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House Of Dodge

MonkeySpank says...

Same here, the new show is barely palatable. I hope this drift slowly back into the Colbert Report format, and for crying out loud, get rid of that sideshow/band!

MilkmanDan said:

"If that's the standard, then congress is loaded with quality candidates."

...I haven't been real keen on Colbert on the late show yet, but maybe that line marks a turning point. Genius, comedy gold!

This Mountain - Samsung 4K Challenge winner by Evan Mann

ant says...

4K? I only see 1280x720? Am I missing something?

$ youtube-dl -F
[vimeo] 137643135: Downloading webpage
[vimeo] 137643135: Extracting information
[vimeo] 137643135: Downloading webpage
[info] Available formats for 137643135:
format code extension resolution note
h264-mobile mp4 480x270
h264-sd mp4 640x360
h264-hd mp4 1280x720 (best)

Welcome To The First Church Of Cannabis

artician says...

I might start watching (downloading) this just because I can't believe this is the new face of late night.
I keep thinking there's something going on, like a contention between his wishes and the networks, or that someone is completely out of ideas for new material and this is a failure in action, but this might be instead that the people involved went to him and said "Make the 'Colbert Report' as the new late night staple." They actually want to introduce that format out as the new norm, which is pretty cool and crazy to think about.

Rocket II Trike - Jay Leno's Garage

Lendl (Member Profile)

Lendl (Member Profile)

eric3579 says...

You can go back to using the old format if you like. At the bottom of the pages of the new format there is a place to 'opt out'.

Lendl said:

Obviously I didn't read the description. I blame the new format.

Lendl (Member Profile)

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

Dallas-Fort Worth Garage Door Repair & Gate Repair

Jono Lester passes 27 cars in the final 6 laps @Clipsal 500

oritteropo says...

The full coverage explains that. This is a handicap series, where professional drivers and faster cars compete against amateurs and slower cars.

As a professional driver in clearly the fastest car in the field, Jono Lester was awarded a whopping 57 second pit stop.

He might even have still managed to win, except that there was a safety car just as the pit window opened and although some cars pitted straight away he didn't.

It was still fairly close

One other thing to point out is that the series format did help with the overtaking, since some of the drivers weren't used to such long races on a street circuit and would have been getting tired at the end (and therefore didn't put up much of a fight).

lucky760 said:

I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

Can't help wondering: If he's so freaking fast, why was he so far behind to start with? He made it seem so easy to pass all those other automobiles.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

notarobot says...

I disabled beta because I could not easily find a way to access the playlists menu, which I still use. I eventually found it hiding waaay up in the corner next to the tiny favourite <3, and the tiny video length time, and tiny view count.
I don't know why these elements are separate from other information like channels and tags. It makes no sense to me to separate them.

The top bar should be for things that are standard across the sift. Putting video specific information up there breaks the hierarchy.

On the front page each video does not have uniform space. If a video is Long, the tag is inserted there, creating more space between the Long video and the next when scrolling down. Short/Long/NSFW tags shouldn't mess with formatting like this.

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Front Page (Sift Talk Post)

Bruti79 says...

I don't deal well with change. =)

In all seriousness, I do miss the single column. The new format feels like I'm looking at too much at the same time. That's just how I see, I also don't like change. =)

Hans Rosling schools a TV journalist on how to do his job.

kayuza says...

poorly-structured interview. a better format for the interview would have been the professor taking the initiative to resolve the issue with the danish reporters, then explaining how he enhanced their reporting techniques, leading to new reporting trends. leaving it at "you are wrong" is fine as an indicator for change, but solves nothing

Jon Stewart Trashes CNN on 'Larry King Live'

ChaosEngine says...

No, you're absolutely right

I pay attention to what you and others on this site say because I've read what you've written in the past, and I think there are some smart people here who have interesting things to say.

But we can get in depth here. It's not just a soundbite; it's a discussion where people are forced to defend their arguments.

That just doesn't work with a tweet on a news show. It doesn't add anything to the conversation.

Especially with complex topics.

I couldn't care less what Joe Public thinks about climate change/ universal healthcare / GMOs. Get me someone educated. Sure, we can discuss it after, but on a limited time format, it's just noise.

Lawdeedaw said:

We say that about you every day... Just kidding Chaos; couldn't agree with you more

6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

artician says...

Yeah I didn't get any real information out of this. I want to view and respond to bobknights videos because I see value in experiencing viewpoints other than my own, but its difficult when the format feels about the same as someones youtube opinion. "Opinions" are helpful for finding your own point of view, but they're inherently worthless as news.

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