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Disguised Jeff Gordon Takes Car Sale Person For A Test Drive

Disguised Jeff Gordon Takes Car Sale Person For A Test Drive

Sagemind says...

It was a complete set up and prank - The salesman was NOT in on the prank. I'm going to call this REAL!!

"...But the incident wasn’t as spontaneous as it appeared. According to the owner of the car dealership where the video was filmed the setup started long before Steve met Gordon. It was also reveled that the actual car used didn’t belong to the dealership.
Jeff Gordon and Pepsi MAX go to a car dealership where a disguised Jeff Gordon takes an unsuspecting car salesman on the test drive of his life. #GordonTestDrive
Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon Present: "Test Drive"

“We started early in the morning,” dealership owner Wayne Troutman said in an interview with the syndicated show ‘RightThisMinute’. “Probably 6:30 in the morning that they did that video and they were there until dark that night. They supplied the car it was a very high performance car since they knew they would be going with some special tricks with that one."

Troutman praised his unknowing salesperson Steve.

"He did a great job,” Troutman said. “He fell right in to it and a lot of his reactions were very realistic because they were. Once he realized he'd been punked he settled down, but he was really hot when he came back in as you could see from the video. In fact he actually went out on another normal ride with Jeff.”

In fact Troutman added that Gordon himself had a great deal of involvement with the project.

"Jeff had a lot of input in this,” he said. “Not only to the car that was selected to the disguise to the…he actually tried to ahead of time pick the salesman he thought would be the best one to try to pull the prank on. We actually loaned Jeff a 1998 Chevy Venture Van to ride in so he looked like he was another normal North Carolina redneck."

Disguised Jeff Gordon Takes Car Sale Person For A Test Drive

Sagemind says...

"The video, which is promoting Pepsi Max, features NASCAR racer Jeff Gordon in disguise taking a test drive of a new Camaro.

Gordon takes the salesman for a wild ride through the Troutman Motors lot, into Philip Morris, including racing along the top of a loading dock.

Racer Brad Noffsinger, who works with the Richard Petty Driving Experience, did the stunt work for the production.

The video was produced by Gifted You, a division of Will Ferrell’s Funny or Die company. About 75 people were employed during the shooting of the video."

-Several sources.

Walking With High Heels Is An Artform

Group Work Kills Creativity & Brainstorming Doesn't Work

VoodooV says...

I agree. Fun video, but maybe it's because that I am fundamentally an introvert no matter how well I try to disguise it, but the whole thing felt like a huge DUH! to me.

So you're telling me that collaboration isn't always good? Sometimes you have to work alone? No shit sherlock! What's that? striking some sort of balance between collaboration and independent work is preferable to mindlessly succumbing to group think? Common sense much?

problem is, certain people will see this and take it too far and use it as a justification for Ayn Rand's philosophies and legitimize selfishness

A balance has to be struck. There is value in individualism and there is value in collaboration. just have to find the right mix and it's not always going to be the same mix.

TYT - Drone Strikes - Is Rand Paul a Constitutional Hero?

chingalera says...

Rather, agenda-oriented assholes attempting to fast-track any legislation which gives them more power and control of every aspect of a human's life. We have a President who's an obvious shill working according to his principles-(I.E. principle agents)

Hope Rand wins his party's nom. If he runs....Don't expect him to be treated with any more respect or air-time than his retired father, though....

What you may expect though, is another charade disguised as an election, and another piece of human garbage spending record amounts of money to brainwash a willing, retarded, and developmentally-disabled generation of so-called voters.

Harzzach said:

Kill people around the world? Pfft, I dont care. Bloody terrorists. Kill an american? NOOOOOOOO!

Selfcentered assholes!

Dalmatian Puppies Mob A Jar Of Peanut Butter

Califormia School District Buys Guns To Protect Their Stuff

Khufu says...

I'm sorry, you might be a really great guy in person, but your posts sound like you're really saying nothing but school-yard, redneck insults that have been not-so-cleverly disguised as intelligent by frequent visits to

chingalera said:

That's right, smugly. It's also your responsibility to remove your own head from your own ass. I may have confounded you and others with the motivation for this post but I am not responsible for the effortless contortions it took for you to arrive nose-to -nose with your own sigmoid.

Romney Asked 14 Times if he'd De-fund FEMA

KnivesOut says...

IF Romney is elected? What happened to ROMNEY LANDSLIDE?

I think you may be a RINO in disguise.>> ^quantumushroom:

The question about FEMA is moot.
Little to nothing ever gets cut in these federal bureaucracies, any cuts are more like a single theatrical scratch. It doesn't matter which side is in charge.
The federal mafia grows every goddamned year whether it needs to or not. It's mandated.
We can argue all night about FEMA, which is just the Post Office with a life preserver, Band-Aid and bottle of water, it won't make a whit of difference.
Here's some other ways your tax dollars are being spent:
$2.6 Million Spent To Train Chinese Prostitutes To Drink Responsibly
$1,529,220 for an Appalachian Fruit Lab.
$742,764 for olive fruit fly research. ($211,509 of this amount was to be spent in Paris, France)
$172,782 for the National Wild Turkey Federation in Edgefield, S.C.
$1,128,000 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Alaska Eagle River for an at-risk youth mentoring program.
$50,000,000 for REAL ID grants. Got to be sure to track and trace those unruly American citizens!
$123,050 for a Mother's Day Shrine in Grafton, West Virginia (population 5,489, with a land area of 3.8 square miles)

Revolution is coming, now it's only a question of when...less than 10 years if Romney is elected, less than 4 if the other guy squeaks in.


Jinx says...

No 47! You're disguised as the fluffer!

oh, and remember that guy is like, head of a child pornography ring or something. He's the bad guy. Its a shame you had to kill all those innocent people to get to him though.

Which Was The Ugliest 1st Lady in U.S. Presidential History (User Poll by chingalera)

chingalera says...

Ida McKinley makes an adorable schoolboy in a dress. She looks like she hadda proclivity for energized banter.....Bet she talked really fast! I need to take her off the ugly list. Hell, look to long at Jackie O's face(one of the MOST photographed) and it starts to turn creepy.

No plain-jane girl-next-doors in this bunch-A few come close though, most could gain employ as dock workers with little or no disguise save men's garments

Obama On The Tax Plan

KnivesOut says...

I did, I was specifically agreeing with and expounding on the "We don't need a fair tax rate" statement. Maybe I misunderstood, if you're saying that a 9% is a fair tax, then I disagree with you, for the reasons I gave in my reply.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^KnivesOut:
@xxovercastxx agreed 9% of income when your gross is $25,000 is a lot more of a sacrifice than 9% when your gross is $250,000. The whole "flat tax" approach is another thinly-disguised attempt to shift the tax burden downward.

Thanks for being so agreeable but it appears you didn't actually read my comment.

Obama On The Tax Plan

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

@xxovercastxx agreed 9% of income when your gross is $25,000 is a lot more of a sacrifice than 9% when your gross is $250,000. The whole "flat tax" approach is another thinly-disguised attempt to shift the tax burden downward.

Thanks for being so agreeable but it appears you didn't actually read my comment.

Obama On The Tax Plan

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