indicate additional pages, I've noticed this quite a bit lately.
2). I've also noticed that the sift pages can't decide if they want to use the new format or the old one. I seem to get them both randomly on each page - no pattern that I've noticed. This tends to confuse how we are seeing things.
3). The information that used to be at the bottom of the page, which indicated who has up-voted or down-voted is missing. We can no longer tell who has voted in which direction.

why is my video getting buried (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Wow, this is out of hand.

(correct me if I'm wrong here)
I think:
- @billpayer posted a video that was calling out racism where it was not.
- He received a down-vote.
- He failed to be able to find his post afterwards.
- Instead of contacting @lucky760 to see if there was a glitch, he killed and re-posted.
- He was accused of doing something unethical to cover-up a down-vote.
- Then people proceeded to down-vote where, they may have normally just not-voted.

Then a whole pile of other accusations, and in-fighting started.

So, lets get to the problem here.
Is there a defect with the mechanism?
1). The Sift IS failing to indicate additional pages, I've noticed this quite a bit lately.
2). I've also noticed that the sift pages can't decide if they want to use the new format or the old one. I seem to get them both randomly on each page - no pattern that I've noticed. This tends to confuse how we are seeing things.
3). The information that used to be at the bottom of the page, which indicated who has up-voted or down-voted is missing. We can no longer tell who has voted in which direction.

Is Obamacare Working?

heropsycho says...

You make words like caveman!

YOU are the one being asinineningly stupid with ideologically rigid statements that simply do not match historical fact. I don't consider governmental involvement in society inherently good or bad. It can hurt; it can help. I never claimed any utopia whenever government gets involved. There are no easy answers. You said the private sector is ALWAYS better. That is absolutely ridiculous, and easily refutable.

You just said before that if you are dependent on government, than you have no self pride, and weren't brought up well. So I blew that idiotic argument out of the water by simply proving how you are dependent on government. Now you change your thesis to this chestnut - it's only good for government to do anything if it corrects a horrific problem within the private sector.

And this is also total utter complete bullcrap.

Tell me - what change in the last 150 years made the biggest change in literacy rates in the US? Compulsory education laws in conjunction with the formation of the public school system. Absolutely, without question, this is the case. You can complain all you want about the public school system today, but there is no denying the impact they had on making society more skilled and knowledgeable, and they were governmental institutions by enlarge, and still are today. This came about during the banning of child labor, but it goes well beyond outlawing gross negligence in the private sector, yet, it was absolutely a big net positive for society.

See? It's really not hard to find examples to kill delusions formed by ideological rigidness. You just have to not be so insanely blind, that you miss obvious historical examples of these kinds of things.

And once again, I NEVER said governmental intervention is always good. You however DID say that private sector solutions are always better, when they clearly aren't always better, and that anyone who depends on the government for anything lacks self pride.

And you're dead wrong. Even your analysis of the ACA is idiotic. If Obamacare is government overreach, and government overreach is what causes prices to go up, why then did cost increases slow as ACA came online? Why do so many countries with larger government overreach in the form of universal single payer health care have lower costs than we do? Mind you that I am NOT saying their health systems are better, but it's an absolute fact they cost less than ours.

You're full of crap!

bobknight33 said:

You dumb like newtboy.

Heathcare was free market before the war. Employers started to add it as a benefit to attract workers during the war.

Government oversight from gross market abuse is fine. But the government has been grossly overreaching its powers over the the last 50 years or so.

ACA is a perfect example of gross overreach.

Heathcare is not market controlled - government regulations have driven costs up over the last decades.

I work at many hospitals and a new outpatient clinic was opened and was dead empty - It had been opened for few months. I talked to the administrator and she indicated that many more patients are paying cash and not using insurance. I asked if they market their prices. She indicated that it was illegal to do that.

If pricing was posted and advertise and peopled started paying directly with only using insurance for the big stuff then competition would come in and drive costs down. Government does not drive down costs or wring out excess capacity.

Quit being delusional with government control as a utopia for all.

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